

Study on the Mechanism and Approach of Re-engineering of Engineering Education

【作者】 李晓强

【导师】 王沛民;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着外部环境的变化和新需求的涌现,上个世纪八十年代以来,发达国家的工程教育正在经历着又一次范式转换,许多学者称其为“工程教育再造”。这次再造,实际上就是要超越二战前的“技术范式”(强调技术应用和实践操作)、二战后的“科学范式”(强调工程科学与理论分析),确立“工程范式”,即面向全球化时代的工程实践,强调工程的实践性、综合性和创新性,强调工程教育的实学原则、集成原则和创新原则。本文综合采用了文献分析、案例研究、专家访谈、问卷调查等研究方法,对工程教育再造的机理与路径进行了系统性研究。针对工程教育再造的机理,本文着重探讨了工程教育再造的理论基础——再造论和知行论,提出了集成“系统方式”、“三件设计法”、“CDIO框架”、“情景规划法”、以及“基准优化与最佳实践法”的工程教育再造方法,并辨析了工程、工程人力资源和工程教育等相关理念。工程教育再造的机理可归纳为“三件整合,集成创新”。“三件”是指工程教育在时间维度的“从何而来,现居何处,意欲何往”,空间维度的“慧件、软件和硬件”;“集成”主要指“愿景和行动”的集成,理论、方法和最佳实践的集成。工程教育再造的路径,是指工程教育由“科学范式”转换为“工程范式”的实施路线。本文从“宏观层面的部署”、“官产学研的合作”、“大学内部的变革”、“质量系统的构建”和“环境条件的改善”五个方面,对全球工程教育再造的探索和实践进行了研究。本文通过对51位专家的集体座谈和14位院士的个人访谈,在文献分析和案例研究的工作基础上,通过合理的要素选择原则和筛选过程,得到了工程教育再造的要素框架。该框架包括了战略、教师、学生、课程计划、工程教育体系和环境等五大模块,共51项要素。通过对问卷调查得到的271份有效问卷的统计分析,本文得出了工程教育再造的关键要素,并以此为据,提出了工程教育再造的关键举措,包括:(1)确立工程教育的战略地位,构建分工合理的工程教育体系;(2)完善工科教师培养机制与评价体系,增强师资队伍的实践意识和能力;(3)加强产学研合作,为工程人才培养提供多样化的实践通道;(4)面向未来工程人才的素质要求,推动课程计划与教学模式的改革;(5)建设工程教育的支撑环境,形成崇尚工程文化的社会氛围。进而设计出系统性的再造计划,包括大学生工程训练计划、教师工程能力提升计划、产学合作战略伙伴计划、工程教育研究平台计划、工程精英奖学金计划、工学院领导力训练计划。

【Abstract】 With the external environment changes and the emergence of new demands, engineering education in developed country is undergoing a paradigm shift since the 1980s. Many scholars called it "Re-engineering of Engineering Education". In fact, the purpose of the re-engineering is to go beyond the "Technique Paradigm" before World War II, which was emphasized on technique application and operating practice, and the "Science Paradigm" after World War II, which was emphasized on engineering science and theoretical analysis, and is to establish the "Engineering Paradigm" facing the engineering practice in the era of globalization, which is emphasizing the practice, synthesis and innovation of engineering and engineering education.The study mainly adopts the methods of literature analysis, case studies, expert interviews, and questionnaire investigation to analyze the mechanism and approach of Re-engineering of Engineering Education.For the mechanism of Re-engineering of Engineering Education, this dissertation gives a detailed discussion of the theoretical foundation of Re-engineering of Engineering Education which includes "Theory of Re-engineering" and "Theory of Knowing and Doing", and also analysis on the methods of Re-engineering of Engineering Education including "Systemic Mode", "Hardware-Software-Wetware Design", "Conceive- Design- Implement- Operate Framework", "Scenario-Based Planning" and "Benchmarking and the Best Practices". Meanwhile the philosophy of Engineering, Human resources in Engineering, and Engineering Education are identified in the dissertation.The mechanism of Re-engineering of Engineering Education can be concluded as "Integration of Three Parts, Innovation through Integration". The "Three Parts" means the past, present and future of Engineering Education in the time dimension, and hardware, software, wetware of Re-engineering of Engineering Education in the structure dimension. The "Integration" means the integration of vision and action, and the integration of theories, methods and the best practices.The approach of Re-engineering of Engineering Education is the path of Engineering Education from "Science Paradigm" to "Engineering Paradigm". This dissertation analyses the exploration and practice of global Re-engineering of Engineering Education, including the deployments on macro levels, the cooperation of governments, enterprises, and schools, the transforms of universities, the designs of quality systems and the improvements of environmental conditions.According to five group meetings of 51 experts and 14 academicians’ personal interviews, with a reasonable principles and process of factors’ selection, on the basis work of literature analysis and case studies, this dissertation obtains the framework of factors of Re-engineering Engineering Education. It includes five modules as strategy, teacher, student, program, engineering education system and the environment, and 51 factors totally.Through the empirical study of 271 effective samples, key factors which play a significant role of Re-engineering of Engineering Education are identified. Based on this, this dissertation offers key suggestions, such as:·Establish the strategic position of engineering education, and build a reasonable engineering education system.·Improve training mechanisms and evaluation systems of engineering teachers to enhance the awareness and ability to practice.·Strengthen the cooperation between universities and industries which offers a wide range of practical channels to engineering students.·Reform the engineering programs and teaching mode to achieve the quality of Human Resources in Engineering in the future.·Improve the environmental conditions for engineering education, and construct a social atmosphere in which engineering cultural is advocated.Then, this dissertation designs an integrative program of Re-engineering of Engineering Education, which includes engineering training for students and teachers, university-industry cooperation, engineering education research infrastructure, scholarship for engineering talents, and leadership of engineering schools.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

