

Studies on Mechanism of Degradation of Paddy Field Ecosystem Due to Unreasonable Fertilization and It’s Restoring Effects

【作者】 陈建国

【导师】 张杨珠; 曾希柏;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 植物营养学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 为了探明不合理施肥导致的稻田生态系统的退化机理及针对不合理施肥导致的退化稻田生态系统的修复技术,开展了以下3方面的研究:第一,利用设立在不同水稻土条件下的长期定位施肥肥效监测试验,研究各种施肥模式下稻田土壤肥力质量的演变规律;第二,通过盆栽试验,以湖南具有代表性的健康水稻土——红黄泥和河潮泥为供试土壤,研究了不合理施肥引起的稻田生态系统退化的动力学特征;第二,通过盆栽试验,研究了不同施肥措施对因长期缺施氮磷钾肥、长期缺施磷肥、长期缺施钾肥导致的退化水稻土的修复效应。所得主要研究结果如下。长期不同施肥定位试验结果证明:(1)长期不施肥使土壤全量氮磷钾、有效态氮磷钾含量下降,而施用化肥、有机肥则会提高土壤全量氮磷钾、有效态氮磷钾含量上升,且增施有机肥促进全量和有效态氮磷钾养分的增加。(2)与长期不施肥比较,长期施肥处理使含钙相对较低的黄泥田、河沙泥、红黄泥中交换性钙含量显著提高,尤以OM3O处理的效果最明显;使含钙较高的青灰泥、白鳝泥、紫潮泥中交换性钙含量显著降低,尤以NPK处理降低最明显。而长期施肥处理使含镁较多的黄泥田、河沙泥、青灰泥、白鳝泥、紫潮泥的交换性镁下降,而使含镁较少的红黄泥交换性镁含量显著上升。NPK处理使含硫较高的黄泥田、青灰泥、白鳝泥、紫潮泥有效硫含量升高,使含硫较低的红黄泥有效硫含量降低;OM3O、OM6O使所有试验水稻土有效硫含量升高。施用钙镁磷肥和有机肥能够提高土壤有效硅含量。(3)与长期不施肥比较,长期施肥使黄泥田、红黄泥、河沙泥有效硼含量升高,而对青灰泥、白鳝泥、紫潮泥有效硼影响不明显;长期NPK处理使土壤有效铜含量降低,而长期配施有机肥使土壤有效铜升高;施肥使黄泥田、河沙泥、青灰泥、白鳝泥土壤有效铁含量升高,使红黄泥、紫潮泥土壤有效铁含量较低;除新化河沙泥外,长期有机无机肥配合施用使供试土壤有效锌含量升高,而长期NPK处理使含锌较高的黄泥田、河沙泥、青灰泥土壤有效锌含量降低,使含锌较低的红黄泥、白鳝泥、紫潮泥土壤有效锌含量升高;除使紫潮泥、新化的河沙泥有效锰含量显著升高外,长期NPK处理对其他供试土壤有效锰影响不显著,而长期有机无机肥配合施用使河沙泥、紫潮泥有效锰含量显著提高,红黄泥、白鳝泥有效锰含量显著降低,但对青灰泥、黄泥田有效锰影响不显著。(4)长期NPK处理对土壤的阳离子交换量影响不大,而长期配施有机肥处理明显增大土壤的阳离子交换量,且随着有机肥施用量的增加,土壤CEC值均增加。(5)NPK处理提高红黄泥(临澧点)、青灰泥(武岗点)中粘粒含量,降低其他土壤中粘粒含量;OM3O降低青灰泥(武岗点)和紫潮泥(南县点)粘粒含量,提高其他土壤中粘粒含量;OM6O提高黄泥田(桃江点)和河沙泥(宁乡点)中粘粒含量提高,降低其他土壤中粘粒含量。施肥对粉粒的影响与对粘粒相反。(6)NPK提高黄泥田(桃江点)、河沙泥(宁乡点)、青灰泥(武岗点)、紫潮泥(南县点)细砂粒含量,降低红黄泥、河沙泥、白鳝泥中细砂粒含量。OM3O提高黄泥田(桃江点)、河沙泥(宁乡点)、红黄泥(临澧点)、紫潮泥(南县点)中细砂粒含量,降低河沙泥(新化点)、白鳝泥、青灰泥中细砂粒含量;OM6O提高河沙泥(宁乡点)中细砂粒含量,降低其余土壤中细砂粒含量。施肥对粗砂粒的影响与之相反。(7)供试土壤小于20um的颗粒中,河沙泥(宁乡点)以高岭石为主,水云母其次,其他土壤均以水云母为主,高岭石其次,1.4nm矿物最少。不同处理之间,白鳝泥中CK处理水云母含量与NPK处理接近,比OM6O显著降低;其他土壤中CK处理使小于20um的土壤颗粒中水云母含量明显高于NPK、OM6O处理或与NPK、OM6O处理相近。各供试土壤NPK处理的高岭石、1.4nm矿物含量的变化与水云母呈相反趋势。不合理施肥引起的稻田生态系统退化的动力学特征是:(1)重施氮肥首先使水稻植株生长受阻,同时改变土壤微生物种群结构,从而直接使水稻产量降低,稻田土壤生产力受损,并产生一系列不良次级反应:水稻生理活动减弱减少了根系分泌量,同时也降低了土壤Eh,使稻田土壤细菌、放线菌数量降低,MBC、MBN以及MBP含量下降,微生物保肥、供肥能力降低,从而土壤微生物生态系统功能弱化。与此同时,由于水稻对氮肥的利用效率下降,氮素流失加重,对环境产生严重影响。(2)重施有机肥由于氮磷钾养分供给平缓,水稻生长并未受阻,稻谷产量稳定,土壤有效N、P、K养分以及有机质含量稳步提高;同时,水稻的正常生长以及有机肥的输入提高了土壤微生物数量及微生物生物量C、N、P含量,增强了土壤微生物活度,从而强化了土壤微生物有效养分库的功能。但有机肥的过量输入使土壤中水溶性大、中、微量养分含量迅速增加,加速了水稻土大、中、微量养分的流失,并对环境造成严重危害。(3)不施肥处理由于土壤氮磷钾养分耗竭,水稻生长受阻,生物量小,根系分泌量少,微生物数量及微生物生物量C、N、P含量降低,微生物生态系统功能下降,土壤肥力降低。但因为土壤养分耗竭,大中微量养分的流失程度很小,全部都在安全范围内。不同施肥技术对长期缺肥水稻土的修复效应是:通过平衡施肥,水稻正常生长,一方面提高了水稻产量,另一方面也使土壤微生物生态系统形成良性循环:由于水稻生理活动旺盛,其根系分泌量大,泌氧多,土壤微生物数量、微生物活度以及微生物生物量C、N、P显著提高,从而强化了微生物的保肥供肥能力,增强了土壤微生物生态系统功能。从土壤肥力和微生物生态系统质量的修复效果看,各施肥处理皆显著提高土壤有机质、有效态氮磷钾含量以及微生物有益特征指标,尤以水稻专用肥配施有机肥(ZYM)处理综合效果最佳。从养分流失看,修复处理大、中、微量养分流失虽比不施肥处理加重,但修复处理下水稻一生中大部分时段养分流失仍维持在安全范围内,其中以ZYM处理流失程度最轻。不同施肥技术对长期缺施钾肥水稻土的修复效应是:通过补施钾肥及有机肥的平衡施肥措施,水稻正常生长,一方面提高了水稻产量,另一方面也使土壤微生物生态系统形成良性循环:由于水稻生理活动旺盛,其根系分泌量大,泌氧多,各修复处理下稻田土壤细菌数量、微生物活度、MBC、MBP及MBN含量显著提高,从而强化了微生物的保肥供肥能力,增强了微生物生态系统功能。从土壤肥力和微生物生态系统质量的修复效果看,各修复处理皆显著提高速效钾含量以及微生物有益特征指标,其中以NPKSi、NPhKM处理综合效果最佳。从养分流失看,修复处理大、中、微量元素养分流失虽比不施钾肥处理加重,但修复处理下水稻一生中大部分时段养分流失仍维持在安全范围内,其中以NPKSi、NPKM处理流失程度最轻。不同施肥技术对长期缺施磷肥水稻土的修复效应是:通过补施磷肥及有机肥的平衡施肥措施,水稻正常生长,一方面提高了水稻产量,另一方面也使土壤微生物生态系统形成良性循环:由于水稻生理活动旺盛,其根系分泌量大,泌氧多,各修复处理下稻田土壤细菌数量、MBP及MBN含量显著提高,从而强化了土壤微生物的保肥供肥能力,增强了土壤微生物生态系统功能。从土壤肥力和微生物生态系统质量的修复效果看,各修复处理皆显著提高有效磷含量以及微生物有益特征指标,其中以增施磷肥配施有机肥(NKhPM)处理综合效果最佳。从养分流失看,修复处理大、中、微量元素养分流失虽比不施钾肥处理加重,但修复处理下水稻一生中大部分时段养分流失仍维持在安全范围内,其中以NKhPM处理流失程度最轻。基于以上的修复效果,建议缺肥土壤的修复以施用水稻专用肥及适量的有机肥为佳,缺钾稻田土壤的修复以平衡施肥配施硅肥及适量的有机肥为佳,缺磷稻田土壤的修复以增施磷肥及适量的有机肥为佳。

