

The Research on Bureaucratic System in Spring and Autumn Period

【作者】 赵晓斌

【导师】 束景南;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 春秋官制是官制史研究的重要组成部分,也是当前官制研究中的薄弱环节。本文尝试在借鉴现有成果的基础上,将春秋官制置于宗法礼治社会的宏观背景下,进行一次相对全面、系统的整理和研究。考察对象主要包括:春秋列国的职官体系、列国职官的职掌、列国的任官制度、诸侯卿大夫爵位等级制、官员的俸禄、奖惩制度等。全文共分九章,绪论部分主要概述了春秋官制研究的历史和现状,交代了本文的研究对象与方法,并对涉及春秋官制的主要文献及其史料性质作了介绍和辨析。第一章是全文的总论,概述了春秋官制的相关社会背景(包括政权结构、地方行政制度、社会阶层、思想文化及其轴心),宗法礼制背景下的任官制度、春秋时期的爵位等级制、官员赏罚制度、食禄制度,以及礼仪规范对官员职能的影响和渗透。第二章至第九章是论文的主体部分,分别考述了周王朝和鲁、卫、晋、郑、宋、齐、楚7国的职官设置和任官情况。由于材料多寡不均,对列国官制的考察角度、考察对象和详略程度也各有不同。对其中每一职官的考察范围包括:该职官的基本源流、具体职掌、地位高下、与他国同一官职的异同,等等。

【Abstract】 The bureaucratic system of Spring and Autumn Period is very important to the whole history of bureaucratic system in China. However it is a weak point in this field. This paper is trying to make a wholesale research on the bureaucratic system of Spring and Autumn period based on the society background which is characterised by its patriarchal clan system and ritual forms with the help of achievements already made in this field. The main objects of the paper includes the following items such as the bureaucratic system of the kingdoms, the responsibility of the bureaucratic branches in different kingdoms, the rank of nobility in different kingdoms, the salary standard, the system of rewards and punishments and so on. This paper is divided into ten chapters. The preview introduces the history and achievements of related research in this sphere, and make a general analysis on the documents related to the time in Spring and Autumn period. It is the main body of the paper from chapter 2 to chapter 8, which individually make a study on the bureaucratic system of Zhou dynasty and kingdoms including Lu, Jin, Wei, Zheng, Song, Qi and Chu. The research sphere of per government position includes the origin and responsibility, rank in the whole system and the comparative study with other kingdoms and so on. Chapter 9 is the conclusion which tries to make a brief generalization on the developing trend of bureaucratic system and different characteristics in each kingdom in that time.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

