

The Study of Well-being of Land-lost Farmers

【作者】 吴丽

【导师】 吴次芳;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 土地资源管理, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 失地农民问题一直是城市化发展过程中无可避免的话题,而在“以人为本”的政策总则指导下,关注失地农民的心理、行为、文化等相关内容将会成为研究的热点。其中,失地农民幸福感的研究鲜见,而从社会生态学的视角来探索失地农民的幸福感函数则更为少见。对失地农民幸福感的研究内容主要包括:构建基于社会生态学研究失地农民幸福感的理论框架;选择典型区域(杭州市、南昌市、贵州省荔波县)进行失地农民幸福感的测量及比较研究和分析;构建失地农民幸福感函数并分析其影响因素;以社会生态学的理论剖析失地农民幸福感变化的动力系统,探索失地农民各种冲突演变过程和适应特征,并总结“人”“地”系统协调发展的调控手段。在研究的整体框架体系下,本文的主要研究结论如下:1.失地农民的总体幸福感水平呈现东部区域>中部区域>西部区域的特征;生活满意度水平为中部区域>东部区域>西部区域;生活质量指数评价结果则为东部区域>中部区域。采用三种不同的评价体系得到的评价结果基本接近,局部存在一定差异。2.考察失地农民的幸福感水平变化发现,东部经济发达区(杭州市)失地农民幸福感水平在征地后普遍提高或不下降;中部经济区(南昌市)失地农民幸福感水平征地后绝大多数提高;西部经济欠发达区(荔波县)的失地农民幸福感水平大部分不变或提高。3.失地农民幸福感函数因变量与其自变量的关系如下:人与人之间的信任感越强,幸福感水平越高;加入了志愿性会员关系的失地农民比未加入的个体幸福感高的概率要大;自评身体健康水平和心理健康水平与幸福感呈现正向变动的特点;对臭氧层被破坏关心的人幸福感要强于不关心的人;对动植物灭绝关心的人幸福感要弱于不关心的人;对征地安置政策满意的人群幸福感程度普遍高于其他水平的人群;老年人比其他年龄段的人幸福感水平要高;表现出对城市文化适应的人群幸福感水平要高于其他类型人群;女性幸福感高于男性;未婚人群高于已婚、离异或分居人群;非雇佣型的人群幸福感水平要高于雇佣型人群;家庭收入高的人群幸福感水平不一定高;受教育水平越高,幸福感越强;有宗教信仰的人群幸福感不一定强于无宗教信仰人群。4.社会生态学的理论能够较好地指导分析失地农民的幸福感变化情况。通过系统演变的动力(土地征收政策及安置政策)、渐变突变(失地冲突的演变)、自组织过程(失地农民的文化适应特征)、反馈机制(各种调控手段)等理论框架对失地农民幸福感变化进行剖析,信息反馈表明研究结果比较符合实际情况。5.应用社会生态学理论分析典型区域失地农民幸福感变化呈现如下特点:在征地安置方式相对有效的杭州市、南昌市,失地农民幸福感基本不下降,而选择不同征地安置方式的荔波县,失地农民幸福感下降比例最高;在失地冲突的演变中,角色转变冲突、规范冲突演变、文化冲突演变是三种主要的类型;失地农民的文化适应特征显示,对城市文化适应性差的失地农民倾向于幸福感不变或下降;各种调控手段在协调解决失地农民各种问题的同时,应从很大程度上关注其幸福感水平的变化情况,并进行有目的地引导和调节。

【Abstract】 The problem of land-lost farmers is always inescapable when it comes to the topics of urbanization. On the basis of the policy guidelinte of "human-oriented", it will be a new hot spot on the study of psychology, behaviors, culture of land-lost farmers. Of all, the research on sense of well-being (SWB) or happiness of land-lost fanners is particularly novel, and from the perspective of social ecology to explore the well-being function of land-lost farmers is even less.This study is strarting from the special perspective, and makes a further studying on the cotents stated as followed: establishing the theoretical frames of land-lost farmers’ happiness based on social ecology; choosing typical areas (Hangzhou, Nanchang,and Libo county in Guizhou Province) to measure and study the well-being of land-lost fanners; establishing the well-being functions of land-lost farmers and exploring the influencing factors;deeply analyzing the dynamic systems which cause the change of land-lost farmers’ happiness based on the social ecology theory and groping for the evolution of conflicts and characters of adjustment of land-lost farmers, then summarizing the methods to coordinate the development of human and land.On the basis of whole frame of the paper, we can draw some main conclusions as followed:1. When the happiness level of land-lost farmers is expressed by Overall Well-being, the results show that the level of happiness of easten regions is higher than that of central regions ,higher than western regions;when the happiness level is expressed by Satisfaction of life, the results show that the level of happiness of central regions is higher that of eastern regions,higher than western regions;the results of living quality index show that happiness level of eastern regions is higher than western regions.2. By studing the change of land-lost fanners’ happiness, we find that in the eastern regions (Hangzhou), the farmers who lost their land by land requisition generally feel more happier than before or remain unchanged in the central regions(Nanchang),most land-lost farmers feel more happier than before; but in the western regions(Libo county),people mostly remain original level of well-being or a little higher than before.3. The relationship between dependent variable and indepent variable of well-being function of land-lost fanners is showed below: people who tend to trust others show higher level of happiness than people who not to; people who participate in voluntary organizations have a higher probability than people who not; people who think himself in a good health and assess himself having a good psychological health express higher level of happiness than people who not; people who care about destroying of ozone layer are happier than people who not ;people who care about extinction of animals and plants are not happier than people who not; people who are satisfied with settlement policy show a higher level of well-being than people who not; female fanners are happier than male fanners; unmarried people are happier than married people(including married,divorced,and widowed);unemployed people are happier than employed people;people who have higher income are not happier than people who not; the higher level of education,the higher level of happiness;people who have religiours belief are not always happier than people who not.4. The social ecology theory could guide the analysis of land-lost farmers’ happiness change, it can be realized by analyzing the dynamic of system change (land acquisition policy and settlement policy),gradual change and mutation(conflict change),self-organization(culture adaption),feedback mechanism(control means) ,what’s more, the results are also conformed to reality.5. Based on the theory of social ecology,the paper analyzes the change of well-being of Hangzhou city,Nanchang city and Libo county, the results show that:in the area of which the settlement measures of land acquisition are comparatively advanced and effective, such as Hangzhou and Nanchang city, the sense of well-being of land-lost farmers basically does not decline, however, in the area of which the settlement measures of land acquisition are comparatively laggard, such as Libo county, the proportion of decrease of well-being is the highest.Among the change of land conflict, there are mainly three kind illustrated as followed, role change conflict, rules change conflict and culture change conflict. The characteristics of culture adjustment show that the land-lost farmers who are not adapt to the culture change tend to feel unhappy or as happy as before after land acquisition.The controlling methods will focus on the change of well-being of land-lost fanners and take a good lead and regulation when it solves all the problems referring to land-lost farmers.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】F301;F323.89
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】4548
  • 攻读期成果