【Abstract】 The degradation of paddyfield ecosystem due to unreasonable fertilization is becoming a serious problem which may impact the rural economy and sustainable agriculture. To prove up the mechanism of paddyfield ecosystem’s degradation and the techniques for restoring paddyfield ecosystem degraded, a studying task was set up with three aspects: the first was the experiment that carried out under unreasonable fertilization; the second was ones for restoring paddy soils’ degradation due to either deficiency of all of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium, or deficiency of phosphorous, or deficiency of potassium; the last was to study the regularity of paddy soil quality’s change under various fertilization based on seven experimental sites in Hunan province for long time. The main results were summarized as follows.The results of long term fertilization experiment with various fertilizations are as follows. (1) The contents of total and available nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium under CK (deficiency of fertilizer) were decreased, and that under application of chemical fertilizer and organic manure were increased. Application of organic manure could enhance the content of total and available nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. (2) The contents of exchangeable calcium were increased significantly under fertilization treatments, in which the order for increasing exchangeable Ca value in the same soil was: OM30> OM60> NPK> CK, in Yellow clayey earth, Alluvial sandy earth, and Reddish yellow clayey earth, in which content of calcium was less; contrarily, the contents under CK in Blue gray clayey earth, whitish clayey earth, and Purple tidal clayey earth, in which contents of calcium was more, were much higher than that under NPK, OM30, and OM60, in which the exchangeable Ca value negatively correlated to the amount of organic manure applied. The contents of exchangeable magnesium under fertilization treatments decreased in Purple tidal clayey earth, Blue gray clayey earth, Alluvial sandy earth, Yellow clayey earth, and Whitish clayey earth, but increased significantly in Reddish yellow clayey earth. The contents of available sulfur under NPK treatment were more than that under CK in Purple tidal clayey earth, Blue gray clayey earth, Yellow clayey earth, and Whitish clayey earth, which have a high sulfur concentration, and less in Alluvial sandy earth and Reddish yellow clayey earth which have a low sulfur concentration; however, the contents of available sulfur under OM30 and OM60 were increased in all the experimental soils. The contents of available silicon also rose under fertilization treatments in all experimental soils. (3) Compared with CK, the contents of available B, available Cu, and available Zn in the paddy soils under fertilization treatments are either increased through freeing the trace elements from which fixed in soil by increasing organic matter and inputting B, Cu, and Zn with long term fertilization, or decreased through the plants with larger biomass taking in more available B, Cu, and Zn under NPK treatment for long term; the contents of available Fe and Mn rise with the Eh and pH declining in paddy soils and inputting Fe and Mn for fertilizing with organic manure, decline with pH rising and organic matter’s adsorption intensifying. (4) The values of CEC were enhanced in various test soil as the amount of organic manure applied increasing. (5) The contents of clay particle were increased in Reddish yellow clay earth and Blue clay earth, and decreased in the other test soils under NPK treatment. Under OM30 treatment, the contents of clay particle were decreased in Blue clay earth and Purple tidal earth, and increased in the other test soils. Under OM60 treatment, the contents of clay particle were enhanced in Yellow clay earth and Alluvial sandy earth, declined in the other test soils. The change of silt