

The Study on Development Models of European Animation Industry

【作者】 赵小波

【导师】 李杰;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 本研究解析了以法国、英国、德国为代表的欧洲动画产业发展模式,目的是展示一幅真实的欧洲动画产业版图,以弥补我们认识上的不足。研究从产业模式的角度切入,综合运用经济学、传播学、符号学等方法,考察了欧洲动画产业由个人艺术-大众艺术-动画产业的发展历程;运用钻石模型的理论框架,分析了目前欧洲动画产业整体竞争优势;进一步提出以政府和社会为推动要素,政策、资金、市场、人才为产业要素的欧洲动画产业发展模型,并以模型为基础,根据各要素之间的不同关系,将欧洲动画产业发展模式分为政府主导的法国模式、政府协调的英国模式和地方集权的德国模式,运用大量数据与资料,探寻了每种模式的主要特点、形成历史、主要成就及产业现状;鉴于传播模式的独特性,研究重点考量市场行销传播、文化传播和会展传播三个层次,归纳出欧洲动画借势传播、小众传播、主题日、合作教育、主题公园、动漫节等传播方式;最后,在欧洲动画产业与中国动画产业具有相似性的前提下,提出欧洲动画产业对中国动画产业发展的启示。从产业的角度厘清欧洲动画发展脉络,提出具有参照性的三大发展模式、解析欧洲动画产业整体竞争优势在国内尚属首次。所用资料80%直接来源于国外,在国内首次运用。以473部欧洲动画作品为样本库的定量与定性相结合的方法具有一定的创新性。本研究试图探究动画竞争力的内部因素与外部因素,找出具稳定规律性的产业要素和产业结构,可作为国内学术界对欧洲动画产业研究的有益补充。在目前国内尚未见到相关专著的情况下,以期丰富动画理论研究层次,为动画产业研究作出学理上的贡献,为国内业界提供参照,促进动画产业的科学发展。

【Abstract】 This study analyses the developmental models of European Animation Industry—especially for the France, United Kingdom and Germany—in order to reveal its veracious domain and recover our deviation.From integrated perspectives of economics, mass communication and semiotics, this study attempts to provide a clear development history of European Animation Industry--from Individual Art to Mass Art to Animation Industry. After the investigation of the whole competitive advantages of European Animation Industry by using Diamond Model as a theory framework, the study proposes a developmental mode in which government and society are the promoting factors while polices, funds, markets, talents are the industrial factors. Based on the mode and the differential relationship of these factors, the study is divided into three sub-models of European Animation Industry—the Fr model, UK model and the DE model and explores their characteristics, history, achievements and current situation. As for the specificity about communication way of European animation, the study inspects three main ways—marketing, culture and exhibition. Finally, Based on the similarities of European and Chinese animation, the study summarizes a few beneficial inspirations from European Animation Industry.It is the first time to make a systematic exploration about European Animation Industry by a new vision. It is also the first time to propose three development models of European Animation Industry and analysise competitive factors. About 80% material of the study comes from foreign articles which are first published in China.The quantitative and qualitative methods on the bases of 473 corpus about European animation products are also innovative.The study tries to find out the inner and external factors of competitive strength about animation Industry. It is a beneficial supplement for the animation industry research. As there are no relevant Monograph in China, the author hopes it can do some academic contribution for all the researchers and provides a reference for Chinese Animation Industry.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

