

"Shen Yue’s Poems and Ren Fang’s Bi"-A Comparative Research on Shen Yue and Ren Fang

【作者】 陈伟娜

【导师】 林家骊;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 齐梁文坛有“沈诗任笔”之称,沈约是永明声律论的重要倡导者,任防又是中古时期文笔之辨背景下公认的善撰“笔”类作品的代表作家,这是对当时文学潮流的走向起着关键作用的两个人物。本文通过任沈二人的比较研究,以期从新的视角认识齐梁文坛的创作情况,并更加深入地阐述永明声律论及文笔之辨等中古文论中的重要课题。共同的历史背景与文化语境,使得沈约与任昉的生平经历、思想体系及文学观念等有着许多相似之处。作为文苑双峰并峙之秀,他们赢得了兰桂齐芳的炳焕盛名。但任沈二人又分守“诗”“笔”界域,凫短鹤长,各有所能。沈约善撰诗篇,与谢胱等提出以四声定韵、避八病和声为主要内容的永明声律论,并大力运用于新体五言诗的写作中,形成了“好诗圆美流转如弹丸”的美学理想。任防虽无诗名,从他存世的几首五言诗来考察,总地来讲对永明声律论也有着一定的认识水平与应用能力。但任防的兴趣点并不在于此,他以学问为诗自觉的创作取向,使得其作呈现出渊雅典正的风格,与讲究声色藻采的沈诗相较体现出了“学人之诗”与“诗人之诗”的个性差异。而通过任沈诗歌的比较,得以更加深入地了解作为当时典范的沈诗的美学特征,从而对齐梁诗坛的主流创作方向有一个直观的认识。南朝章表诏诰等多用四六偶丽之体,而这些应用性公牍文章又大多被纳入“笔”这一文类。“笔”作为一个突出的即时性概念,是中古时期文体细化发展及散文骈俪化背景下的产物。朱一新等以为,骈文之有任沈犹如诗家之有李杜。任沈之作,讲究事义藻采。任笔多涉繁富的典故,故而其风格偏于隐秀,沈笔字句轻清,更多地体现出逸秀的面貌。他们的创作都属永明新变之体的范畴,而任笔之所以能取得更为显赫的盛名,是因为任防在其作品中融入了更多新变的因素。彼时文坛还存在一派以裴子野为代表崇尚古体的人物,他们以“尺寸古法”的方式筑成了对抗永明新体的壁垒。然以任沈为代表的新体创作,仍旧主导了整个文坛的发展趋势,这才有了以后徐陵与庾信所抵达的六朝骈文创作的高峰。“沈诗任笔”作为当时南北文坛公认的一个批评标准与评价体系,在某种程度上引导了南北朝中后期文学发展的重心方向以及批评格局。刘孝绰称美的“三笔六诗”,正是以“沈诗任笔”为参照体系而提出的。萧纲将沈约谢胱之诗、任昉陆倕之笔视为“文章之冠冕,述作之楷模”,其隐含的话语背景即是希望以“沈诗任笔”这一标准来纠正文坛颓败的横流。而在北朝,济阴王元晖业曾以“含任吐沈”来称赏最富文名的本土作家温子异。魏收与邢邵,由于各自的文学喜好与创作取径,互结朋党,挑起了宗任宗沈之争。因而任沈之优劣,一度成为了北朝文坛论争的话题。沈约与任昉在“诗”与“笔”的领域,各自树立了时人心目中的典范。“沈诗任笔”,也在特定的时期作为批评标准与评价体系而流行。而围绕任沈二人的比较研究,正是为了更加深入地阐述作为楷式的“沈诗”与“任笔”的特征,以更好地把握当时文坛主流的审美倾向与创作趋势。