content was just reverse. (6) Under NPK treatment, the contents of fine sand were increased in Yellow clay earth, Blue clay earth, Alluvial sandy earth, and Purple tidal clay earth, and decreased in Reddish clay earth and Whitish clay earth. Under OM30 treatment, the contents of fine sand were increased in Yellow clay earth, Alluvial sand earth, Reddish yellow clay earth, and Purple tidal clay earth, decreased in rest test soils. Under OM60 treatment, the content of fine sand in Alluvial sand earth (Lingxiang site) increased, decreased in the rest test soils. The change of coarse grain content was just reverse. (7) In the soil particle which size less than 20 urn, the order of content of various clay mineral was: illite > kaolilite > 1.4nm mineral, in all of experimental soil except Alluvial sandy earth in Linxiang which order of that was: kaolilite> illite> 1.4nm mineral. The contents of illite in soils under CK treatment were higher than that under NPK and OM60 treatment except Whitish clay earth, in which the order of treatment for content of illite increasing was: OM60> NPK> CK. The content of kaolilite and 1.4nm mineral were changed in a reverse trend as illite were in various type of paddy soil.The kinetics of degradation of healthy paddyfield ecosystem due to unreasonable fertilization are as follows. (1) The rice growth was interfered and the structure of microbe population was altered through applying excessive nitrogen fertilizer, while the yield of rice was decreased later and the secretion was reduced from rice root, which induced the Eh and the quantities of Bacterium and Actinomycetes declining, and the contents of MBC, MBN, MBP low in the soil. All of that made the capacity of accommodating nutrient weak in microbe ecosystem. At the same time, the environment of paddy field was impacted severely due to leaching loss of N nutrient because of low utilization efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer. (2) Application of excessive organic manure did not interfere the rice growth and the structure of microbe population because of it’s releasing N, P, and K nutrition mildly. As a result, the rice yield stabilized, and the content of organic matter, available N, P, and K increased gradually. On the other hand, the quantities of microbe and the content of MBC, MBN, and MBP rose, and the value of microbial activity were higher due to rice growing normally and inputting organic manure. However, leaching loss of macronutrient, secondary element nutrient, and micronutrient intensified due to the concentration of dissolved of all the nutrient increasing after inputting excessive organic manure. (3) Under deficiency of fertilizer, the rice grew slowly and the biomass was less than that under other treatments due to exhaustion of nutrient in soil. As a result of that, the quantities of microbe and the content of MBC, MBN, and MBP decreased in the soil. However, the leaching loss of various nutrient was lower than that under other fertilization treatments and confined in range of permission.The restoring effects of various fertilizations on the degraded paddy soils with deficiency of N, P, and K nutrients are as follows. The rice growing normally through balanced fertilization induced the rice yield increasing and forming a benign circulation among the paddy soil microbe ecosystem: the quantity of microbe, the microbial activity, and the content of MBC, MBN, and MBP increased significantly due to large amount of secretion and oxygen from rice root. So the capacity of accommodating nutrition in microbe ecosystem was strengthened, and the function of microbe ecosystem in paddy soil was enhanced. All of the