

Cognitive and Pragmatic Studies of Subject Ellipsis in Chinese

【作者】 陈伟英

【导师】 黄华新;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 省略不仅涉及语法的各个层面,也与修辞学、心理学、认知科学、计算机科学等有密切的联系,其研究经历了从语义语法到语用维度的转变,越来越多的学者试图从篇章的角度,结合语境来考察省略这一复杂而灵活的语言现象。主语省略的研究无论从深度和广度都不及省略研究,尚缺乏从认知的视角考察其深层动因和理解机制,如主语省略是怎么生成的,它的理解是怎样的心理-生理过程?当下学界对于主语省略的研究并没有形成比较成熟的理论。在计算机自然语言处理中,对主语省略研究的报道也不多见,有关机器翻译应用的报道少之更少。但是随着计算机科学的迅速发展,研究主语省略和省略恢复对于文字输入、人机对话和自然语言理解都将具有非同一般的意义。本文基于国内外研究现状的考虑,结合现代汉语具体实例,分析叙事体语篇中主语省略的分布特征,为汉语主语省略寻找解释性理论,从自然语言理解和交际出发,借助认知语用交际观,引入经济原则、省力原则及可及性理论作为主语省略实证研究的理论背景,自行设计了主语、话题、提及、干预、距离和推进等六个参数,以五本现当代汉语经典小说作为封闭语料对指称语进行系统标注,发现汉语主语省略的分布特征和规律,并论证可及性理论和经济原则对于主语省略的解释力。通过主语省略辨识和续写等心理语言学的实验,较为真实地反映了主语省略使用中的认知心理问题。本文试图从认知语用的视角来刻画主语省略的深层动因,包括心理取向、文化动因和理解机制,以及它和省力的辩证关系等,探讨可及性理论和经济原则的矛盾和统一,从而对可及性理论解释汉语主语省略做出补充和完善。所得出的结论是言语交际中遵循经济省力的原则是普遍现象,但省力不是单方面的省力,它是交际双方的省力平衡。作为经济原则和可及性理论融合的交叉支点,语境对于汉语主语省略话语具有双向作用,即过滤作用和添补作用,在确保可及性和实现经济性表达中具有重要意义。结语部分指出本论文的创新点是从认知语用的角度考察主语省略现象,以经济性原则和可及性理论作为理论框架,对汉语叙事体语料中的主语省略分布特征进行系统刻画,并对于主语省略的识别和生成进行实验研究,是一项综合语篇分析、认知语用和心理语言学的交叉研究。最后对于主语省略的后续研究进行了展望,包括主语省略的习得和日常使用研究,借助于计算机和网络等进行主语省略的阅读实验,利用可靠数据说明主语省略理解的难易和特征,为计算机处理自然语言和机器翻译等领域提供实用的手段来解决主语省略的识别和恢复等难题。

【Abstract】 Ellipsis has been regarded as a permanently hot topic in linguistic study. It is not only relevant to questions in syntax, but germane to rhetorical, psychological, cognitive and computer studies. Domestic research on ellipsis has recently turned from semantic, syntactic dimensions to a pragmatic one. More studies now start from the perspectives of discourse and context. But studies on subject ellipsis, which is a typical phenomenon in the use of Chinese language, lack a cognitive perspective to explore its generative causes and comprehension mechanisms. It is this type of findings that provides the psycholinguistic underpinning for the idea of ’subject ellipsis as a processing instructor’ in the human language production. No uniformity has been made explicit in diverse theories, nor have cross-disciplinary pluralistic views been adopted in cognitive and psychological analysis of subject ellipsis in natural languages. There are not many reports on subject ellipsis studies in the natural language processing in computers or machine translations. With the development in computer science, studies on subject ellipsis and ellipsis recovery have great significance in human-computer dialogues and natural language comprehension.The most intriguing in language studies may be the "how and why" of certain language phenomenon. As far as subject ellipsis is concerned, mysterious issues arise such as the production and comprehension of elided parts, and the accompanying psychological and physiological processes. This paper is an attempt to sort out some of the considerations - particularly the cognitive considerations - involved in such matters. It is written in the spirit, not of providing any final answers, but of trying to clear the air of proliferating obfuscation as well as of providing suggestions for profitable lines of both linguistic and psychological research. Based on previous researches and abundant examples in Mandarin Chinese, empirical studies are carried out on the distribution of zero anaphors, pronouns and full noun phrases in a closed corpus of five classical contemporary novels, and production and comprehension of subject ellipsis are closely inspected through two paralleling psycholinguistic experiments. Conjugation of two explanatory theories - Accessibility Theory and the Principle of Economy is realized, with context as the interface to combine the two, which has both filtering and refilling effects on subject ellipsis in language communication.The first chapter serves as the introduction of research background, purposes and significances, based on a detailed review of relevant studies on ellipsis and subject ellipsis both home and abroad. The second chapter is seen as a fulcrum for later corpus studies and experiments, mainly focused on the subject and subject ellipsis in Mandarin Chinese. The third chapter presents the theoretical background for empirical studies. It starts off from natural language comprehension and communication, puts forward a concept of communication from cognitive and psycholinguistic standpoints. It then introduces the Principle of Economy, the Principle of Least Efforts, Accessibility Theory and illustrates factors which influence the accessibility and prominence of referential expressions in discourses. Chapter four is operated in two modes of description, one of which can be thought of as a linguistic descriptive mode, the other the psychological experimental mode. The first mode aims to disclose the patterns and rules of subject ellipsis in narrative texts. In the second mode, on the other hand, it is assumed that generation and understanding of subject ellipsis can be predicted. The preference and tendency in the use of subject ellipsis can be discovered through identification and continuation experiments. Chapter five explores the generating motivations in subject ellipsis, using the Principle of Economy and the Accessibilty Theory, based on the results from the experiments in the previous chapter. Thus "a speaker-based generative mechanism" is established and the psychological preference and cultural motivatations are disclosed as well. The sixth chapter goes further to analyze the double effects of context in the production and comprehension of subject ellipsis, a speaker-based filtering effect and a listener-based refilling effect. The potential of accessible contexts to realize the economy for both parties involved in the communication is depicted with rich vivid examples. The last chapter points out the need for further researches in children’s first language acquisition and daily use of ellipsis. On-line experiments such as self-paced reading or eye-tracking will be employed to submit more reliable results on the difficulty and characteristics of comprehension of discourses containing elided structures.As a cross-disciplinary study of discourse analysis, cognitive pragmatics and psycholinguistics, this paper forms a new theoretical framework to explain subject ellipsis, with a systematic description of the distribution of subject ellipsis in narrative texts and an empirical study of identification and production of subject ellipsis in real natural language.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

