

Formal Depict of the Chinese Quantified Structure

【作者】 张炯

【导师】 黄华新;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 二战后,伴随着计算机科学的发展,产生了用机器处理自然语言的实际需要。理论计算机科学的成熟使得对自然语言的形式语义学研究在上个世纪70年代后登上了美国语言学界的舞台,并很快辐射到欧洲。众所周知,自然语言是包含歧义的语言,机器处理必须制定严格的元语言规范,这部分工作与语义学和句法学的界面有密切关系。在我国,80年代末已经有学者尝试用现代逻辑方法研究自然语言,此后通过引介,现代的形式语义学方法开始在语言学界有了更多的运用。但由于学科间的隔阂和研究传统的影响,形式语义学目前在国内仍停留在较为新鲜和陌生的状态。自然语言的形式语义学是舶来品,过去的研究都侧重于对国外研究成果的引入,关注的语言现象也大多是英语。本文在延续这一传统的同时,力图做到某些突破,就是能把形式语义学的一些理论结果应用于汉语语义的研究中,并以汉语实际面临的问题为导向,构造一个较为完整的汉语部分语句系统。该部分语句系统聚焦于汉语丰富的“广义量化结构”上。在这方面,前辈学者利用结构主义或认知语言学的方法取得了丰硕的成果,形式语义学中蒙太格语法包含的广义量词思想恰好可以作为一个合适的工具处理这些问题。实际上论文所用到的不仅仅是蒙太格语法和广义量词这样的工具。在对自然语言语义的研究中,笔者还发现了事件语义和可能世界语义学复合的作用,它们都适合表示自然语言语义的一个侧面。笔者在讨论汉语量化意义跨句子照应的问题上还考虑了语篇的作用,这涉及运用动态广义量词的思想。在绪论中,我们界定了研究对象“自然语言的量化结构”,并介绍了研究的工具和方法。第二章介绍了蒙太格语法体现的广义量词思想,为部分语句系统的建立做了铺垫。第三章建立了这个部分语句系统,对汉语量化表达式的生成我们采取了量化嵌入的方法,这是为了避免在句法上涉及转换。本章探讨了构造汉语部分语句系统的难点,并且提出:根据汉语句式多变的实际情况,需要利用特殊的计算模型并建立一部“句式词典”。本章提出了利用LR方法中的状态转移给出主要动词语义的方法,这吸收了句式语义学的主要观点。第四章探讨了该系统在深入研究汉语量化表达式方面可能的扩展。在汉语名词性量化短语的形式语义分析中引入了半格语义,通过格语义把汉语的量化表达式按量化限定范围的差异分成“种类”、“子类”、“复数”、“单数”四大类。在汉语中光杆名词有着非常复杂的歧义现象,本章除了描写这种歧义外还研究了如何排除这种歧义的方法。半格语义与量化结构中的几个专题密切相关,在这一章中笔者深化了对汉语中聚合和分配问题的研究。接着,笔者介绍了一种包含同态内核的半格,以刻画个体和质料的差别。最后,利用半格语义解决两个问题:“多中心词问题”和“部分性难题”。第五章是对汉语中动量词、时量词和度量词的形式描写。在这一章中引入了事件这个本体作为可能世界语义学的补充。在形式语言学的研究传统里,这部分属于修饰语量化的研究,它是广义量词理论的一个专题性的分枝,因此本章梳理了该项研究的背景,并构造了新的动态量词的解释方法。在这一章中引入了与上一章中“个体——质料”代数相对应的“事件——过程”代数,并对这种语义模型做了应用。第六章是对所有量化结构计算的一个总结,其中我们着重探讨了第三章中遗留的一个问题:词汇树特别是不连续结构的识别和计算。该章利用和发展了Cooper储存的方法,尝试解决大量跟不连续结构有关的语义学问题:如“的”字结构的计算问题,不可化归的广义量词的计算以及广义量词辖域的排歧。

