

Biological Characteristics for High-yielded and Efficient Production of Cotton Transplants from Floating Nursing Seedling in Nutrient Water-bed

【作者】 熊格生

【导师】 陈金湘;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 作物学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 湖南农业大学棉花研究所在国内外棉花、烟草、蔬菜和花卉育苗方法的基础上创建了一项新的棉花育苗移栽方法——棉花营养液漂浮育苗技术。该育苗技术通过采用多孔聚乙烯泡沫育苗盘为载体,以混配基质为支撑,以营养液水体为苗床进行漂浮育苗,能使优良棉种的出苗率超过95%,成苗率达到90%以上,移栽后易成活,与其它育苗移栽方式相比具有省工、省力、节本和增产等优点。本研究以农杂66为试验材料,从棉花不同生长发育时期的植物形态学、生理生化特征以及产量形成等方面对营养液漂浮育苗的移栽方式及在大田生产表现进行详细的研究,以阐明营养液漂浮育苗移栽棉高效栽培及高产形成的生物学基础,为新型棉花育苗移栽技术的推广应用提供理论基础。1营养液漂浮育苗移栽前后棉株形态和生理生化特性分析通过田间移栽试验表明,营养液漂浮育苗棉苗适宜的移栽苗龄为2叶1心至4叶1心,最佳的移栽苗龄为3叶1心。以营养钵育苗方法为对照,对处于3叶1心时期棉苗移栽前和移栽至大田30 d后的形态特征比较分析表明,营养液漂浮法育成苗棉苗在移栽前的茎叶鲜重、茎叶干重、根冠比高于对照;移栽至大田后,则明显低于对照;而棉苗的根系鲜重、根系干重、根体积、根长、主根长、根半径、根表面积和一、二级侧根数及叶面积于移栽前和移栽至大田后均高于对照。可见,营养液漂浮法育成的棉苗根系发达,移栽至大田后能更好的促进根的生长。对棉苗移栽前后的生理生化分析发现,营养液漂浮育苗棉苗的根系TTC还原强度在移栽前显著高于对照;移栽至大田30 d后,棉苗的根系TTC还原强度则低于对照,但无明显差异;根系伤流量于移栽前和移栽至大田后均低于对照;棉苗根系超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性和丙二醛(MDA)含量在移栽前均明显高于对照,移栽至大田30 d后则低于对照,而根系过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性于移栽前和移栽后均低于对照;而棉苗根系脯氨酸含量于移栽前和移栽至大田后均显著高于对照。棉苗叶片的SOD和POD活性移栽前均显著高于对照,移栽至大田后,则明显低于对照;叶片中CAT活性在移栽前后均明显高于对照;棉苗叶片MDA含量在移栽前低于对照,而移栽至大田后明显高于对照。2营养液漂浮育苗不同移栽处理棉株形态和生理生化特征比较以营养钵育苗方法为对照,对处于3叶1心时期的棉苗在移栽时采用了不同处理。结果表明,浇根特优和粘Bt生根粉移栽棉株的株高、茎叶鲜重、茎叶干重在移栽大田30d后显著高于其它处理及相应的营养钵育成的棉苗(对照);浇根特优移栽棉株的根冠比显著高于其它处理及对照;粘Bt生根粉、浇根特优和带基质移栽棉株的主根长、根长和根体积显著高于其它处理及对照;移栽至大田后,粘Bt生根粉和带基质移栽的根半径明显小于其它处理及对照;粘Bt生根粉移栽棉株的根表面积为最高,其次为浇根特优和带基质移栽的棉株。对不同试验处理的棉苗进行了生理生化特性分析,浇根特优移栽棉苗的根系TTC还原强度为最佳,其次为粘Bt生根粉和带基质移栽的棉苗,与对照的差异均达极显著水平;4种不同处理移栽棉苗根系脯氨酸的含量均显著高于对照,但在4种不同处理间的营养液漂浮育苗移栽棉苗根系脯氨酸的含量无明显的差异;浇根特优和粘Bt生根粉移栽棉株根系的SOD、POD和CAT酶活性显著高于其它处理及对照;浇根特优、粘Bt生根粉和带基质移栽棉株根系的MDA含量明显低于对照,而不带基质移栽棉株根系的MDA含量明显高于对照。移栽至大田后,浇根特优和粘Bt生根粉移栽棉株叶片的SOD、POD和CAT酶活性显著高于其它处理及对照;浇根特优、粘Bt生根粉和带基质移栽棉株叶片的MDA含量明显低于对照,不带基质移栽棉株叶片的MDA含量明显高于对照。3营养液漂浮育苗移栽棉形态特征及产量性状表现营养液漂浮育苗移栽棉的根系发达,从苗期至吐絮期期间的根系鲜重及干重、主根长、根长、根体积、根半径、根表面积以及一、二级侧根数均明显大于相应的营养钵育苗移栽棉株(对照);从苗期至吐絮期,营养液漂浮育苗移栽棉的地上部分鲜重均显著高于对照,分别比对照增加43.91%、88.62%、49.72%、37.24%、85.30%和36.93%;棉株的茎叶干重也显著高于对照,分别比对照增加45.34%、72.21%、47.47%、37.03%、73.45%和59.71%。营养液漂浮育苗移栽棉的始蕾期、始花期比对照提早了3-5 d;子叶节茎粗比对照增粗;单株有效果枝数增加2-3个,成铃数增加8.3%,蕾铃脱落率降低3.2个百分点;营养液漂浮育苗移栽棉的皮棉产量比对照增加155.0 kg·hm-2,籽棉产量和皮棉产量与对照差异均达到显著水平。4营养液漂浮育苗移栽棉在不同生长发育时期生理生化特性分析与营养钵育苗移栽棉株相比,营养液漂浮育苗在初花期、盛花期、结铃期和吐絮期,营养液漂浮育苗移栽棉的根系TTC还原强度均显著高于对照,分别比对照提高2.2%、6.7%、12.6%和20.7%;苗期至吐絮期,营养液漂浮育苗移栽棉叶片的可溶性糖和蛋白质含量明显高于对照;叶片叶绿素含量增加,气孔导度降低;从苗期至吐絮期,营养液漂浮育苗移栽棉叶片的蒸腾速率分别比对照低25.9%、20.1%、15.9%、12.8%、15.5%和4.2%;苗期至结铃期,光合速率分别比对照提高0.87%、6.31%、4.18%、3.6%和2.02%,但差异不显著;另外,营养液漂浮育苗移栽棉叶片的游离脯氨酸含量逐渐增加,游离氨基酸含量和硝酸还原酶活性均高于对照。在棉花苗期至初花期,营养液漂浮育苗移栽棉根系SOD、CAT活性均低于对照,但与对照无明显差异;盛花期至吐絮期,棉株根系SOD、CAT活性均显著高于对照;苗期至吐絮期,营养液漂浮育苗移栽棉根系POD活性均明显高于对照;苗期至盛花期,营养液漂浮育苗移栽棉根系MDA含量均明显高于对照,但在结铃期至吐絮期则低于对照。苗期至吐絮期,营养液漂浮育苗移栽棉叶片SOD活性分别比对照增加5.2%、7.5%、8.8%、9.3%、29.5%和5.8%;蕾期至吐絮期,棉株叶片POD活性分别比对照增加10.0%、1.3%、5.9%、3.3%和0.3%;苗期至结铃期,棉株叶片CAT活性均低于对照,但与对照无明显差异;吐絮期,营养液漂浮育苗移栽棉叶片CAT活性则显著高于对照;蕾期至吐絮期,营养液漂浮育苗移栽棉叶片MDA含量均低于对照。初花期至结铃期,营养液漂浮育苗移栽棉根系的GA3含量均明显高于对照;苗期至蕾期,营养液漂浮育苗移栽棉根系的IAA含量均低于对照;初花期至吐絮期,棉株根系的IAA含量均显著高于对照;苗期至吐絮期,棉株根系的ABA含量均低于对照,而棉株根系的ZR含量均显著高于对照。从苗期至盛花期,营养液漂浮育苗移栽棉叶片的GA3含量均低于对照;结铃期至吐絮期,棉株叶片的GA3含量均显著高于对照;苗期至蕾期,营养液漂浮育苗移栽棉叶片的IAA含量均高于对照;初花期至吐絮期,棉株叶片的IAA含量均明显低于对照;苗期至吐絮期,棉株叶片的ABA含量均明显高于对照;棉株叶片的ZR含量均明显低于对照,但无显著性差异。从苗期至吐絮期,营养液漂浮育苗移栽棉根系的氮、磷、钾含量均显著高于对照;苗期至吐絮期,营养液漂浮育苗移栽棉功能叶的氮、磷含量均高于对照,棉株叶片钾的含量均低于对照,但无显著差异。

