

Driving Forces and Effects of Wetland Change and Wetland Zoning in Hangzhou Bay

【作者】 任丽燕

【导师】 吴次芳;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 土地资源管理, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 湿地(wetland)是人类重要的生存环境和自然界最富生物多样性的生态景观之一。湿地生态系统具有调节气候、调蓄水量、降解污染、保护生物多样性、提供物质产品、娱乐和科研教育等多项生态、经济和社会功能,是国家生态安全体系的重要组成部分和经济社会可持续发展的重要基础。保护湿地对于维护生态平衡,改善生态状况,实现人与自然和谐,促进经济社会可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。然而,对湿地价值的低估、开垦为其他土地利用方式产生的经济利益刺激,以及人口持续增长和社会经济快速发展的用地需求压力,导致湿地被大量开发利用,生态系统受到严重威胁。湿地破坏不仅对全球和区域生态环境造成深刻影响,也给社会经济发展带来极大危害。在湿地数量减少、生态退化的趋势下,深入探讨湿地景观演化的驱动因素,充分认识湿地变化产生的生态经济效应,在此基础上寻求湿地保护与开发利用相结合、从空间上协调用地矛盾的方法,对保护湿地资源、促进区域可持续发展具有重要意义。环杭州湾地区湿地资源丰富,受到农业围垦与建设占用的威胁,湿地大面积减少,生态环境遭到严重破坏。从社会经济发展的总体趋势来看,未来农业、工业、交通及城镇、港口建设对土地资源的需求量大,社会经济发展将对湿地保护产生巨大压力。目前,该地区湿地资源调查和保护研究相对滞后。本文将通过20世纪90年代以来环杭州湾地区湿地资源遥感调查,揭示湿地景观演化的时空特征及驱动力,评价湿地景观变化的生态经济效应,在此基础上提出湿地保护与开发利用分区方案并制定相应的管制规则,为生态保护和产业发展的用地布局提供依据,为湿地保护研究和管理决策提供借鉴。论文的研究内容包括:(1)利用研究区1990年、2000年和2005年Landsat TM影像,结合行政区划图、土地利用现状图等资料,在遥感影像预处理的基础上,建立了湿地及其他土地利用/覆被类型分类系统,用分层分类法提取了土地利用/覆被信息。利用遥感解译数据,运用GIS空间分析方法和动态变化度量模型,从湿地总量变化趋势到增减变化动态再到各类湿地的转化过程,逐步深入的分析了研究区15年期间湿地的数量变化及其空间特征,并通过景观格局指数计算,分析了湿地类型和景观水平的景观格局演化特征。(2)从气候、水文等自然因素以及人口、经济发展、市场化、技术进步和政策等社会经济因素着手,从定性、定量角度分析了环杭州湾地区15年来湿地景观变化的驱动力,并从地理空间角度探讨了距居民点距离对湿地演化的影响。(3)以能值理论为基础,根据生态经济系统的能值流状况建立了一系列反映系统生态、经济产出水平的新的能值评价指标。按照能值分析的方法和步骤,对湿地景观变化涉及的各种生态经济系统分别构建模型。用能值指标评价系统投入产出水平,进而根据研究区1990-2005年湿地景观转化情况评价了其生态经济效应。(4)探讨了湿地保护与开发利用分区含义及其原则、分区类型和标准,利用研究区湿地资源调查资料、城市规划数据和GIS空间分析方法,根据湿地生态系统保护的要求和社会经济发展对用地需求的迫切程度,将环杭州湾地区湿地分为重点保护区、一般保护区、限制开发区和适度开发区四种类型。(5)针对湿地保护和开发利用的不同目标,对湿地保护区和开发利用区分别提出了管制规则,并提出了开展湿地调查监测、占用补偿、环境影响评价和规划,以及统一管理、立法等实施分区管制的保障措施。论文取得的可能创新性成果有:(1)用遥感手段查清了环杭州湾地区2005年湿地分布现状、1990-2005年湿地总量变化趋势、动态转化过程、各类湿地的转化及湿地变化的空间特征、景观格局演化特征,分析了湿地景观演化的自然和人文驱动因素,在环杭州湾地区湿地资源的系统研究方面取得了新的进展。(2)以能值理论为基础,分别构建了湿地景观变化涉及的各种生态经济系统的能值模型,建立了反映系统生态、经济产出水平的新的能值评价指标体系,得出1990-2005年环杭州湾地区湿地景观转化使经济效益增加2.04×1010 US $,生态效益减少1.64×108 US $,在湿地变化效应的研究方法上有一定创新性。(3)提出了协调生态保护和经济发展的湿地保护与开发利用相结合的思路,并通过分区和分区管制实现;研究得出,环杭州湾地区湿地重点保护区面积约为2.4×104hm2,一般保护区面积约8.4×104hm2,限制开发区和适度开发区分别占总面积的73.7%和12.1%;根据不同区域的保护和开发利用方向,提出了分区管制规则和加强湿地调查监测、占用补偿、环境影响评价和规划,以及统一管理、立法等实施分区管制的保障措施,在湿地保护研究思路和方法上有所创新。

