

The Research of the Quality Regulation in the Formation of Engineer

【作者】 蒋石梅

【导师】 王沛民;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 工程师形成的质量规制是工程师制度的核心。在工业化国家,政府干预工程师形成的质量规制已有超过100年的历史。在国际化背景下,正在试点中的中国工程师制度改革,如何借鉴工业化国家的成功经验和做法,如何设计出适合中国国情的工程师形成的质量规制框架,这两个问题是中国工程相关团体应该积极回应的。本研究综合应用内容分析法、扎根理论、历史分析法、案例研究法、层次分析法和访谈法,对国内外工程师形成的质量规制进行了系统的研究。本研究的基本发现和结论是:1、本研究分析指出:工程师形成的质量规制就是工程师市场准入规制,二者是一回事,从促进经济发展和保护公众利益的角度说是工程师市场准入规制,从工程师的培养过程的角度说是工程师形成的质量规制。在此基础上,本研究首次提供工程师形成的质量规制与工程师市场准入规制二者合一的规制。2、本研究分析发现已有工业化国家的工程师质量规制体系的4个关键点:工程师法是推动工程师质量规制的根本动力;鉴定是国际化背景中工程师质量规制的基础;全国顶级工程师协会是工程师质量规制的核心;工程师两个不同侧重点的形成(专业工程师和技术工程师)是质量规制应关注的焦点。3、根据国家是否参与工程师专业形成的规制、规制的严格程度和规制的制度与组织安排三个综合分类标准,以17个工业化国家为样本,本研究首次揭示四种工程师形成的质量规制综合模式:自由模式、单元适度规制模式、单元严格规制模式和多元适度规制模式。4、综合理论分析、工业化国家的经验分析和专家访谈,本研究首次设计出中国工程师形成的质量规制的未来理想模型是鉴定、认证和注册三位一体的单元适度规制模型——简称三位一体的ACR模型,并设计出这一模型的分步实施路径和阶段性目标。实现这个理想模式的近期关键举措为:1.成立中国工程师协会联合会作为单元组织逐步推动工程师制度改革。2.颁布中国工程师法。长远关键举措为:中国工业化建设、创新型国家建设和工程经济全球化背景下广义工程社会的联合推动。这一未来理想模型在分步实施过程中,可以逐步解决中国现行工程师质量规制政策存在的三大问题:法律法规等相关制度缺位;组织体系混乱;工程教育鉴定试点、工程师从业资格和工程师执业资格相互之间互相脱节。5、本研究还分析指出中国工程师形成的质量规制政策的要点为:1)应充分考虑国际化因素。2)成立中国工程师协会联合会作为核心组织,在相关政府部门的授权和监督下逐步推动工程师制度改革;作为推动工程师制度改革的核心组织,该机构的性质应由“官方-半官方-民间”逐步演变。3)应尽快研究和颁布中国工程9币法。4)中国工程师应实行分级质量规制,工程教育鉴定和工程师个人资格认证都应有对应于专业工程师与技术工程师的不同规制标准。5)作为发展中国家,工程师从业资格的管理即认证的管理应成为我国工程师制度改革的重点;正在进行的工程师执业资格注册制度改革,目前的重点应放在执照规制的合理范围的研究与划定上,不宜盲目扩大执照规制的范围,以实现保护公共安全和促进经济发展之间的平衡。

【Abstract】 The quality regulation in the formation of engineer is the core of the engineer institution.In industrial countries,there has been over one hundred years for the government to intervene in the quality regulation in the formation of engineer.In the background of internationalization,the ongoing reformation of the engineer institution in China may focus on how to learn from the experiences of the industrial countries,and how to design the suitable frame of the quality regulation in the formation of engineer according to the situation of China,which are two issues the Chinese engineering must response to.The paper study fully the quality regulation in the formation of engineer in the world using the comprehensive methodology,such as the content analysis,grounded theory,history analysis,case study,the Analytic Hierarchy Process and expert interview.The research conclusions are as the following:1.The research points out that the quality regulation in the formation of engineer is equal to the input regulation of the engineer,which is called the input regulation of the engineer from the point of promoting the economical development and protecting the public interests,and which is called the quality regulation in the formation of engineer from the point of cultivating the engineer.The research provides firstly the figure combining the quality regulation in the formation of engineer and the input regulation of the engineer(figure2.1).2.The research finds out the four key points in the current industrial countries’ engineer quality regulation systems as following:the engineer law is the foundational power to push the engineer quality regulation;under internationalization engineering program accreditation is the foundation of the engineer quality regulation;the top level country engineer organization is the core of the engineer quality regulation;the two profiles of the engineer,which are the professional engineer and the technical engineer,are the future focuses of the engineer quality regulation.3.According to the three category standards,which are whether the government regulates the formation of engineer,the degree of the regulation and the arrangement of regulation institution and organization,based on the 17 countries’ cases,the research finds out the four comprehensive models of the quality regulation in the formation of engineer,which are the free model,the single-unit situable regulation model,the single-unit stern regulation model,and the multi-unit situable regulation model.4.According to theory analysis,the experiences analysis of industrial countries and the expert interview,the research designs firstly the future ideal quality regulation model of Chinese engineer formation,which is uniting accreditation, certification and registration as a whole single-unit situable regulation modelcalled ACR model(figure 6.11).To fulfill this ideal model,the research also gives out the rout and the goal for every stage(figure 6.10).To fulfill the ideal model,the recent key measurements are as following:firstly,set up China Engineer Society Union as the single unit to push gradually the reformation of engineer institution. Secondly,publish China Engineer Law.The long-run measurement is that the general engineering societies combine together to fulfill the ideal future model in the process of constructing the industrial and innovative country in China under internationalization.In the process of fulfilling the ideal future model,the current problems of the quality regulation in the formation of engineer may be solved gradually,which are the absence of the law,the chaos of the organization,the irrelative systems among the engineering program accreditation,the engineering certification,and the engineer licensure.5.The research points out the key points of the policy of the engineer quality regulation in China:1 ) take the internationalization as the most important factor.2) Under the authority and the supervision of the relative governments,China Engineer Society Union should be set up as the single unit to push gradually the reformation of engineer institution as soon as possible,whose nature should transfer gradually from official,to semi-official,at last to unofficial.3) Research,and then publish China Engineer Law.4) The engineer quality regulation system should be divided into two different levels:the professional engineer and the technical engineer,for which there should be different regulation standards for engineering program accreditation and engineer individual certification.5)As a developing country,the focus of the engineer institution reformation in China is certification.The ongoing engineer licensing reformation in China should control the licensing extent and research the suitable licensing extent to balance the need between protecting the public safety and promoting the economic development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

