

The Research on MOU Zong-san’s Esthetic Thoughts

【作者】 张海燕

【导师】 王元骧;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 文艺学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 牟宗三的美学思想发生于对康德美学的评述与超越之中,立足于传统儒学“道德良知”的理论观点与思想内核,形成了以此为哲学基础与逻辑起点的道德论美学思想体系。针对学界在牟宗三学术思想研究中,道德哲学、人伦观念和心性之学等成为了重点或显学,而美学思想的言说和分析却略显薄弱的现状,论文选取了“牟宗三美学思想”这个主题,对道德论美学在道德形而上学这个整体中,零散分布与思路连贯相统一的现状进行了考察,对其具有的本质特性进行了集中地呈现。研究工作主要有以下两点创新之处:其一,对牟宗三的美学思想进行了独立、系统和全面地厘定,将与议题相关的大量一手资料、文献作为论文本身之观点形成、思路推进和层次划分的依据,通过构建道德论美学的发生论、本体论、范畴论、意义局限论等几大部分内容,力图较为完整地展现牟宗三美学思想的内容和面貌。其二,注意将牟宗三的美学思想放在与康德美学的比较之中、放在整体性的道德形而上学体系当中来进行考察,努力以开阔的视野、对话的精神追溯美学思想的精神义理;以儒家“道德良知”作为贯穿论文始终的核心概念与中心线索,力求文气连贯、层次分明。第1章“导言”部分是对议题的先行阐释和背景交代。首先以地域为划分的标准对港台和国内的“牟宗三学术思想”研究现状作了扼要述评并引出“牟宗三美学思想”这个主题及其研究的可行性,接着对“牟宗三美学思想研究”的必要性和学术价值进行交代,最后概述了本文的基本思路和主要方法。第2章“牟宗三美学思想的发生论”是简要勾画道德论美学的发生、发展状况。牟宗三的美学思想产生于他对康德美学的翻译、评析和批判过程之中,故康德美学决定了牟宗三美学思想的发生由来、发展完善和道德精神的凸现。古典美学和新儒家美学对牟宗三美学思想发展的影响亦十分显著,其中古典美学强烈的“生命意识”和熊十力的“生命本体论”为牟宗三直接继承并转化为美学思想中的人文情怀和伦理精神,道德与审美在“生命”和“人伦”的关节点上获得了统一的契机,审美成为培养道德生命、完善道德人格的重要方式。第3章“牟宗三美学思想的本体论”则主要是从形而上的层面详尽考察美学思想以“道德良知”为本体论基石所形成的内涵义理、理论构成与理性品格。其中第一节主要以比较的方法展示了牟宗三以“道德良知”为本体的审美品格与康德美学的道德精神之间的差异。他们均以“道德”作为审美的价值引领和最终旨归,但由于“道德”概念上的理解偏差直接导致了二人美学思想的差异。康德美学的道德精神演历如下:“道德”内涵:自由意志一“自由意志”的公设性决定审美地位“中介说”形成→审美精义上对“崇高”和“震撼”的倾向→“超越性”审美教育观的产生。而牟宗三以“道德”为本体则形成了如下审美品格:“道德”内涵:良知→“良知”的呈现性、经验性决定审美地位“合一说”形成→审美精义上重“静观”而轻“震撼”→审美教育上重“实用”而轻“超越”。通过比较展现了牟宗三美学思想的基本品格和定位,亦为本章其他部分的分析研究提供了理论前提。接着分析牟宗三美学思想的结构层次、性质特征和价值内涵等内容,其中结构层次是对道德本体论美学具有的现象、分别说的审美表象与本体、合一说的无相之美进行区分,并剖析了两个层面的象征关系;性质特征是对审美在道德良知的主导下形成的附庸性、独立性进行分析;价值内涵则是对道德本体论美学形成的整体性精神追求和价值意义进行思考。第4章主要是从具体、形而下的层面,通过中西比较的方法对美学思想涵盖的“智的直觉”“圆满的善”“审美判断”三大概念范畴进行梳理。其中智的直觉与审美体验共同以“道德良知”为外在性价值引领、以“真我”为内在性主体条件,故智的直觉从某种意义上说就是一种审美体验。圆满的善是道德至善理想的达成,亦是真、善、美融合为一的状态,审美以道德为主导和提挈的基本定位使得“圆善”不仅是道德行为的理想境界,也是审美活动的理想境界。牟宗三对审美判断力的分析则蕴含了审美本质论见解。他通过将审美判断的性质定为“目的性”,审美判断的原则定为“无相”,最终将美的本质界定为“美善合一”。可以说,对三大审美范畴蕴含的独特义理的探析,成为了道德论美学在完成本体论理性定位之后、在具体内容与结构上的进一步充实与深化。第5章是将牟宗三的道德论美学放在道德形而上学的整体中考察其具有的理论意义,联系当下热点理论问题和社会问题探讨其具有的现实意义,最后以辩证唯物主义哲学观为出发点,指出了牟宗三美学思想中存在的理论误区及思想局限。

