

A Study on the Alternative Pronunciations of Wangsan

【作者】 赵庸

【导师】 黄笑山;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 《王三》即《王仁昫刊謬補缺切韻》,在《切韻》系書中,底本較接近陸法言原書,而整體面貌時代又相對靠後,是經王仁昫刊補的一系非常重要的《切韻》傳書,《王三》寫卷也是迄今所見最完整的《切韻》系韻書寫卷,歷來是學界研究的重要材料。《王三》的異讀情況現有研究較少深入,本文以此為切入點,進行專题研究,以期為韻書及異讀等熱點研究增加新的文本經驗.《王三》異讀大部分是一字二音,少量為一字三音或四音。明確注出又音的紀錄共2451條,未明確注出又音而據字頭重出可索隱異讀關係的紀錄共2087條。比較兩類又音紀録可知,韻書卷次越靠前,撰者或抄者越是勤於音注;撰者或抄者確實曾著意在去聲卷中多施筆墨以提醒去聲的特殊性;入聲又音失注除和卷次靠後有關,可能遗反映了撰者和抄者對入聲異讀的敏感度。《王三》異讀的注音術語基本形式是反切注音法和直音注音法,“N音”、“同音呼別”等其他形式反映了《王三》注音的靈活性。“本音某/本某某反”、“又音某聲/本音某聲”等術語《廣韻》習見而《王三》未見,反映了唐宋學術發展的進步,也暗示了時人對音節結構分析的認識水平。《王三》對前書又音的繼承非常忠誠。《王三》和箋三又音的吻合度非常高,兩書一脈相傳的說法可以確信。《王三》和《切二》的又音吻合情況說明《王三》和《切二》的關係比與箋三的關係還要密切一些。箋三、《切二》、《王三》從母書中繼承了共同的又音紀錄,又彼此獨立增注又音,《王三》增注最多,三書增注的都不是時音。《王三》的異讀從文獻上可以溯源為前人的典籍音注。生成原因大致有假借、誤認聲旁、方俗差異、語流音變、音以義別。《王三》地名異讀主要反映的不是方言差異。個別僅是文字現象。聲母異讀反映的大多不是歷史音變關係,而是上古時期語音就已走了不同的發展道路。韻母異讀有歷史音變的反映,更多的情況可以直接追溯到上古時期。聲調異讀有關涉上聲的傾向,應該是四聲產生的表徵。地名異讀中有聲旁類推的現象。

【Abstract】 In the series of Qieyun(切韻),Wangsan(王三),also named Wang Renxu Kanmiu-Buque Qieyun(王仁昫舒刊謬補缺切韻),which is similar to the original work writen by Lu Fayan(陸法言) and has a late appearance,is an important branch supplemented by Wang Renxu(王仁昫).As so far,this manuscript is the completest one in the series of Qieyun(切韻),scholars regard it as a stuff worth their while.This study makes the alternative pronunciations of Wangsan(王三),lacking deep researches now,as the breakthrough point to a special subject,with the wish of adding new knowledge to the hot studying spots such as rhyme books and alternative pronunciations.In Wangsan(王三),if one character has different readings,the general situation is that one character correlates with two readings,only a small part have three or four readings.There are 2,451 notes marked with another reading,2,087 notes without marking,but we can also find the relationship relying on the appearance of the same character in different rhymes of the book.Compare these two classes,we can find that the anteriorer the volume is,the harder the writer or copyist noted the reading;the writer or copyist indeed paid more attention to sound notation in qusheng(去聲) volume in order to indicate the particularity of qusheng(去聲) reading;except for the rear location,the loss of the sound notation in annotation in rusheng(入聲) volume may reflect the sensitivity of the writer or copyist to rusheng(入聲) reasding.Frequentally,Wangsan(王三) uses fanqie(反切) or character to note sound in annotation.According to terms "N yin"(N音)"tongyin-hubie"(同音呼别),we can understand the flexibility of sound notation in Wangsan(王三).The notation terms "ben-yinmou/ben-moumoufan"(本音某/本某某反) "youyin-mousheng/benyin-mousheng"(又音某聲/本音某聲),which can’t be found in Wangsan(王三),whereas common in Guangyun(廣韻),not only reflect the scholastic progress in Tang and Song dynasty,but also tell us the ancients’ cognitive level of the analysis of syllable.Wangsan(王三) is loyal to ancestral rhyme books.Wangsan(王三) is similar to Jiangsan(笺三),so we can trust that the latter passed a lot of message to the former. The coincidence in alternative pronunciations between Wangsan(王三) and Qieer(切二) tells us that the tie between these two books is closer than the one between Wangsan(王三) and Jiangsan(笺三).Wangsan(王三) Qieer(切二) and Jiangsan(笺三) inherited a great deal of same sound notations in annotations from their mother book,on the other hand,they added sound notations in annotations all alone. Wangsan(王三) added most.Which were added in these three books were mostly not the readings used then.The alternative pronunciations in Wangsan(王三) can be traced to the early sound notations in ancient literature.They resulted in character borrowing, shengpang(聲旁) mistaking,difference between dialects,sound change in speaking, different sounds related to different meanings,and so on.In Wangsan(王三),generally speaking,the alternative pronunciations of geographical name don’t reflect dialectal differences.Very few are just character phenomena.The majority of the alternative pronunciations of initial are not the results of historical sound change,but of different roads from ancient times.Some of the alternative pronunciations of rhyme are the results of historical sound change,and more can be directly traced to ancient times.The alternative pronunciations of tone tend to involve qusheng(去聲) reading,this tendency should be the sign of the birth of four tones.Part of geographical names have alternative pronunciations because of the analogy of shengpang(聲旁).

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期