【Abstract】 Wetland is one of important living environment of human being, and regarded as an ecological landscape of the most biodiversity in the nature. Wetland ecosystem is significant to state ecological safety and fundamental to sustainable development of economy and society with its functions of climate regulation, water regulation, waste treatment, habitat, food production, recreation, research and education, etc. Wetland protection is important to ecological balance, harmony between nature and human being, and sustainable development of economy and society. However, in recent years, wetland was reclaimed greatly and eco-system was threatened seriously due to many reasons, i. e. undervalue of eco-system, driving on the economic benefits, and the stress of land requirements. Destroying of wetland made great impact on global and regional environment and economy development. So, with the decreasing of wetland and degraded of eco-system, it’s significant to harmonize wetland protection and reclamation based on analysis of driving forces and ecological and economic effects of wetland change.Hangzhou Bay abounds in wetland resources, but wetland is reducing greatly by agriculture reclamation and construction land occupying in recently. With increasing land requirements from agriculture, industry, traffic, city and port construction, wetland protection facing grave challenges. The researches on wetland resources survey and protection in this area are deficient at presently. This paper revealed the spatial and temporal characters and driving forces of wetland change and estimated the ecological and economic effects basing on wetland remote sensing survey from 1990’s, and then brought forward zoning scheme and regulations, which can be used for reference of wetland protection, layout of industries, wetland research and management.The main contents of this paper are followings:(1) Land use/coverage information was firstly extracted using multi-layer classification techniques based on data preparation of Landsat TM images in 1990, 2000 and 2005. Then, wetland conversions and landscape pattern changes during 15 years were analyzed with GIS, land use/coverage change models and landscape pattern indices.(2) Driving forces of wetland change were revealed qualitatively and quantitatively by analyzing the changes of natural factors and social factors. Effect of distances between residental sites and wetland on wetland change was also discussed.(3) New emergy indices were constructed according to emergy flow of the system to show the ecological and economic output levels, and new models for every ecological and economic system relating to wetland change were built. Input and output levels of the systems were estimated, and then the ecological and economic effects of wetland change from 1990 to 2005 were evaluated.(4) This paper discussed the meaning of Wetland Protection and Reclamation Zoning and the principles, types and criterions of zoning. Then, according to the request for protection and land requirements in the process of economy development, wetlands in Hangzhou Bay were divided into four types, i.e. key protection areas, common protection areas, restricted reclamation areas and temperate reclamation areas.(5) According to different aims of protection and development, different regulations for protection areas and reclamation areas were put forward, safeguard measures such as wetland investigation, compensating for reclamation, environmental impact assessment, planning, concentrated management and legislation, etc. were proposed.Possible innovations:(1) Progress was made in comprehensive wetland research in Hangzhou Bay. Wetland in 2005 and its changes in total amount, increase and decrease in area, conversion with other kinds of land use/coverage, changes in landscape pattern from 1990 to 2005 were analyzed using Landsat TM images. Besides, natural and human driving factors which caused wetland change were discussed.(2) Methods for the research of wetland change effect were improved. The paper built emergy models for every kind of ecological economic system relating to wetland change, and constructed new emergy indices to show the output levels of the system. Results showed that, wetland transformation from 1990 to 2005 in Hangzhou Bay caused economic benefit increasing 2.04×1010US $ and ecological benefit decreasing 1.64×108 US $.(3) New thought and method were proposed in wetland protection research. This paper put forward the new thought that wetland protection combining with reclamation to harmonize ecology protection and economy development by zoning and regulations. Results showed that, key protection areas and common protection areas were 2.4×104hm2 and 8.4×104hm2 respectively, restricted reclamation areas and temperate reclamation areas respectively occupied 73.7% and 12.1% of total areas. According to different aims of protection and development in different areas, safeguard measures such as wetland investigation, compensating for reclamation, environmental impact assessment, planning, concentrated management and legislation, etc. were proposed in the end.

【关键词】 湿地驱动力效应分区管制环杭州湾地区
【Key words】 wetlanddriving forceeffectzoningHangzhou Bay
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

