

【作者】 李小山

【导师】 韩理洲;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 谓李翱复性思想本于佛,《宋高僧传》力倡此说,朱熹习焉而不察,阮元择焉而不精,冯友兰论焉而未审,弟子张跃述之,众人承之,遂使此说推阐于学术界,弥漫以至于今。而李翱思想之深衷隐义,遂洲没不彰。笔者有鉴于此,试图通过三重解读,打开李翱复性思想之义理架构,还李翱思想之本来面目给学术界。此外,本论文还从《春秋》学、礼学这两个全新的角度入手,对李翱思想之研究领域进行扩充。本论文有关李翱生平部分之考论,亦皆为解决其生平研究中之疑点而作。总之,本论文试图把握的写作原则是不新不论,前人已有之研究不再重复。引言部分对论文的选题意义、研究现状做了一个简单的梳理介绍,并明确了本论文的内容设置及研究方法。第一章针对李翱生平研究中留存的若干重大疑点和空白点进行详细考论,专篇探讨有关李翱生年、李翱任滑州幕职、河南府幕职以及任朗州刺史等的生平行事,并随文纠正两《唐书》及《资治通鉴》等史料记载中的有关谬误。其中李翱生年与其《复性书》之作年紧密相关,李翱任朗州刺史的时间亦有助于辨明《宋高僧传》中李翱问道于药山惟俨一事之真伪。故本部分之考论不仅可以填补李翱生平研究中的有关空白点,同时对于我们进一步探讨李翱的思想、作品来说也是非常有价值的。第二章至第五章是对于李翱复性思想的研究。第二章对李翱心性哲学的国内外研究现状进行了详细回顾,依据各派学者着眼点的不同,从儒、释、道三个方面对前贤的李翱思想研究工作进行分类介绍和述评。第三章、第四章、第五章是本论文的着力点所在,笔者以傅斯年先生、牟宗三先生等所揭示的李翱的儒家本位、儒学底蕴为基点,以唐君毅先生、陈弱水先生等所阐明的道家、道教学说在李翱复性思想中的重要作用为考察重点,以冯友兰先生、张跃先生等所指出的佛学影响为具体分析对象,分别从儒、道、释三家不同角度和不同层面入手,采用三重解读的方法,对李翱复性思想进行全面系统和有层次的深入解析,这在有关李翱思想研究的工作中尚属首次。要而言之:李翱复性思想,是以孟学为底蕴、以荀学为辅翼、以《乐记》为发端、以《易传》为桥梁、以《中庸》为骨架、以《大学》为标的,融通儒道,兼及佛学,而万流归宗,宗于孔门,万象朝圣,朝于孔子,此即李翱所谓“如有圣人焉,不出乎此也”、“夫子复生,不废吾言矣。”第六章、第七章分别从《春秋》学和礼学的角度入手,对李翱思想研究工作进行拓荒和扩充,同时也对唐代古文运动提出了一点自己的看法。

【Abstract】 Li Ao’s philosophy has great influence in the history of Chinese philosophy. However, we did not carry out the meaning of his philosophy articles. On the base of Confucius, Li Ao assimilated the theories of human nature mainly from Taoism, though he also involved Buddhism. So I don’t agree with Zhu Xi, Ruan yuan and Feng you lan, who declared that Li Ao’s philosophy derived from Buddhism. This present thesis also correts some mistakes and draws some new conclusions about the research of Li Ao’s life.In the preface, I provide some information about the book, such as researches in the past times, academic value, research meaning and methods.In the first chapter, I try my best to analyze and solve some promblem of Li Ao’s biographical details. Some concerned historical sources and some research articles have negligence and mistakes about Li Ao’s life and essays. Bearing the intention of solving these promblem, the thesis makes a careful revies of Li Ao’s birth and his career of government. Thus, the thesis contribute a great deal to the further research about his works and philosophy thinking.The second chapter is, therefore, designed to give a detailed introduction and comment about the research on Li Ao’s human nature philosophy. My third chapter, fourth chapter and fifth chapter is the emphersis of my thesis. The academia has been paying much attention to Li Ao’ ideas, especially his famous philosophy article Fu-Xing shu. Most people are discussing the origin of his idea and his influence on the Neo-Confucian in Song Dynasty. From different point of Confucius, Taoism and Buddhist, I discussed its breakthrough in exceeding Confucians and its value in the history of philosophy. Through my explanation, it is for sure that we can review Li Ao’s philosophy.Li Ao did not establish the doctrine of Fu-Xing on reality but on ontology,which not only took in Mencius good-nature doctrine but also transcened it. Due to the influcnce of Taoism and Buddhism, Li Ao constructed Confucian doctrine of Fu-Xing. He was one of the first Neo-confucians, for he had a basis of Neo-confucians in Song Dynasty.My sixth chapter and seventh chapter research Li Ao’s idea from new point of Chun-Qiu and Rites,which will help us have a comprehensive mastering of his thinking and the Ancient Prose Movement in the middle Tang Dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】360

