

【作者】 龙小松

【导师】 沈松勤; 费君清;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 我国是一个多民族不断融合而成的以汉族为主体的多元一体的国家。在这个生成的过程中,各民族文化之间不断碰撞和融合。有金一代,以汉文化为主体的中原文化与女真传统文化之间的冲突与融合,非常值得研究。金朝文化的变迁,以汉文化与女真(Jurchen)文化之间的关系的演进为核心的。因此,本文以汉文化与女真文化的关系变迁为“轴心”,从总体上考察整个金代的文化。一种文化之所以与外来文化发生冲突,在于其传统文化的特质与外来文明的特质存在矛盾。每种文化内在的特性,往往决定了它对外来文化的态度和时常影响着以后的文化进程。女真原初文化具有吸纳性、协同性、尚变性和尚武精神的特质。金朝前期发生了女真文化欲同化汉文化的女真化运动。不过女真文化的吸纳性特质,又促使女真人对汉文化广泛地摄取。入金的汉族士人,对女真文化也存在抵触和排斥的心理。后来由于金朝对待汉族士人政策的转变,和其他各种具体原因,大部分汉族士人成为金朝前期文化建设的中坚,为汉文化与女真文化的融合,作出了不可磨灭的贡献。一种文化对另一种文化的接受与吸纳,首先导致这种文化内部的冲突。这种文化内部的争论与斗争,又往往与政治、经济利益交织在一起。内部的冲突的结果,决定了外来文化的命运。女真贵族分裂成以熙宗(Emperor His-tsung)、宗干、海陵(Prince of Hai-ling)等人为代表的中央官僚集团,和以宗翰、挞懒等人为代表的地方军政集团两大阵营。他们的冲突不仅是政治、历史现象,而且也是一种文化现象。最后,中央官僚集团获得了胜利,决定了金朝文化由女真传统文化向汉文化转变。熙宗和海陵都倾慕汉文化,渴望实现全面的汉化。然而文化的进程不会是顺利的,直线的。由于传统文化与外来文化的冲突,文化进程常常出现波动,甚至是“逆流”。世宗(Emperor Shih-tsung)朝采取以保护女真文化与继续汉化相综合的方针。一方面奉行保护女真文化的政策,一方面却又大力推进汉文化的建设,二元文化政策并举。他的继任者章宗(Emperor Chang-tsung)也继承了这种文化政策。金代后期,女真文化与汉文化之间达到了空前的融合,国家的各种制度与中原王朝大致相当。女真人汉化修养与大部分汉族士大夫相似。女真统治者却依然带有民族歧视和偏见,不信任汉族人们(Han Chinese people),为了维护女真人的利益和保留女真文化,将黄河以北的猛安谋克(meng-an mou-ko)户尽数南迁,这不仅加速了金朝的灭亡,亦加剧了女真人们与汉族人们的矛盾,加深了女真文化与汉文化冲突。南渡(southern crossing)之后,士人们认为金朝由盛转衰原因,是章宗朝的奢靡浮华之风。于是他们将矛头对准了章宗朝盛行的浮艳尖新的文学风格。他们主张文学奇古,诗学风雅。金朝后期的政治生态,引发了文学风格的转变。由于创作主体的学养、人生经历不同,复古革新的具体途径和追求的美学风格不同,分成两大文学群体。一是以赵秉文(Chao Ping wen)、元好问(Yuan Hao wen)等人为代表的重学养,倡导敦厚的中和之美;一是以李纯甫(Li Chin-shu)、李天英等人为代表的重天赋、主师心,追求险怪奇崛之美。我们从金朝文化变迁的历史中得出两个结论。其一,民族的发展历程,这是由部落发展为政权民族,最后为文化民族,只有到了第三个阶段,我们才可以说,金朝文化、女真文化真正成为中华文化不可分割的部分。其二,两种文化的冲突与融合的过程,是两种文化相遇之初都想同化对方,但事实证明,同化最终都不会成功。因此,两种文化在同化失败之后,相互调适和融合,循环反复,螺旋上升。金朝的文化变迁是一个女真文化与汉文化相互融合的过程。最后形成了一种以汉文化为主体,其他文化多元共存的中华文化综合体。

