

Research on Division among Industry Agglomeration with Disintegration and Low Transformation Cost

【作者】 黄洁

【导师】 陈建军;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 政治经济学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 20世纪90年代以来,伴随着产业集聚的发展及其对世界经济所产生的巨大影响,经济学家对产业集聚产生了浓厚兴趣,继而投注了极大的研究热情。2008年,诺贝尔经济学奖授予了麻省理工学院的保罗·克鲁格曼教授,以表彰其在新经济地理和新贸易理论上的杰出贡献,这标志着主流经济学对日渐成熟的产业集聚理论的极大肯定。尽管新经济地理学、区域经济学、产业经济学等多个经济学分支在产业集聚理论上形成了一定程度的融合,但就研究现状而言,目前还存在以下三个主要问题:一是对产业集聚中分工思想的忽视,事实上,产业集聚本身就是社会分工的产物;二是研究的重点停留在单个产业集聚的形成上,而忽视了多个产业集聚间的互动和联系;三是在研究角度上缺乏对产业集聚二维性的重视,导致产业集聚理论缺乏微观实证的支撑。以上三个问题是相辅相成,互为前提的,因此必须构建一个新的理论框架来充实和发展产业经济理论。本文在市场一体化程度较高和地区发展水平接近的前提下,提出了产业集聚间分工这一研究主题,通过描述产业集聚间分工产生的微观机制,明确了垂直解体和运输成本对形成产业集聚间分工的作用,并在此基础上进一步探讨了产业集聚间分工对发展广域产业集聚的影响,解释了多个分散的产业集聚如何演化为在空间上范围上更大,在产业层次上更高的地区竞争优势的过程。在实证分析中,本文通过在空间和经济两个维度下对产业集聚的边界进行定义,将一个地级市的三位数产业作为基本的考察对象,以2001年-2006年的长三角制造业企业数据为样本,用Eliison和Glaeser的产业集聚指数界定了产业集聚,并借用共同集聚指数测算了长三角在二位数产业组上的产业集聚间分工状况,确定了该地整体的产业集聚间分工态势,及其与产业集聚程度的关系。在此基础上,本文又估计了长三角地区与此同期的垂直解体程度和运输成本情况,检验了这两者对产业集聚间分工的作用.最后,本文计算了长三角地区的产业同构程度,用产业集聚间分工指数解释了该地区产业同构中的产业关联现象。通过理论探讨和实证分析,本文的主要得出以下研究结论:(1)产业集聚间分工的产生是产业集聚发展到一定阶段的产物。目前,我国的产业集聚正处于倒“U”型发展的上升阶段,专业化程度也随之加深,产业集聚本身的封闭性和排他性逐渐暴露出来,成为产业升级和产业结构调整的阻碍,因此在客观上产生了整合相对独立的产业集聚的要求。实证结果显示,产业集聚和产业集聚间分工之间存在着较为显著的正相关关系。(2)产业集聚间分工的形成依赖于垂直解体的深入。在产业集聚地区,由于外部性的存在,中间产品的交易变得十分容易和便捷,共享的劳动力和技术,进一步促进了分工和专业化生产.但随着垂直解体的深入和专业化的发展,厂商之间的关系变得比垂直一体化条件下更松散和脆弱。产业集聚区的狭小市场中,中间产品的专用性大幅度提高,通用性下降,最终将影响产业的进阶与发展。因此,需要利用产业集聚的地理集中特征来形成更为稳定和牢固的厂商之间的分工,促进专业化发展.就这样,分解出来的生产活动在空间上形成了以产业集聚为节点的产业集聚间分工,大量存在的中间产品交易沟通了原本封闭的产业集聚,促使各种生产要素,通过产品贸易在产业集聚间发生流动。本文通过计量分析了垂直解体与产业集聚的互动,证实了垂直解体是产业集聚间分工的条件之一,并进一步指出,两者之间的形成相互促进会导致累积循环效应,从而提高经济效率。(3)产业集聚间分工的出现意味着:第一,在形成分工关系的产业集聚之间的运输成本必须比较低廉,因为过高的运输成本会切断产业集聚与外界的交流;第二,该广域产业集聚与外界其他地区的运输成本则不能过低,否则会引起产业集聚力的发散,导致产业集聚优势向外流失,直至形成一个比原先广域产业集聚更大的新的统一市场。因此,一个恰当水平上的运输水平是产业集聚间分工形成的重要条件。(4)产业集聚间分工会导致广域产业集聚的形成,这一过程是地区竞争优势的来源之一。广域的产业集聚中往往隐藏着次区域中的产业同构问题,但我们通过实证发现,如果产业同构是以产业集聚间分工作为产业关联的,那么这种产业同构并不会引起地区竞争优势的丧失,反而会增进地区竞争优势。研究结果显示,产业集聚间的分工通过三个步骤“锁定”地区竞争优势:首先,产业集聚内企业的跨区域发展使价值链在空间上的分布趋于离散化,进而导致次级产业集聚间分工的形成,并产生了产业间的溢出效应;随着分工的深化和趋于稳定,地区专业化水平进一步获得提升;最后,在区域溢出效应的作用下,原有产业集聚被锁定在区域溢出效应明显的区域,形成广域的产业集聚。以上过程证明了产业集聚间分工是区域竞争优势的主要源泉,上述过程的累积循环形成了该地区的竞争优势。上述研究结论深化了对垂直解体、运输成本、地区竞争优势和产业集聚间关系的认识,提出了产业集聚间分工这一全新的研究命题,因而使得本文具有了一定的探索意义,总的来说,对比过往研究主要取得了以下研究进展:(1)提出了产业集聚间分工这一经济学命题,阐述了其演进的路径,分析了其产生的条件和原因,研究了其对地区竞争优势的影响,并从产业组织的角度对产业集聚的分析框架进行了拓展;(2)明晰了产业集聚间分工的微观机制,从空间和经济的二维视角,对产业集聚的微观形态进行了界定,并在此基础上探讨了它的存在性,根源性,和影响性,为进一步的研究提供实证基础。(3)从地区竞争优势的深层次来源剖析了产业集聚间分工对它的影响,从产业关联的角度消除了对产业同构必然带来地区竞争力下降的误解,深化了对产业同构的认识,同时具有一定的实践指导意义。当然,囿于研究者本身的学术素养,研究工作仍然存在诸多不足之处。对此,论文最后部分提出了本研究的局限性以及在未来还需要深入研究的若干问题。

