

【作者】 叶明花

【导师】 蒋力生; 陶晓华;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 朱权(1378-1448),明太祖朱元璋之十七子。洪武二十四年册封藩王,逾二年而就藩大宁,号曰宁王。“靖难之役”后,改封南昌,朱权从此深自韬晦,潜心学术,撰写编集了一百三十多种著作,涉及历史、文学、艺术、戏剧、医学、农学、宗教、兵法、历算、杂艺等多个方面。其著述之丰,历史上无人可比。然而,对于这样一个在学术上颇有造诣,著作非常宏富的学者朱权,数百年来学术界对他的情况关注的不多,尤其是关于朱权医药养生的研究,至今还是一个空白,有待专门的研究和探讨。本课题从目录调查入手,全面调查朱权著述情况,以文献学方法,研究考辨朱权医药养生著作,并通过理论分析,揭示朱权的医药养生思想和价值。第一章,简要介绍朱权的生平事迹,勾勒了他驰骋沙场、委身学术和托志翀举的传奇人生。第二章,对朱权的著述进行了广泛的目录学调查,基本厘清了朱权的著述情况。朱权一生撰著多达135种,然散佚严重,现仅存30余种。其中医药养生著作12种,8种为撰著,存世5种,其余4种为刊刻他人著作。此外,列表显示了朱权8种医药养生著作的载录情况。第三章,对朱权存世的医药养生著作《活人心法》、《寿域神方》、《乾坤生意》、《神隐》、《救命索》的著录情况、成书年代、存世版本、主要内容和一些相关研究进行了详细论述。《活人心法》二卷,成书于1424年,上卷内容主要为养生之法,包括养心、养形、养气及饮食补养等方面。下卷列玉笈二十六方和加减灵秘十八方,共介绍四十多个临床常用方剂的主治、组方及加减运用之法。现存有三个版本:一是明刻本,现藏于国家图书馆;二明刻本,藏于北京市文物局;三是明嘉靖二十年辛丑(1541)朝鲜安玹刻本,藏于北京大学图书馆。本书在养生学上影响深远。书中所载的“导引法”和“去病延寿六字法”是现存最早的“八段锦”和“六字诀”文献。《活人心法》本《玉笈二十六方》和《加减灵秘十八方》是该两书的现存最早版本。《寿域神方》四卷,成书于永乐十五至二十年(1417-1422)。前半卷介绍医学诊察知识,后三卷半均为治证方法,共分112部,含方1667条。现有两个版本:一个是明初宁府刻本,现国内只存有二卷(三至四卷)残缺本,藏于湖北省图书馆。还有一个是中医古籍出版社2007年影印出版的从日本复制回归的崇祯元年(1628年)青阳阁重刻本,作《延寿神方》。《乾坤生意》二卷,成书在宣德四年(1429)之后。主要内容为“用药大略”、“五运六气”、“预防中风”等中医基本理论和临床各科经验方。现有三个藏本:一是军事医学科学院图书馆藏有明初刻本残本;二为吉林省图书馆藏本,亦为明初刻本;三为国家图书馆藏明刻残本。《神隐》二卷,成书于永乐六年(1408)。本书为养生学名著。主要内容为朱权关于神隐养生的阐论及多种情趣养生、农事养生法。现存版本有两个系统:一为四卷本,即《格致丛书》本,国内有多个馆藏;一为二卷本,存世有四种,三种为北京图书馆所藏,均为明刻本,另一种为南京图书馆所藏,亦为明刻本。《救命索》一卷,成书于永乐庚子年(1420)。本书为内丹学著作,内容包括人身造化、丹道宗源、初阶小乘、性宗、命宗大乘、实跻圣地、炼己七个部分。存世有三个版本系统:一是明永乐庚子本,现存中山大学图书馆;二是明正统本,现藏上海图书馆;三是明成化年间龙虎山本,所藏不明。第四章,对朱权散佚医药著作《运化玄枢》、《庚辛玉册》、《乾坤生意秘韫》的著录情况、成书年代、版本流传等基本情况和主要内容、特点、学术价值等问题进行了探讨。第五章,对朱权刊刻的医药著作《神应经》、《十药神书》、《素问病机气宜保命集》的作者、内容、刊刻意义、现存版本等问题进行了讨论。第六章,对朱权养生思想进行了较深入的探讨。朱权创造性的提出了以道养生、神隐养生、中和养生思想,在养生学史上具有重大的理论价值和指导意义。此外,他的情趣养生、丹道养生、综合养生思想和方法也独具特色。通过研究,得出以下结论:一、厘清了朱权著作基本情况,初步拟列了135种著述目录,其中医药养生著作12种。二、调查到朱权存世著作30余种的版本及馆藏情况。三、朱权撰写的医药著作有《活人心法》(1424年)、《寿域神方》(1417-1422间)、《乾坤生意》(1429年后)、《神隐》(1408年)、《救命索》(1420年)及《运化玄枢》、《庚辛玉册》、《乾坤生意秘韫》,后三种已散佚。四、《活人心法》现有三个版本。《寿域神方》有两个版本。《乾坤生意》有三个版本。《神隐》现存版本有两个系统:分别为四卷本和二卷本。《救命索》存世有三个版本。五、《活人心法》所载的“导引法”和“去病延寿六字法”是现存最早的“八段锦”和“六字诀”文献,《活人心法》本《玉笈二十六方》和《加减灵秘十八方》是该两书的现存最早版本。六、本文已从《医方类聚》、《遵生八笺》、《本草纲目》等著作中辑复《运化玄枢》、《乾坤生意秘韫》、《庚辛玉册》三书的部分佚文。七、《神应经》、《十药神书》、《素问病机气宜保命集》、《小儿灵秘方》四书是朱权刊刻他人之作,《小儿灵秘方》已散佚。八、朱权的以道养生、神隐养生、中和养生是其主要养生思想,他的情趣养生、丹道养生、综合养生思想和方法也独具特色。附录包括三个内容:附录一综述了今人对朱权有关研究的近况;附录二拟列了朱权的135种著述目录、并进行了初步分类,同时对存世版本的馆藏情况进行了揭示;附录三辑复了朱权散佚医药著作《运化玄枢》、《庚辛玉册》、《乾坤生意秘韫》的部分佚文。

【Abstract】 Zhu Quan(1378-1488),the seventeenth son of Zhu Yuanzhang,the first Emperor of the Ming Dynasty,became a seignior in the 24th year of Hongwu Reign and was entitled Ningwang as he was appointed to Daining two years later.After "the War of Jing Nan",he was conferred in Nanchang.Later on,he devoted himself to learning and had compiled more than 130 books on history,literature,art,drama,medicine,agriculture,religion,art of war, calendar,and so on.Zhu Quan was a versatile scholar and a prolific writer,but his great learning had not attracted people’s adequate attention,especially in the field of health-preservation.This research project,starting with catalogue investigation,thoroughly studies Zhu Quan’s works and further concentrates on his medicine and health-preservation books,in an attempt to reveal his health-preservation thoughts and value.The First Chapter introduces Zhu Quan and his legendary life.The Second Chapter extensively investigates the catalogue of his works and