

Press Thought in Modern China: Its Origins and Structural Transformation

【作者】 邵志择

【导师】 高力克;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国近代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 中国近代报刊思想的起源问题一直是研究报刊史的学者所关心的问题,一般认为起源可上溯至王韬以及《循环日报》的论政传统,也有学者认为应从林则徐开始。本文认为近代报刊思想的起源是一个较长的过程,从传教士的办报活动至维新时期都应该是起源的阶段,其中传教士的报刊事业对中国近代报刊业及报刊思想有接引之功;外人的商业性报刊至少对近代报刊业的发展起了不小的作用,就职于商业报刊的中国主笔也对报刊理念进行过阐述,因时代的局限他们的表述未能得到回应;维新时期的报刊勃兴标志着近代报刊事业的成熟,也因高层知识分子进入报业而使中国报业受到官方及民间的广泛承认,此后的报刊逐渐成为不可小视的一种社会力量。至维新时期,中国近代报刊思想的起源基本完成,其标志就是文人论政办报模式的成型。但是因为这一模式是在既有权力体系中产生并发挥作用的,它不能在权力之外发挥独立的舆论力量,最终有可能被权力收编或被权力摒弃。庚子以后清廷实行新政,尤其是1906年宣布预备立宪之后,知识分子开始利用西方的宪政思想改造政治,他们以谋求开国会为目标展开了声势浩大的立宪运动。在这一运动的过程中,社会力量得到一定程度的动员,造成了较为广泛的舆论政治,而立宪派的政党活动以及报刊力量是这一舆论政治运动的酵母,由此形成了以言论自由、出版自由为口号的监督政府、批评政府的浪潮,这是舆论政治最显著的表现。由于立宪运动的关键在于改变权力的形成与分配机制,因此这一运动基本上与权力处于对立面,立宪派的报刊也就与权力对立。这种对立最后导致决裂,立宪派也就顺理成章成为革命的一种力量,因此立宪报刊对辛亥革命的成功有较大的作用,这被梁启超成为“黑血革命”。在整个立宪运动的过程中,报刊思想吸收了西方民主政治的观念,这一时期中国的报刊思想已经基本完成了转折性的变革,即从向上建言性的办报取向改变为对权力进行批评监督的取向,并且试图在权力结构中成为独立的力量。

【Abstract】 The origins of modern Chinese press thought has been a durable subject in modern Chinese press history study. As we have known, Wang Tao and his XunHuan daily was generally considered as one origin of modern Chinese press thought, another origin was LinZeXu and his business of translating foreign language newspapers. This paper regard the origins of modern Chinese press thought as a quite long nurturing process, this process begins from the advent of foreign missionary press till the Reform period of late 19th century. In this regard, I think that the missionary press functioned as an illuminating element to the Chinese press thought, and foreign business newspapers were also has significance to modern Chinese press development. Some editors worked for their foreign employers wrote many articles discussing western press ideas ,but their opinions neglected by their peers due to epoch limitation. Press booming during the WuXu Reform era indicated that modern Chinese journalism in late 19th century reached its peak, as many higher literati enter journalism to became editors and chief writers, modern Chinese press were widely recognized by both officialdom and ordinary society and gradually became a robust social power. Furthermore ,modern Chinese press thought nearly finished its process of origins till this time, with the so-called wen ren lun zheng press model(style of essay and political commentary of the press)as its emblem. Since this model stemmed from and functioned within the existing political system, it could not be exercised fully, and always incline to be absorbed into this political system. After the Qing government issued its New Polices in 1903 and especially after 1906, when Qing court declared constitutional preparation, a whole new breed of literati begun to apply western constitutional thought to reform old autocratic political system, with the aim of establishing parliament. In this constitutional movement, social power aroused to some degree by constitutionalists and their press activities, thus forming a new type of politics of public opinion. Slogans such as press freedom and free expression were utilized as powerful weapons to supervise government activities. The constitutional movement means to reconstruct the existing power system, so the constitutionalists were fundamentally contrary to the existing power, so as the press founded by the constitutionalists, this situation led the constitutionalists to ultimate ruptured with the imperial Qing government. For this reason, Liang Qichao called the press functioned as "revolution of ink" in late Qing revolution movement. We can conclude that during the constitutional movement, modern Chinese press thought finished its structural transformation, i.e. from petition to upper power to criticize and supervise political power and struggle to incorporate the media to be structural element within the politics structure and remain an independent power.

【关键词】 中国近代报刊思想起源转折
【Key words】 Modern ChinaPress ThoughtOriginsTransformation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】G219.29
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1516