【Abstract】 After the second World War,the development of computer science urged the need and practice of natural language processing(NLP).The mature and prosperity of the theoretic computer science led the formal semantics of the natural language on the stage of American linguistics in the late 1970s,whose influence was brought to Europe at an unexpected quick pace,As is well known,the natural language has much more ambiguity than the artificial language such as the program language.Adopting machine to process the natural language requires a set of strict meta-language rules,which are closely related to the interface between semantics and syntactics.At home,Wang Weixian and others(1989) and Chen Zongming(1993) began to study natural language by the methods of modern logic at the end of the 1980s.Later the theory and practice of formal semantics were introduced to China.Unfortunately it still remains as an area in which few Chinese scholars touch because of the difference between traditional research method and the new school.Since the study of natural language from the perspective of formal semantics is of strong foreign origin,the literature underlines the introduction of foreign theories and practices,with English as the target of study.The thesis cherishes this tradition,on the basis of which a breakthrough is expected.The author wants to apply the formal semantics to the study of the Chinese language and tries to construct a fragment system of Chinese with the practical problems Chinese faces as the guideline.The system focuses on the abundant resources of "generalized quantified structure",which are well examined by many scholars who start from the perspective of structuralism or cognitive linguistics.The GQT(generalized quantifier theory) in formal semantics functions as a practical tool to deal with the quantification in the language.The thesis also finds the unification function of the possible world semantics and event semantics,both of them being suitable for presenting one profile of the natural language semantics.When taking generalized quantifier binding variables in two or more than two sentences as a problem,we introduce the dynamic generalized quantifier.In the chapter one,I defined the term "generalized quantified structure",which is the main object of my research.There’s also a concise survey of the research about the tool and method. The second chapter is the introduction part,which explains the GQT and its application in the Montague grammar.This chapter functions as the basis for the following chapters.The third chapter sets up a fragment system.Based the system,and the author points out a number of peculiar difficulties that one may face in constructing the system.These difficulties concern the real conditions of the Chinese syntactic and require certain computing model.In coping with the meaning combination of the generalized quantifiers,the author uses the method of Quantify In to avoid transformation in syntactic.In this chapter,the main verb’s logical translation could be dicided by the state of LR algorithm,which absorb the point of the theory of constructional meaning.The fourth chapter examines the quantified Chinese noun phrases. The semantics of semi-lattice is introduced,through which the Chinese quantification are classified into four types on the standard of quantified object:classes,subclasses,plurals and singulars.The Chinese bare nouns have very complicated phenomena of ambiguity,the thesis describes the ambiguity caused by bare nouns and seeks the way to resolve the ambiguity.The issues in the semantics of semi-lattice are closely related to each other and the chapter deepens the problem of collection and distribution in the Chinese language.The chapter also introduces a semi-lattice which includes kernel of homomophism to distinguish the difference between individual and mass.The utility of semantics of semi-lattice can solve the problem of hydra and that of partitive puzzle.The fifth chapter is a formal depict of the Chinese verb-measure words,time-measure words and measure words.The concept of ontology of events is introduced as a supplementary to the possible world semantics.In the traditions of the formal linguistics,ontology of events belong in the research area of adverb quantification,which is a branch of GQT.The author sort out the background of the very research and construct a new interpretation for dynamic quantifiers.In the fifth chapter event-process algebra is introduced as a contrast to individual-stuff algebra,and I applied this semantic model to linguistical problem.The sixth chapter is a summary for the computation of quantification.The author reviews a puzzle unsolved in the second chapter:the recognition and computation of the compound structure,especially those of the cleft structure.Cooper storage is utilized and developed to solve semantic problems associated with Discontinuous Constituency,for example the computation of the structure with "de",the computation of unreducible generalized quantifiers.In the end of this chapter,the author support a dynamic tactic to resolve ambiguity in the scope of generalized quantifiers.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