basically identifies the current state of them.Zhu Quan had compiled 135 books,but only a little more than 30 books were survived.Among all his books,12 books were associated with medicine and health-preservation,including 8 books written by him(only 5 survived) and 4 published by him.In addition,the record and citation of these 8 books were presented in a table.The Third Chapter deals with the bibliography,completion time,extant editions,main contents and related researches of Zhu Quan’s medicine and health-preservation books such as Huoren Xinfa,Shouyu Shenfang,Qiankun Shengyi,Shen Yin,and Jiuming Suo.Huoren Xinfa in two volumes was finished in 1424.The first volume describes the health regimen,including mind-nourishment,body-nourishment,qi-nourishment,and diet-nourishment.The second volume lists twenty-six Yuji prescriptions and eighteen secret prescriptions,and their indications,components and application.There are three extant editions:two Ming editions,respectively kept in National Library and Beijing Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau;the other Korea Anxuan edition in 1541,kept in Peking University Library.The "Dao Yin" and "Six Words for disease- curing and life-prolonging" are the earliest documents concerning "Eight-section Brocade" and "Liu Zi Jue".Huoren Xinfa is the earliest extant copy of Yuji Ershiliu Fang and Jiajian Lingmi Shiba Fang.The four-volume Shouyu Shenfang was completed between Yongle 15th year and 20th year(1417-1422).The first half of its first volume introduces some knowledge in diagnosis, and the other three and a half volumes are associated with diagnostic and therapeutic methods, containing 112 sections and 1667 prescriptions.There are two extant editions:one is the Ningfu edition which was carved in the beginning of Ming Dynasty and is kept in Hubei Province Library;but only the third and fourth volumes were survived in this edition;the other is the recarved edition in the first year of Chongzhen(1628) in Qingyang Pavilion, whose photocopy named as Yanshou Shenfang was published by Ancient Chinese Medical Book Press in 2007.The Qiankun Shengyi in two volumes,finished after Xuande 4th year(1429),introduces the elementary theories of Chinese medicine and some empirical prescriptions,including brief herbal administration,five-movement and six-qi,and stroke prevention,etc.There are three preserved editions:two were carved at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty and kept in Military Medical Science Institute Library and Jilin Province Library respectively;the other was carved in the Ming Dynasty and kept in National Library.The two-volume Shen Yin,completed in Yongle 6th year(1408),is a well-known health-preservation book.It mainly involves Shen Yin health-preservation and various methods of sensational health-preservation and farming health-preservation.Preserved editions of this book were divided into two categories:one is the four-volume Gezhi Series which is kept in several libraries of China;the other is two-volume editions which include four preserved books printed in the Ming Dynasty,three of them kept in Beijing Library,one kept in Nanjing Library.The Jiuming Suo in one volume was completed in Yongle Gengzi year(1420).It is a treatise about Nei Dan and consists of seven parts:Renshen