

The Study about the Missionary Matteo Ripa Coming to China at the Beginning of Qing Dynasty

【作者】 刘亚轩

【导师】 计翔翔;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在中西文化交流史上,明末清初是一个辉煌的时期。在这一时期,众多西方的耶稣会士来到中国,充当了中西文化交流的媒介和桥梁,使中西双方的认识和沟通达到了前所未有的程度。对此,国内外的学术界已经有诸多论著。可是,对来华的非耶稣会传教士为中西文化交流所做的贡献,我们的研究则明显滞后。关于清初来华的虔劳会士马国贤的研究鲜明地体现了这一点。通过本文对马国贤深入细致的研究,我们可以发现,马国贤在中西文化交流史上是一个特殊而重要的人物,他对中西文化交流做出了重要贡献。马国贤对中西文化交流的贡献主要体现在以下5个方面:1、马国贤的中国观对欧洲18世纪中国热的降温起了重要的作用。2、马国贤的回忆录为西方人了解中国打开了一扇大门,为学者们研究康熙时的中国提供了不可或缺的资料。3、在中西美术交流史上,马国贤第一次把西方的铜版画技术传入中国,改变了以往中国只是制作木版画的传统。马国贤制作的铜版画《避暑山庄三十六景图》促进了欧洲特别是英国的中国园林热。4、马国贤为研究中国礼仪之争提供了更多更珍贵的材料。在礼仪之争中,欧洲社会的很多人士不再相信入华耶稣会士的报告。马国贤的报告恰好在此时出现,因而对当时的欧洲影响更大。5、在中国留学史上,马国贤在其家乡那不勒斯创办的中国学院,是欧洲最早的中国人留学中心。中国学院体现了马国贤与利玛窦的适应路线不同的另外一种传教方法,在清朝厉行禁教时期,为中国的传教事业提供了源源不断的后备力量。马国贤的个案研究表明在中西文化交流的大背景下,来华的传教士无论何门何派,无论其主观立场如何,都不自觉地充当了文化交流的媒介和桥梁,也说明我们急需加强对在华的非耶稣会士的研究,唯其如此,才能更好地揭示明末清初这场大规模文化交流的全貌。

【Abstract】 In history of cultural exchange between China and the West, late Ming and early Qing was a splendid time. In this period, many western Jesuits came to China, acted as media and bridges of the cultural exchange and made China and the West know each other more deeply than ever before. Many scholars have made a study of it. However, we seldom study non-Jesuits’ role in the cultural exchange between China and the West. The study about the missionary Matteo Ripa from Order of Pious Labourers shows this obviously, who came to China at the beginning of Qing Dynasty.Based on the deep and careful study about Matteo Ripa, we can find that Matteo Ripa was a special but important person in history of cultural exchange between China and the West. Matteo Ripa made an important contribution to this cultural exchange, which the following five points show .First, Matteo Ripa’s Chinese impression made a very important contribution to the cooling of Chinese vogue in Europe in the 18th century.Second, Matteo Ripa’s memoir supplied foreign scholars with valuable materials about early history of Qing Dynasty especially Kang Xi ’s reign.Third, in history of art exchange between China and the West, Matteo Ripa introduced western copper-plate engraving to China for the first time and changed Chinese tradition of only making wood-plate one. Matteo Ripa’s copper-plate engraving Bishushanzhuang 36 Different Views caused European especially British Chinese gardening vogue in the 18th century.Fourth, The Chinese Rites Controversy was significant in history of mission and cultural exchange between China and the West. Our prior study emphasized the response of Jesuits in China and non-Jesuits in Europe to this controversy. We seldom notice non-Jesuits in China. We can understand this controversy better by studying Matteo Ripa’s words and actions in it. Fifth, in history of Chinese studying abroad, the Chinese College founded by Matteo Ripa in his hometown Naples was the first teaching and studying unit in Europe aimed at training Chinese students studying abroad. The Chinese College showed that Matteo Ripa’s preaching way was different from Matteo Ricci’s accommodation. The Chinese College provided constant persons for Chinese mission when Qing Dynasty forbade the church severely.The study about Matteo Ripa shows that under the background of cultural exchange between China and the West, the missionaries coming to China acted as media and bridges of cultural exchange unmindfully no matter what sects they were and no matter what positions they were. The study also indicates that we must reinforce the research about non-Jesuits in China. Only by doing so, we can reveal complete appearance of this large-scale cultural exchange better.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