【Abstract】 In order to criticise and exceed Kant’ s esthetics,MOU Zong-san’ s created his own esthetic thoughts with Chinese classic philosophy wisdom.He based his esthetic thoughts on "goodness",which is the concept from Chinese ancient Confucianism.According to it’ s central meaning,MOU Zong-san arrange his scattered thoughts about esthetics and art toa system."Goodness " is not only the philosophical foundation but the logical starting point of his whole esthetic theories.In recent years,MOU Zong-san’ s moral metaphysics,moral ethics and the doctrine about heart and nature have become a research hot in philosophical studies, but the research in esthetic thoughts still remain rare and frail.In connection with the present state,we regarded "MOU Zong-san’ sesthetic thoughts" as the main topic in this dissertation.From that on,we hope the research work can inspect the moral esthetic thoughts’ status which exist scattered but consistent in whole moral metaphysics,can present the basic essence of esthetic thoughts focally.The research work has two original thinking points:firstly,the dissertation concentrate on MOU Zong-san’ s esthetic thoughts independently and the standpoint,train and arrangement of it come from all kinds of materials relevant to the topic.The dissertation attempt to display the topic’ s contents and appearance completely and systematically,which need to by means of discussing the occurrence theory,ontology and category theory of moral esthetics.Secondly,the comparison of MOU Zong-san’ sesthetic thoughts and Kant’ s esthetic thought,of moral esthetics and moral metaphysics are the important part of writing.We need chase the argumentation of his esthetic thoughts in a expansive and distinct circumstance. "goodness" is the kernel concept and main clue of the whole article, which could make the coherence of the dissertation consistently and the rank order of the dissertation clearly.Chapter 1 is "introduction" of the dissertation,which supplies explanations in advance and sets up backgrounds for the research.In this part,we reviews relevant studies both domestic and nong Kong,Taiwan on it,analyzes the necessity and academic value of the topic,summarizes the main thinking train and study method of the dissertation.Chapter 2 outlines the history of the occurrence and development of MOU Zong-san’ s esthetic thoughts.On one hand,MOU Zong-san’ s esthetic thoughts formed gradually during the processes of translation,critique and judgment on Kant’ s esthetics.So the occurrence,development and moral spirit’ s outstanding of his esthetic thoughts are influenced by Kant’ sviewpoint on esthetics and art.On the other hand,Chinese classic esthetics and Neo-Confucianism’ esthetic thoughts have significant influences on him.For example,the "life consciousness" of Chinese classic esthetics and the "life ontology" of XIONG Shi-li were inherited by MOU Zong-san and both of them were transferred to the humanities state and ethical spirits existed in MOU’ s esthetic thoughts.Because of this transference,moral and esthetics could harmonize at the point of "life" and "ethics" Esthetics has became the important method to cultivate moralized life and enrich moralized character.Chapter 3 is the "ontology of MOU Zong-san’ s esthetic thoughts" Its mission is mainly detailed to investigate the argumentation, structure and theoretic characters of the esthetic thoughts from the metaphysics level,which based on the "goodness" theorem.Firstly,we compare the status of moral spirit in each esthetic thoughts between MOU Zong-san and Kant.Both of them selected "moral" as the leader and goal to personal taste.But it is the difference between their comprehensions to "moral" makes difference styles in each esthetic thoughts.Kant’ s train of thought:the main idea of "moral":free will→a pure transcendental postulation of "free will" decide the "inner connection" of esthetics→"sublime" have the prior location to "beauty" emphasizing "transcendental character" on esthetical education.But MOU Zong-san has different trains about this problem:the main idea of "moral ":goodness→the immanent and presentation principle of "goodness" decide the "synthetic unity" of esthetics→"beauty" have more important location than "sublime"→emphasizing "realizing and empirical character" one sthetical education.We can understanding the basic theoretical pursuit through comparison,which is the premises to the whole chapter.Secondly,we must display the structure,essence and value pursuit of the esthetic thoughts.The structure of esthetics can divided into two parts,the phenomena level and thing-in-itself level, and the phenomena level is the "symbol" of the thing-in-itself level. The essence of esthetics is analyzing the dependence and independence of esthetical behavior.Value pursuit of esthetics is talking about the spiritual goal and significance of the thoughts in a whole sight.Chapter 4 exhibits "anintellectual intuition" "the highest good" and "esthetic judgment" these three esthetic categories through a comparison method in concrete and empirical level.Intellectual intuition and beauty experience regard "goodness" as outer spiritual leader,regard "the I that intuits itself" as inner subjective conditions commonly,so that intellectual intuition is a kind of beauty experience in a certain meaning."The highest good " means the transcendental moral ideal has completed.It represents the state that truth,good and beauty have synchronized to a harmony whole.The highest good is not only the idealist state about moral behavior but the perfect state of esthetic behavior because beauty and taste are leaded by moral in MOU Zong-san’ s moral metaphysics.He also criticize Kant’ s "esthetic judgment" theory and gave some special insights on the substance of beauty.While believing the character of esthetic judgment is "purposiveness" and the principle of esthetic judgment is "reflective",he had the conclusion that the substance of beauty is coherent to good.In a word,the analysis and synthesis on these three esthetic categories are the further enrichment in concretely contents and structures after the moral esthetics fixed on the ontology reasonably.Chapter 5 puts moral esthetic thoughts not only in the background of moral metaphysics to inquire its theoretical significance,but in the connection with present hot study topics and social problems to investigate its realizable significance.At last,with the departure point of dialectics philosophy,we pointed out the theoretical faults and thinking limitations existed inMOU Zong-san’ s esthetic thoughts.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