【Abstract】 As the development of industrial agglomeration in 1990s, it has great influence on economics, therefore the enthusiasm of industry agglomeration research has achieved at an unprecedented level. Paul Krugman from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) won Nobel economics prize in 2008 for his outstanding contribution in new-economic geography and new-trade theory, which symbolizes mainstream economics has great affirmation for maturing industrial agglomeration. Although new-economic Geography, Regional Economics and Industrial Economics have fixed together in some degree. But for present research situation, there are three main problems at present: First, industry agglomeration division is ignored. In fact, industry agglomeration is the outcome of social division. Second, the research mainly focuses on the forming of signal agglomeration, missing mutual connection. Third, it lacks attention at bi-dimensional study, leading to lack of micro data evidence. Therefore, a new theoretic framework is definitely needed to full and develop industrial agglomeration theory.The paper brings forward that main study point on industrial agglomeration division on the precondition of the same openness and development. Through describing micromechanics caused by industrial agglomeration division, it identifies that vertical decomposition and transport cost play an important role in industrial agglomeration division, explains how several scatting industrial agglomeration evolve to be wider in scale boundary and more competitive in industrial arrangement.In empirical analysis, the paper defines industrial agglomeration by two dimension of space and economics, by using the three digit number of city(municipality), as basic object of study, sampling the data of Yangtze River Delta manufacturing enterprises from 2001 to 2006, using Eliison and Glaeser industrial agglomeration index to scope industrial agglomeration, using joint agglomeration index to pressure industrial agglomeration division about two-digit number industry groups in Yangtze River Delta, deciding industrial agglomeration division posture in the entire area and the degree of industrial agglomeration division. Then, the paper estimates the degree of vertical decomposition and transport cost at the same time in Yangtze River Delta, checking their influence on industrial agglomeration division. At last, the paper calculates industrial isomorphism in Yangtze River delta, explains industrial connection in industrial isomorphism in the area.Through theoretic study and empirical analysis, it comes to the conclusion. First, industrial agglomeration division comes into existence when industrial agglomeration develops to a certain stage. At present, industrial agglomeration in our country is in the uprising stage of U-style development. As industrial agglomeration becomes more professional, its insularity and exclusivity come to light, standing into the way of industrial promotion and restructure. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate relatively independent industrial agglomeration. Empirical analyses show that there is notable positive correlation between industrial agglomeration and industrial agglomeration division.Second, formation of industrial agglomeration division relies on deepening of vertical decomposition. In the area of industrial agglomeration, due to externality, trade of intermediate products becomes easy and convenient, shared labor and technology further advance division and professional production. But as deepening of vertical decomposition and professionalization, relations between enterprises become more loose and frail than in a vertical integrated condition. In a small market of vertical decomposition professionalization of intermediate products increase, and generation decrease, which affects industrial development. So it is necessary to use geographical collective feature to form more steady and firm division between enterprises, to advance professionalization. Then a large amount of intermediate products trade channels insular industrial agglomeration, make all kinds of Factors of production flow through products trade among industrial agglomerations. The paper econometrically analyses mutual interrelation between vertical decomposition and industrial agglomeration, approving that vertical decon position is one of the conditions of industrial agglomeration, indicating that mutual affection can improve economic effect through cumulating circulative effects. Third, the emergence of industrial agglomeration division means, first transport cost is low between industrial agglomerations for high transport cost may cut off intercommunion with outside. Second, transport cost can’t be too low; otherwise it may cause divergence of industrial agglomeration, making industrial agglomeration advantage outflow, or even forming a new bigger unite market than the original wide-area industrial agglomeration. So, a right level of transport cost is an important condition for industrial agglomeration division formation.Fourth, Industry agglomeration is the competitive advantage of one region, which can not be copied by others, but how it happened is seldom issued. In this paper, based on the data of enterprises from cities in Yangtze-river delta, we analyze how industry agglomeration induces regional competitive advantage in both industrial and regional view. The result shows, there are three steps make industry agglomeration lock-in a region’s competitive advantage: First, in high-level agglomeration, regional division among different industry agglomeration appears, which is brought by firms’ spanning-region. Then, along with the regional division deepening and becoming stable, the industry agglomeration radiates its power, intensifies self-accelerated agglomeration and wins larger space of development. Finally, the accumulation cycle of such relations has been formed, resulting in the regional competitive advantage of agglomeration mutually triggered.Of course, limited to the academic quality of the writer herself, the paper is still exist a number of shortcomings. In this regard, the last part of this paper put forward the limitations of this study, as well as the thesis which is required in the future in-depth study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】F279.2;F224
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】987
  • 攻读期成果