【Abstract】 China is a multi-ethnic integrating country which takes the Han tribal as the main body. In the course of this generation, there are constant collision and integration between the national culture. In Chin Dynasty, It is worth studying the conflict and integration between Central Plain culture and the Jurchen culture. The evolution between the Han culture and the Jurchen culture is the core of Chin Dynasty cultural change. Therefore, this paper mainly discusses the relationship between Han culture and Jurchen culture and wholly analyses the Chin culture.A kind of culture conflicting with the foreign culture is that the nature of its traditional culture Contradicts with the characteristic of foreign civilization. The inherent characteristic of each culture often determines its attitude toward foreign culture, and often has impact on the later cultural process. The Jurchen original culture has characteristic of absorption, coordination, variability and fight spirit.Early in the Chin Dynasty there was a movement that Jurchen culture assimilated Han culture. But the characteristic of the Jurchen cultural absorption promoted Jurchen people to absorb the Han culture extensively. The scholars of the Han nationality also had the attitude of refusing the Jurchen culture. Later because of the change of Chin Dynasty policy on the Han scholars treatment and other specific reasons, the majority of Han scholars became the backbone of Chin pre-cultural construction. They made an indelible contribution to the integration between Han culture and Jurchen culture.A culture accepts and absorbs another culture firstly resulting in the cultural internal conflict. This internal debate and struggle of culture often intertwine with political and economic interests. The results of the internal conflict decide the fate of a foreign culture. Jurchen aristocracy split into the central bureaucratic group including Emperor His-tsung, Tsung relatives, Prince of Hai-ling, and the local military and political group Camp including Tsung-han, Ta-lan and so on. Their conflict is not only political, historical phenomenon, but also a cultural phenomenon. Finally, the bureaucratic group was a victory which decided the Jurchen Dynasty culture change from Jurchen traditional culture to Han culture..Emperor His-tsung and Prince of Hai-ling adored Han culture and desired to achieve a comprehensive Han culture. However, the process of culture was not smooth and linear. As the conflict between traditional culture and foreign culture, the process often fluctuated or even "countercurrent."Emperor Shih-tsung took the integrated approach of protecting the Jurchen culture and continuing Han culture. On the one hand, pursuing the protection of the Jurchen cultural policy; on the other hand, vigorously promoting the construction of Han culture. Both the dual cultural policy was proceeded. His successor Emperor Chang-tsung inherited this cultural policy.Later in Chin Dynasty, the Jurchen culture integrated with Han culture unprecedently and various systems were similar to that in the central plain. Jurchen people’s Han culture cultivation were also similar to most of the Han scholars. Although Jurchen rulers still had ethnic discrimination and prejudice and did not trust the Han people, in order to safeguard the interests and retain Jurchen culture, all meng-an mou-ko people in north of the Yellow River would relocate to south area. This not only accelerate the demise of the Chin Dynasty, also exacerbated the conflict between Jurchen people and Han people, deepening the conflict between Jurchen culture and Han culture.After southern crossing, scholars considered the reasons that Chin Dynasty was from rise to fall is the luxury of Zhang-tsung Dynasty. So they targeted the sharp literary style which was popular in Zhang-tsung Dynasty. They advocated odd ancient literature and elegant poetry. The political environment in later Chin Dynasty triggered a literary style change. Since different creative subjects and life experiences, different specific ways of retro-innovation and style of aesthetics pursuing, literature is divided into two groups. First, one group included Chao Ping wen, Yuan Hao wen, and other representatives of the weight of artificial support, and advocacy honesty beauty, and the other group included Li Chin-shu, Li Tian-ying and other representatives of the re-gifted, the main division heart, the pursuit of dangerous strange beauty.From the history of Chin Dynasty cultural change, two conclusions are drawn. First, the process of national development is from tribal to the nation of regime, finally to cultural nation. Only to the third stage, we can say that the Chin Dynasty culture and Jurchen culture truly become an integral part of Chinese culture. Second, the conflicting and integrating process between two cultures is the two cultures want to assimilate each other, but in fact, assimilation will not succeed in the end. Therefore, after the failure of assimilation, the two cultures choose integration and mutual adjustment, the cycle repeated and spiral. Chin Dynasty cultural change is an integrating process between Jurchen culture and Chinese culture. Finally, a Chinese culture complex is formed which takes Han culture as the main body and other multi-cultural coexistence.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】K246.4
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】893

