

The Research on Theory and Techniques of Service Life Management of TBM Disc Cutters

【作者】 张照煌

【导师】 纪昌明;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学(北京) , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 我国特有的水资源分布特点和地理地貌特征,为全断面岩石掘进机的应用提供了广阔前景。“引大入秦”、“引黄入晋”和“大伙房引输水工程”及“秦岭隧道”、“桃花铺隧道”和“磨沟岭隧道”等工程的成功建成,发展全断面岩石掘进机应用于地下岩石质隧洞(道)工程施工已受到我国政府相关部门和施工企业的高度重视。目前,国内外关于全断面岩石掘进机盘形滚刀寿命管理的研究尚处于探索阶段,前人研究更少,是属于当前国际施工管理研究领域的前沿性课题之一,也是本学科目前尚未突破的难点和关键。因此,在广泛阅读和钻研国内外全断面岩石掘进机有关刀具破岩理论、磨损及寿命管理等文献的基础上,以已有试验数据和某隧道用全断面岩石掘进机刀具消耗为研究背景,采用模型建立、理论研究、软件开发、实际应用检验的思路,初步建立了全断面岩石掘进机盘形滚刀寿命管理理论及技术研究的理论框架。具体内容可归结为五部分。第一部分(第一章和第二章),深入分析了全断面岩石掘进机盘形滚刀寿命影响因素,探讨了全断面岩石掘进机作业对象的参数表示,研究了全断面岩石掘进机施工隧洞(道)地质勘测特点及采用全断面岩石掘进机施工的风险规避措施;第二部分(第三章),通过对全断面岩石掘进机盘形滚刀破岩工作运动的分析,在已有研究成果的基础上,建立了全断面岩石掘进机刀盘上广泛使用的盘形滚刀破岩工作的空间模型,并进行了相应的理论研究,从而建立了全断面岩石掘进机刀盘上具有一定安装参数和几何尺寸的盘形滚刀破岩运动时,与岩石相互作用而引起岩石应变的数值模型,导出了盘形滚刀的垂直力、滚动力和侧向力的数值模型,结合相应的实验数据进行了分析;第三部分(第四章),分析了全断面岩石掘进机盘形滚刀破岩工作时的刀盘受力,建立了刀盘受力平衡方程式,导出了用于指导刀具在刀盘上安装布置的数值模型,并用相应数据进行了检验;结合具体工程研究了全断面岩石掘进机刀盘上盘形滚刀破岩工作时的破岩点运动规律,给出了其在岩石中的位移数值模型,提出了盘形滚刀的磨损系数概念,分析了盘形滚刀的侧向磨损、滚动磨损、侵深磨损和弧长磨损,并结合实际工程进行了应用研究;第四部分(第五章),通过对盘形滚刀在全断面岩石掘进机刀盘上布置规律的研究,建立了全断面岩石掘进机刀具寿命管理模型,开发出了具有刀具磨损数据输入、相应数据分析并用于指导刀具更换的管理软件。第五部分(第六章)对全文研究内容进行了总结,并在此基础上提出了进一步研究的内容及解决的问题。

【Abstract】 With the geographic features and geographic allocations of water resources in China taken into consideration, the adoption of full-face TBM has been offered broad prospects. Successful construction of some hydraulic projects such as Datonghe-Qinwangchuan Water Diversion project, Shangxi Yellow River Diversion project and Dahuofang Reservoir’s Water Diversion project, and some remarkable tunnels like Qinlin Tunnel, Taohuapu Tunnel and Mogoulin Tunnel, which met many of the nation’s physical challenges and were built with TBM playing an important role, has induced the growing attention of related government departments and businesses to the investment in the employment of TBM in the underground tunnel projects.To date, the research on management of service life of disc cutters of TBM is still in its initial stage, which is the frontier of the research on application of TBM disc cutters, as well as a key issue waiting to be further explored. Based on wide reading and in-depth study of the related articles and books centering on the rock breaking theory, abrasion of disc cutters and management of disc cutters’ service life, and existing experimental data, and concrete situations of disc cutter abrasion of TBM adopted in Qinlin Tunnel construction, a theoretical framework of this research on the theory of management of disc cutters’ service life and its relevant techniques comes into being, following this procedure: construction of models, theoretical study, software development and its practical use. The main contents fall into five parts as follows:Part one (chapter 1 and chapter 2): This part makes an introduction of the working characteristics of TBM which provides a basis for the exploration of parameters of objects operated, then the study of geological features of tunnels, and measures taken against possible hazards during the construction with TBM.Part two (chapter 3): In this part, through the analysis of rock breaking motion of TBM disc cutters and on the review of some related study, a dimensional model of rock breaking motion of disc cutters regularly mounted on the TBM plate is set up, with relevant theoretical studies carried out. Accordingly, an equation is set forward in terms of the rock strain resulted from the interaction between disc cutters and rocks during the process of rock breaking with disc cutters set at certain parameters and in certain sizes, hence the equation of vertical force, rolling force and side force, which is analyzed in relation with experimental data.Part three (chapter 4) mainly gives an analysis of the forces acting on the cutterhead during the operation, which can be shown by an equation, further resulting in another equation for mounting disc cutters, which is examined with relevant data. Linked to some project cases, the study of motion patterns of some specific rock breaking point explores an equation of its displacement on the rock, thereby making research on abrasion during the process and putting forth the concept of abrasion coefficient, and side abrasion, rolling abrasion, penetrating abrasion, arc abrasion as well. The empirical research has been conducted in this regard in connection with some particular projects.Part four (chapter 5), on the basis of the study of layout patterns of disc cutters, constructs a management model of disc cutter service life, and develops a software program, a guidance for the replacement of disc cutters, equipped with functions such as data input of the disc cutter abrasion and the corresponding data analysis.Part five (chapter 6) ends with conclusions of the research and suggestions for further study and problems to be settled.