【Abstract】 Based on the present seedling nursery methods of cotton, vegetable, and tobacco in domestic and abroad, a new cotton seedling nursery technology, the floating nursing seedling in nutrient water-bed (FNSNWB) is developed by Cotton Research Institute of Hunan Agricultural University. Cotton seeds are sown in patented mix media carried in a porous polyethylene plate which is floated on nourishing water according to the technology of FNSNWB. The seedling emergence of cotton is above 95% and stand rate above 90% by the new method. Compared with other seedling nursing technologies, the FNSNWB has many advantages with low cost, high efficiency, labor-saving and yield increasing. The FNSNWB has achieved greatly and was applied so far in Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Anhui and Xinjiang provinces since 2005. In order to explore the biological base for transplanting the cotton seedlings from FNSNWB with high yield and efficiency, a cultivar Nongza 66 was used as the materials to be investigated the plant performance in the field from seedling to boll opening stages at morphological and physiological-biochemical levels in the present paper.1 Analysis of seedling mophology and physiological and biochemical attributes before and after transplantingThe transplanting experiments showed that the seedlings fostered by the methodof FNSNWB from two to four full-expanded leaves stages were suitable for transplanting into the field, and the best stage was seedlings with three full-expanded leaves.Compared with the method of nutritive bowls nursing seedling (NBNS, control), the fresh and dry weight of shoot, ratio of root to shoot were increased by FNSNWB before transplanting, but reduced after transplanting into the field. The fresh and dry weight of roots, root volume, root length, main root length, radius of root, root area, the first and second lateral roots, leaf area were much more before and after transplanting into the field. So the roots of seedling cultivated by FNSNWB developed greater before and after transplanting into the field. Analysis of seedling roots at physiological and biochemical level showed that the TTC reductive intensity in roots of seedlings with FNSNWB before transplanting were higher than that of the seedling with NBNS. While the TTC reductive intensity in roots of transplants in the field was lower than that of the seedling with NBNS after transplanting into the field for 30 days. The root flooding was lower, but the proline contents in roots were greater than that of the control before and after transplanting into the field. Before transplanting, superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) activities and malondialdehyde (MDA) contents in roots were higher than the control, while were lower after transplanting into the field for 30 days. Meanwhile, catalase(CAT) activities in seedling roots before and after transplanting into the field were higher than that of the control. The results showed that the activities of SOD and POD in seedling leaves were significantly higher than that of the control, but became lower after transplanting into the field. The MDA content in seedlings leaves were lower before transplanting, but were greater than that of the control after transplanting into the field.2 Comparing of transplanting the seedlings with different treatments at morphological, physiological and biochemical levelsThe results showed that the plant height, fresh and dry weight of shoot of cottonseedlings treated with Gen-te-you and ABT were better than that of two other treatments and control. The ratio of root to shoot of the seedling treated with Gen-te-you were the highest among the four different treatments. The main root length, root length, root