【Abstract】 There was a popular saying of "Shen Yue’s Poems and Ren Fang’s Bi" in the literary circle of the Qi and Liang of Nan Dynasty.Shen Yue was one of the important exponentials of the YongMing Phonology Theory,while Ren Fang was the representative "Bi" writer under the context of the separation of "Wen" and "Bi",and both were the pivotal celebrities leading the evolution of literary tidal current.Via the comparative research of Shen Yue and Ren Fang,this dissertation tries to apprehend the status of the literary circle of Qi and Liang from a new angle,as well as elucidate the important problems of the YongMing Phonology Theory and the differentiation of"Wen" and "Bi" much more deeply.Thanks to the same historical backdrop and cultural context,Shen Yue and Ren Fang shared a lot of similarities in their experience,systems of ideas and literary conception.They both won an awfully fine reputation as eponymous writers in the literary world.Nevertheless,Ren and Shen keep their own domain of "poems" and "Bi" respectively,and they both had long suits and shortcomings.Shen Yue was good at poetizing.He and Xie Tiao together with someone else, brought up the YongMing Phonology Theory,which holds "choosing feet via the four tones of classical Chinese phonetics and harmonizing rhythm via avoiding the eight fault" as the primary content.They actively practiced this theory in their new five-word poems,and formed an aesthetic ideal of the cadence of fine poems just like the beautifulness of pills.Ren Fang didn’t have an outstanding reputation of poetizing,but he was also zealous in writing poems.By analyzing Ren Fang’s five-word poems,we can detect that he had a unambiguous cognition of the YongMing Phonology Theory.Nevertheless,this was not what Ren Fang’s interested in.He deliberately created poems with literary quotations and the resulting erudite and elegant style is totally different from Shen Yue’s poems which attach much importance to phonology theory and flowery language,bringing on a vivid difference between "Poet’s poems" and "Learner’s poems".In virtue of the comparative research,we could comprehend the aesthetic character of Shen Yue’s poems as the contemporary model much more deeply,thus having a intuitionistic knowledge of the leading composing trend of Qi and Liang’s Parnassus.The practical writings like Zhang and Biao and Zhao and Gao of the Nan Dynasty were inclined to be written in the form of parallel prose.In the Nan Dynasty,the style of practical writing,for instance the rescripts,were mostly come under the category of "Bi"."Bi" was a prominent temporary concept in the literary realm of the Nan Dynasty,which was the outcome of the subtle development of writing styles and the widely application of the art of parallelism in the essays.Zhu Yi Xin together with someone else deemed that Shen Yue and Ren Fang’s status in the history of the parallel prose is just like that of Li Bai and Du Fu in the history of poems.The articles composed by Shen Yue and Ren Fang pay much attention to literary quotations and flowery language.Ren Fang’s Bi involved heavy and complicated literary quotations,thus the style was inclined to be graceful but subtil.On the other hand,the words and expressions of Shen Yue’s Bi were clear and gentle,making the style behaved graceful and elegant.Their writings both belonged to the Yong Ming new literary form.The reason for Ren Fang’s Bi gaining a much more excellence reputation is that Ren Fang appended more fresh factors in his productions.At that time, there was also another genre in the literary world which was delegated by Pei Ziye,who was characterized by supporting archaism.They antagonized the Yong Ming new literary form by following the ancients’ heels.However,the new style represented by Shen Yue and Ren Fang steered the current of literary development and paved the way for Xu Ling and Yu Xin to arrive at the culmination of parallel pose in the Six Dynasties."Shen Yue’s poems and Ren Fang’s Bi" is an acknowledged critical standard and evaluation system in the Nan and Bei Dynasty literary world,and steered the pivot of the literary development and critical pattern of the Nan and Bei Dynasty in its middle and later phase."The third brother’s Bi and the sixth brother’s Pomes" brought forward by Liu Xiaochuo,which just presented itself under the frame of reference of "Shen Yue’s poems and Ren Fang’s Bi’.Xiao Gang deemed Xie Tiao and Shen Yue’s pomes,as well as Ren Fang and Lu Chui’s Bi as the best writings.The hidden context was that he expected to correct the declining trend of writing by the criterion of "Shen Yue’s poems and Ren Fang’s Bi".In the Bei Dynasty,the monarch of Ji Yin compared Wen Zisheng,who was the classic litterateur in the Bei Dynasty,with Shen Yue and Ren Fang.Besides,Xing Shao and Wei Shou started the dispute between following Shen Yue or Ren Fang because of their different literary preferences and writing inclinations.They had a good many backers respectively,thus the controversy about who was better between Shen Yue and Ren Fang was much debated in the Bei Dynasty.Shen Yue and Ren Fang established the apotheosis in the contemporary domain of poems and Bi."Shen Yue’s poems and Ren Fang’s Bi" was also popular in the form of critical criterion and evaluation system at given period.The comparative research on Ren and Shen aims to expatiate the character of "Shen Yue’s poems" and "Ren Fang’s Bi" as models much more deeply,thus better understanding the primary aesthetic tendency and writing current in the literary world at that time.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期