restoring treatments increased the content of organic matter, available nitrogen, available phosphorous, available potassium, and the beneficial values of microbial character, especially, the ZYM had the best effects in all of treatments. Although the leaching loss of nutrient in restoring treatments were severer slightly than CK (deficiency of fertilizer) in the initial stage of rice growth, the concentration of various nutrient in leaching water was confined in safety to environment in most parts of period of rice duration, and under ZYM the value of the concentrations in leaching water was the lowest.The restoring effects of various fertilizations on the degraded paddy soils with deficiency of K fertilizer are as follows. The rice growing normally through adding potassium fertilizer and organic manure induced the rice yield increasing and forming a benign circulation among the paddy soil microbe ecosystem: the quantity of microbe, the microbial activity, and the content of MBC, MBN, and MBP increased significantly due to large amount of secretion and oxygen from rice root. So the capacity of accommodating nutrition in microbe ecosystem was strengthened, and the function of microbe ecosystem in paddy soil was enhanced. All of the restoring treatments increased the content of organic matter, available nitrogen, available phosphorous, available potassium, and the beneficial values of microbial character, especially, the NPhKM had the best effects in all treatments. Although the leaching loss of nutrient in restoring treatments were severer slightly than CK (deficiency of potassium fertilizer) in the initial stage of rice growth, the concentration of various nutrient in leaching water was confined in safety to environment in most parts of period of rice duration, and under NPKSi and NPKM the value of the concentration in leaching water was the lowest.The restoring effects of various fertilizations on the degraded paddy soils with deficiency of phosphorous fertilizer are as follows. The rice growing normally through adding phosphorous fertilizer and organic manure induced the rice yield increasing and forming a benign circulation among the paddy soil microbe ecosystem: the quantity of microbe, the microbial activity, and the content of MBC, MBN, and MBP increased significantly due to large amount of secretion and oxygen from rice root. So the capacity of accommodating nutrition in microbe ecosystem was strengthened, and the function of microbe ecosystem in paddy soil was enhanced. All of the restoring treatments increased the content of organic matter, available nitrogen, available phosphorous, available potassium, and the beneficial values of microbial character, especially, the NKhPM had the best effects in all treatments. Although the leaching loss of nutrient in restoring treatments were severer than CK (deficiency of phosphorous fertilizer) in the initial stage of rice growth, the concentration of various nutrient in leaching water was confined in safety to environment in most parts of period of rice duration, and under NKhPM the value of the concentration in leaching water was the lowest.Based on all the restoring effects, the treatment to restore paddy soil with deficiency of fertilizer should be chosen to apply rice special fertilizer and reasonable amount of organic manure, the treatment to restore paddy soil with deficiency of potassium fertilizer should be chosen to add reasonable amount of potassium fertilizer and organic manure, and the treatment to restore paddy soil with deficiency of phosphorous fertilizer should be chosen to apply more phosphorous fertilizer and reasonable amount of organic manure.


