

【作者】 王伟

【导师】 李浩;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 京兆韦氏是唐代最重要的士族家族之一。其族姓源于黄帝姬姓,产生于战国中期,定型于秦汉。其家族诞生于西汉中叶,至曹魏时期成为关陇士族之一员。十六国和南北朝时期,京兆韦氏逐渐摆脱区域性的限制而质变为具有全国影响的士族家族。进入隋唐,韦氏家族政治、社会地位得到空前提高。表现为:有唐一代韦氏家族成员拜相者共计二十位,势冠全唐;家族仕宦率极高,尤其是高品级官吏的仕宦人数急剧增加;家族成为皇室通婚之重要对象,共有近三十位成员与皇室成员进行婚姻来往;家族广泛与山东、江南、关陇地区的一流士族联姻,此举密切其与各地士族的交往,扩大家族影响,韦匡伯、韦嗣立家族可谓典型。导致家族繁盛的主要原因有二:一,凭籍门荫与科举,双轨并进,占据宦途要津,保持家族政治地位之不坠。二是充分利用家族固有影响,通过婚姻关系,扩充其政治关系和影响。此二者,如鸟之双翼,共保韦氏家族在唐代的富贵。由于受到科举取士制的影响,韦氏家族文化的文学性逐渐加强。其成员在诵习经书的同时,文学修养亦日渐提高。此外,从其交往的情况看,有唐一世但凡知名的文学家皆与韦氏成员有过诗文交往。而且,从唐代文人的接受角度看,韦氏家族成员的作品亦多为雅俗两界所称赏。最后,就具体创作情况言,韦氏共有诗文总数千余首(篇),留有姓名的文学家近百人,为后世所激赏的作品数十篇,并产生两位著名的诗词名家,即韦应物和韦庄。有唐一代,韦氏家族在文学创作方面,无论是数量还是质量,都取得良好的成绩,并于当时享有盛誉。韦应物、韦庄、韦絢、韦瓘等是韦氏家族诗(文)名较著的成员。本文在相关章节对韦絢生卒年和平生宦迹进行考证,并对其作品《刘宾客嘉话》的版本和文学意义加以阐发。通过对韦瓘生平考辨,推定其为《周秦行纪》的作者,并又对《周秦行纪》的主题和创作时间加以研究。韦应物是唐代文学研究的热点,成果颇多,通过对韦应物诗的深入分析,着重探讨韦应物的族内交往诗和悼亡诗中所透射出来的家族情怀和家族意识。韦庄是晚唐时期韦氏的重要人物,通过对其文学活动进行研究,着力发掘晚唐五代社会文化背景对其文学创作的影响和其相关文学活动的文学史意义。整体来看,韦氏家族在唐代不仅具有较高的家族地位,而且其家族文化也异常繁荣,其家族文学活动更是对唐代文学发展具有重要贡献。

【Abstract】 Master Wei clan in Jingzhao area is one of the most important noble clans.Its clan-surname which is sourced of Huangdi’s surname-Ji,gave rose to middle=aged of the Warring States,feel into a pattern in Qin & Han dynasty.Its clan was born in middle age of West=Han dynasty,and became one member of Guan-Long noble clans in time of Cao-Wei.In time of Sixteen-countries and North-South-Dynasty,Master Wei clan in Jingzhao area free of district of limits gradually and then qualitative changed as noble clan which had strongly influence to whole country.When it came into Sui and Tand dynasty,Master Wei’s political and social status has been unprecedently improved.It showed as follows:there were totally 20 chancelors came from members of Master Wei clan in Tand dynasty.Its clan had high percentage of be an official,especially the number of be an official with high grade increase extremely;Its clan became important inter-marry target for imperial family,including nearly 30 memebers carry on inter-marry with members of imperial family;Its clan formed an alliance by marriage with first-class clans of areas of Shandong,Jiangnan and Guan-Long extensively,this acitivity build closer relations between clans of other regions and Master Wei clan,extended its clan-influence,clans of Wei Kuangbo and Wei Sili can be called as models.The major reasons for clan-prosperity including two points:first of all,according to hereditary official position and imperial examinations as two roads that carried on at the same time to conqued key posts of official career in order to keep clan’s political status.In addition,make full use of firmly-clan influence with marrage-relationship to extend its political relationship and influence to keep stability of clan-social-status.Those two reasons as bird’wings to protect Master Wei clan’s wealth and rank in Tang dynasty.Under circumstance of imperial examination system’s influence,the nature of literature of clan-culture of Master Wei clan has been enhanced gradually.With its members chanted and studied scripture at the same time,their accomplishment has been imporved day by day.We can see it from content of "scripture book-annals"in two of Tang Shu.In addition,from condition of association,all of famous writers had relationship with members of Master Wei clan on poetical works-commuciation.However,from viewpoint of acception by literati,works by members of Master Wei clan were suit both refined and popular tastes.At last but not least,in the state of specific creation,they wrote over 1,000 poems,among those literatis,nearly 100 person left their names,among those poetical works,nearly 50 were appreciated by later ages.There were famous poetry-writer emerged from Master Wei clan,one is Wei Yingwu,the other is Wei Zhuang,at aspect of literature-creation,no matter what on quantity or on quality, Master Wei clan all gained excellent achievement with high reputation at that time.Wei Yingwu,Wei Zhuang,Wei Xun,Wei Guan etc.are all famous members who gain high fame on literature creation in Master Wei clan,This thesis do textual research on Wei Xun’s life-and -death-year and things happened in the process of his official career in correlated chapters and sections,and elucidate his work Liu Bing Ke Jia Hua’s edition form and literatural meaning.According to do textual distinguishment-research on Wei Guan’s life,conjecture that he is author of Travel Notes In Zhou and Qin Dynasty,and do research for theme and time of creation about this book.Wei Yingwu was hot point of literatural research of Tang dynasty who gained many achievements.Accoeding to deeply analyse his poetry,mainly discuss about his inter-clan commuciation- poems and mourn-poems which appears clan-feelings and clan-realization.Wei Zhuang is key person of Master Wei clan in late Tang dynasty.According to do research on his literature activities,deeply explore influence of literatural creation under social culture background in late Tang dynasty and Five-Dynasties period and literitural historical magnificent meaning for correlational literatural activies with him.In a wod,not only had Master Wei clan gained high clan-status in Tang dynasty,but also gained extremely flourishing on clan-culture,its clan-culture plays a very important role in do significantcontribution for development of literature in Tang dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】878