Zaohua,Dandao Zongyuan, Elementary Little Vehicle,Xing Zong,Ming Zong Great Vehicle,Shiji Shengdi,and Lian Ji.Its preserved editions have three categories:one is Yongle Gengzi edition kept in Zhongshan University library;one is Ming Normal edition kept in Shanghai Library;the other is Longhu Shan edition in Ming Dynasty Chenghua year kept in an unknown place.The Fourth Chapter investigates the bibliography,completion time,version circulation, main contents,characteristics and values of such scattered or missed books of Zhu Quan as Yunhua Xuanshu,GengxinYuce,and Qiankun Shengyi Miyun.The Fifth Chapter discusses the authors,contents,significance,extant editions of the medical works inscribed by Zhu Quan,such as Shenying Jing,Shi Yao Shenshu,and Su Wen Bingji Qiyi Baoming Ji.The Sixth Chapter concentrates on Zhu Quan’s thoughts about health-preservation.His original concepts of Yidao health-preservation,Shenyin health-preservation,and Zhonghe health-preservation have great values and significance in the history of health-preservation. His thoughts and methods of Sensational health-preservation,Dandao health-preservation, and Comprehensive health-preservation also possess unique characteristics.Through comprehensive research and analysis,we reach conclusions as follows:1.Sift Zhu Quan’s works,and list catalogues of his 135 books,12 of which were associated with medicine and health-preservation. 2.Make clear the editions and stored libraries of Zhu Quan’s over 30 extant books.3.The medical works written by Zhu Quan include Huoren Xinfa(1424),Shouyu Shenfang(1417-1422),Qiankun Shengyi(after 1429),Shen Yin(1408),Jiuming Suo(1420), Yunhua Xuanshu,Gengxin Yuce,and Qiankun Shengyi Miyun,although the last three ones were scattered or missed.4.There are three extant editions of Huoren Xinfa,two of Shouyu Shenfang,three of Qiankun Shengyi and Jiuming Suo,and two categories of Shen Yin---one four-volume edition and one two-volume edition.5.The "Dao Yin" and "Six Words for disease- curing and life-prolonging" in Huoren Xinfa are the earliest reference documents of "Eight-section Brocade" and "Liu Zi Jue" that can be found today.And Huoren Xinfa contains the earliest edition of Yuji Ershiliu Fang and Jiajian Lingmi Shiba Fang.6.Collect some missed characters and articles in Yunhua Xuanshu,Qiankun Shengyi Miyun,and Gengxin Yuce from Yifang Leiju,Zunsheng Bajian,Bencao Gangmu,and An Outline Treatise of Medical Herbs.7.Shenying Jing,Shiyao Shenshu,Su Wen Bingji Qiyi Baoming Ji,Xiaoer Lingmi Fang are inscribed,not written,by Zhu Quan.The last one has scattered or missed.8.Yidao health-preservation,Shenyin health-preservation,and Zhonghe health-preservation represent Zhu Quan’s main thoughts of health-preservation.And his ideas and methods of sensational health-preservation,Dandao health-preservation,and Comprehensive health-preservation are also of unique characteristics.Appendixes consist of three parts:AppendixⅠsummarizes the recent progress in the study of Zhu Quan;AppendixⅡlists the catalogue,preliminary categorization of the 135 books,and his preserved books’ editions,stored libraries;AppendixⅢpresents some missed articles in Yunhua Xuanshu,Qiankun Shengyi Miyun,and Gengxin Yuce.

【关键词】 朱权医药养生文献研究
【Key words】 Zhu Quanmedicinehealth-preservationliterature study

