

The Study of Kaihentai

【作者】 孙文

【导师】 王云路; 王勇;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 江户时代实行“锁国”政策,但从未懈怠对海外特别是中国大陆的政治、军事及社会动态的关注,注意搜集各种情报。每当来自中国和东南亚各国的商船驶达长崎港,便有唐通事登船询问并记录商船主及其它人员的“风说”,并将其译写成日文上报江户幕府。这类文书被称为“唐船风说书”,后经当时参与风说书解析的幕府儒官林春胜、林信笃父子编集成册,遂成《华夷变态》及《崎港商说》。作为以中日贸易为背景形成的口述史料——唐船风说书在清初中日关系史研究领域具有十分重要的史料价值。本文对《华夷变态》所存录1644-1728年间2300多件“风说书”,进行文献学的梳理,并初步尝试运用其史料对清初历史中的几个问题进行探讨。“序论”部分主要对学术史进行评述,并指出《华夷变态》所具有的多方面价值,在此基础上提出本文的研究任务和研究方法。正文分四章:第2章对《华夷变态》和《崎港商说》的编纂者林春胜和林信笃进行考述,着重探讨他们参与幕府海外情报解析的工作情况,并进一步阐述林氏父子辑录风说书的过程。在浦廉一对《华夷变态》所作的文献学研究的基础上,本文对风说书的传世辑本及其存佚作了探讨。第3章考察了风说书采录者“唐通事”的制度化过程,并从风说书与“唐船”的关系入手,认为“唐船风说书”的缘起在于明清鼎革之际剧烈变动的时局带给日本幕府的冲击,明确了风说书作为国际时事报道的属性,而非一般意义上的贸易文献。通过对风说书内容结构演变及制作方式的分析,运用统计学的方法对风说书与唐船的数量、出发港、唐船的成分及船客的身份等进行考察。第4章围绕欧洲商船在中国沿海的活动、风说书中的郑成功一族、三藩之乱及其对外关系等问题,考察了《华夷变态》所反映的时代。通过对英国商船活动情况的考察,对早期中英贸易关系提供了一些有意义的数据;通过《华夷变态》存录的“阿兰陀风说书”,考察了荷兰与东南割据势力及清朝政府的关系。第5章风说书虽然不是贸易史的文献,但毕竟是在中日贸易活动中产生的。本章通过对其内容的考察,从清日贸易的角度,对《华夷变态》中所反映的山东、江苏、浙江等地区不同时期商船的活动情况作了初步的梳理。“结论”部分主要对进行简单归纳概括,明确本文取得的成果。

【Abstract】 In Edo Era, Japan implemented a closed-door policy, but never slacked the efforts to concern the overseas affairs, especially to the politics, military and social dynamics of China’s mainland, and paid attention to collect information of various kinds. Whenever the merchant ships from China and Southeast Asian countries arriving at Nagasaki, a Chinese translator would get on board, asking and recording the ship-owner’s and other crew members’ "fusetsu," which were then translated into Japanese and reported to Edo Bakufu. Such kind of documents are called "Tosen fusetsugaki," and later, Lin Chun-sheng and his son Lin Xin-du, who were both Confucious Schoolars in Bakufu and joined the others in interpreting the fusetsu, edited them into Kaihentai, and later on, its sequel Kikosyosetsu. As material of oral history based upon the background of Sino-Japanese trade, Tosen fusetsugaki has a great historical value in the field of research on the history of Sino-Japanese relation. This dissertation, analyzes the literature of more than 2,300 pieces of "fusetsu" in Kaihentai recorded between 1644-1728, which is an initial attempt to use historical data to discuss several issues in the history of the early Qing Dynasty.The dissertation is divided into 4 (Ⅱ-Ⅴ) chapters.ChapterⅡIn this chapter, the editors of the Kaihentai and Kikosyosetsu Lin Chun-sheng and Lin Xin-du are examined and reviewed, focusing on their participation in the analytical work of information in Bakufu, and further explaining the Lins editing process of fusetsu. This dissertation discusses the collection passed down and lost, in light of Urarenitsu’s literature study of Kaihentai.ChapterⅢIn this chapter, the process of institutionalization of Chinese Translator as fusetsu recorder is inspected, and proceeding from the relation between the fusetsu and Tosen, it is believed that the appearance of Tosen fusetsu was caused by the impact on the Japanese Bakufu brought by the turbulent situation from the change of Ming Dynasty to Qing Dynasty. It makes clear that the fusetsu is the report of international current affairs, rather than trade literature in general sense. Through the analysis of the evolution of the content, structure and the formation of the fusetsu-gaki, the numbers and components of Tosen, the departure ports and the status of the passengers are inspected with statistical methods.ChapterⅣIn this chapter, the situation in Southeast Asia reflected in Kaihentai are inspected through the activities of the European merchant ships on the coast of China, Zheng Cheng-gong and his family members mentioned in fusetsu, the rebel of Wu San-gui, Geng Jing-zhong and Shang Ke-xi against the Qing Dynasty, the foreign relations and other issues. By way of the examination of the activities of the British merchant ships, some meaningful data of the early Sino-British trade relations are provided. Through Oranda Fusetsugaki recorded in Kaihentai, the relationship between Netherlands and Southeast separatism forces and the relationship between Netherlands and Qing Government are inspected.ChapterⅤFusetsu, though not the literature of history, after all, appeared in the activities of Sino-Japanese trade. This chapter, through the inspection of its contents, from the perspective of trade between Qing Dynasty and Japan, offers a preliminary analysis of the activities of the merchant ships in Shandong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang in different period, reflected in Kaihentai.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】K313;K249
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1319