volume were increased by Gen-te-you treatment. The largest root area was the ABT treatment, and better the Gen-te-you and media treatments. After transplanting into field, the radius of roots of seedlings treated with ABT and cultural media were reduced when compared with the method of NBNS and other treatments. Compared with control, the fresh and dry weight of shoot, ratio of root to shoot got large before transplanting, but reduced after transplanting into field. The fresh and dry weight of roots, root volume, root length, main root length, radius of root, root area, the first and second lateral roots, leaf area were much more than that of the control before and after transplanting into field.Among the four treatments, the TTC reductive intensity in roots of seedlings treated with Gen-te-you was the highest, and cultural media treatment was the better, which were significantly higher than that of the seedlings cultured by the method of NBNS. There were significant difference between treatments and control in root proline contents, which was no significant difference among different treatments, before and after transplanting into field. The results showed that the SOD、POD and CAT activities in roots of seedlings treated with Gen-te-you, ABT and cultural media were the best among the four treatments and control. The MDA contents in roots of seedlings treated with Gen-te-you, ABT and cultural media were lower than that of the control, and the MDA content in naked roots without cultural media was higher than that of the control. After transplanting into field, the SOD、POD and CAT activities in leaves of seedling treated with Gen-te-you and ABT were the best among the two other treatments and the control. The MDA contents in leaves of cotton seedlings treated with Gen-te-you, ABT and cultural media were lower than that of the control, and the treatment without cultural media was higher than that of the control.3 Cotton plant morphology and yield components in the fieldCompared with the control, the plant roots developed better during the whole growth period, and the fresh and dry weight of roots, main root length, root length, root volume, radius of root, root area, the first and second lateral roots were increased from the stage of seedling to boll opening. The fresh weight of shoot in cotton plants with FNSNWB increased by 43.91%, 88.62%, 49.72%, 37.24%,85.30% and 36.93%, respectively, from seedling to boll opening stage. Meanwhile, the dry weight in shoot of cotton plants with FNSNWB increased by 45.34%, 72.21%, 47.47%, 37.03%, 73.45% and 59.71% , respectively, from seedling to boll opening stage using Nongza 66 as experimental material. In comparison with NBNS, the dates of the first squaring and anthesis of cotton transplants in the field by FNSNWB were earlier from 3 to 5 days, the diameter of cotyledon node were 0.45 cm bigger, the fruiting branches was 2 to 3 more, the boll retention was 8.3% higher, and the squares and bolls shedding were 3.2% lower than that of the control. Therefore, the yield of cotton transplants with FNSNWB in the field was increased by 155.0 kg·hm-2.4 Analysis of physiological and biochemical characteristics of cottontransplants at different growth and development stages in the fieldCompared with NBNS, the TTC reductive intensity in root system fromfirst-flowering to boll opening stages was 2.2%, 6.7%, 12.6% and 20.7% greater, respectively, and the soluble protein and sugar in leaf were obviously higher than that of the control during the whole growth period. The chlorophyll content in leaves of cotton plants raised by FNSNWB was increased and the stomatal conductance was decreased. The transpiration in leaf of cotton plants from seedling to boll-opening stages was 25.9%, 20.1%, 15.9%, 12.8%, 15.5% and 4.2% was lower, while the photosynthetic efficiency were 0.87%, 6.31%, 4.18%, 3.6% and 2.02% from seedling to boll setting stage, respectively, higher than that of the control, the differences was not significant. Meanwhile, the proline and the free amino acid contents and nitrate reductase activity in cotton leaves were increased by FNSNWB.From seedling to squaring stage, the activities of SOD and CAT in cotton roots by FNSNWB were lower than that of the NBNS, but there is no obvious difference. From full bloom to boll opening stage, the activities of SOD and CAT activities in cotton roots by FNSNWB were higher than that of the NBNS. From seedling to boll opening stage, the activities of POD in cotton roots by FNSNWB were higher than that of the NBNS. From seedling to full bloom stage, the MDA contents in cotton roots by FNSNWB were higher than that of the NBNS. However, the MDA contents in cotton roots by FNSNWB were lower than that of the NBNS from boll setting to boll opening stage.Compared with the cotton transplants by NBNS, the activities of SOD in leaves of cotton transplants by FNSNWB were increased by 5.2%,7.5%,8.8%,9.3%,29.5% and 5.8%, respectively, from seedling to boll opening stage. Meanwhile, the activities of POD in cotton leaves were increased by 10.0%,1.3%,5.9%,3.3% and 0.3%, respectively, from squaring to boll opening stage. The activities of CAT in cotton leaves were lower than that of transplants by NBNS, but there was no obvious difference. There is significantly different in CAT activities in cotton leaves between FNSNWB and NBNS at boll opening stage. The MDA contents in cotton leaves were lower than that of the control from squaring to boll opening stage.The content of GA3 in root of cotton transplants were higher than that of the control from early flowering to boll setting stage. Compared with NBNS, the content of IAA in transplant roots were reduced from seedling to squaring stage. And the contents of IAA were higher than that of the control from early flowering to boll opening stage. Meanwhile, the contents of ABA and ZR in transplant roots from seedling to boll opening stage were lower than that of the control. The results showed that the content of GA3 in transplant leaves were lower than that of the transplants by NBNS from seedling to full bloom stage. And the content of GA3 were higher than that of the control from full bloom to boll opening stage. Compared with the transplants by NBNS, the contents of IAA in leaves were increased from seedling stage to squaring stage. And the contents of IAA in leaves of cotton plants from early flowering stage to boll opening stage were lower than that of the control. Meanwhile, the contents of ABA in leaves of transplants from seedling stage to boll opening stage were higher, and the contents of ZR in leaves of transplants from seedling stage to boll opening stage were lower than that of the control.Generally, during cotton whole growth period, the contents of N,P and K in plant roots were higher than that of control. Compared with the transplants by NBNS, the contents of N and P in cotton leaves were increased from seedling stage to boll opening stage. And the content of K in leaves of cotton plants was lower than that of the NBNS, but the difference was not significant.


