

【作者】 储晓军

【导师】 张弘;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 民间信仰是流行于普通民众间的具有宗教性质的信仰传统和社会习俗。它的内容包括巫术活动、神灵崇拜、灵魂观念等;它的目的是趋吉避凶、化苦为乐、消灾祈福;它具有很强的现世性和个体性。魏晋南北朝是中国历史上政治最为混乱,宗教信仰领域却最为丰富和活跃的时期之一。民间信仰在佛教中国化和道教经教化的影响下,形成了新的特色。本文即以志怪小说、考古材料为对象,从巫术活动、神灵崇拜以及生死、灵魂观念等方面努力“复原”魏晋南北朝时期的民间信仰的真实状态,进而为魏晋南北朝时期的文学研究提供更为广阔的精神层面的背景。本文共分五章。第一章论述魏晋南北朝民众的心理状态和宗教活动。通过对魏晋南北朝民众生存环境的描述,认为他们的心理状态呈现出:生存的困窘与无奈、死亡恐惧下的心灵皈依、文化碰撞的冲突动荡以及传统颠覆后的信仰多元化四个特点。他们的宗教活动主要有四个方面:造像、写经、祭祀以及慈善活动。第二章论述魏晋南北朝民间信仰中的巫术活动。认为在魏晋南北朝时期,巫术活动成为民间信仰的重要组成部分,呈现出传统巫术、佛教巫术以及道教巫术融合并存的场景,且具有宗教光环的佛、道巫术渐渐成为巫术的主要形式。第三章论述魏晋南北朝民间信仰中的神祗崇拜。认为民间信仰中民众崇拜的神祗包括自然神祗、人物神祗以及宗教神祗。尤其是对本时期新出现的神祗形象如盘古形象、蒋侯神形象以及观音形象进行了详细论述。第四章论述魏晋南北朝民间信仰中的生死与灵魂观念。由于受到佛教和道教的影响,魏晋南北朝民众生死观与东汉时期既“事死如生”却又“骇鬼”不同,呈现出人鬼之间和谐与沟通的特点。对司命信仰的演变、魏晋南北朝时期敦煌的镇墓文、魂归泰山等问题提出了自己的意见。第五章以魏晋南北朝时期民间信仰中的精怪形象、紫姑形象、鬼形象为个案,讨论魏晋南北朝民间信仰对当世文学以及后世文学的影响。本文的结论是魏晋南北朝民间信仰是中国民间信仰发展史上的重要时期。既继承了战国秦汉以来民间信仰中的传统因素,又在佛教、道教影响下发生着变化,甚至在一些根本问题如生死观念上。这些变化也影响了文学的创作。

【Abstract】 Popular belief is a belief tradition and social custom with religion character, which is popular in common people. It concludes magic activity, god worship and spiritual conception etc. Its purpose is to tend to auspiciousness and to avoid misfortune, to turn bitterness into happiness, to pray for well-being. It presents great character of realism and individuality. In Chinese history, Wei-Jin and Northern and Southern dynasties expressed chaos in politics and being rich and active in religion belief. Under the influence of Buddhism and Daoism, the popular belief formed a new character in Wei-Jin and Northern and Southern dynasties. This dissertation, from the aspect of magic activity, god-worship and spiritual conception etc., try to represent the situation of popular belief in Wei-Jin and Northern and Southern dynasties, so as to provide wider spiritual setting for the research of that dynasty. I utilized some stories and archaeological materials for the discussion.The dissertation is of five chapters.The first chapter is the description of the psychological and religious activity of Wei -Jin and Northern and Southern dynasties. Through the introduction of the living environment of that era, it is shown that people’s mental situation presented into the following aspects: the helpless of hardship, the conversion of the dread of death in heart, the upset of cultural conflict and the diverseness in religion belief after the subversion of traditions. Their religious activities are building statues, writing the Buddhist scripture, sacrificing and charity.The second chapter describes the magic activity of Wei-Jin and Northern and Southern dynasties. It is regarded that in those dynasties magic activity was a great important part of popular belief, showing the co-existing of traditional magic, Buddhism magic and Daoism magic. The Buddhism magic and Daoism magic with religion aura, gradually replaced the traditional magic and became the main form of magic.The third chapter shows the god-worship of popular belief of those dynasties. It is regarded that public-worship god in popular belief included natural god, people, and religion god. Especially the newly-appeared image of god, such as Pan Gu(盘古), Jiang Hou (蒋侯) and Kwan-yin (观音) , were discussed in detail.The fourth chapter argues the idea of life and death and soul in popular belief in Wei-Jin and Northern and Southern dynasties. As the influence of the idea of life and death within the Buddhism and the Daoism, the public idea of these dynasties were different from the idea of "seeing death as life" and "hacked ghosts" of Eastern Han dynasty. It embodied the harmony and communication between men and ghosts. This dissertation showed the idea of evolution of the Si-ming(司命), the Zhen-mu Wen(镇 墓文) of Dunhuang and the Taishan(泰山) belief in Wei-Jin and Northern and Southern dynasties.The five chapter, taking the image of Jingguai(精怪), Zigu(紫姑), and ghost as example, discusses the influence of popular belief of Wei-Jin and Northern and Southern dynasties on literature.The conclusion of this dissertation is that the popular belief of Wei-Jin and Northern and Southern dynasties was one of the most important periods of the history of China popular belief development. It inherited the traditional factors of popular belief in Warring-States period and Qin and Han Dynasty, and also developed under the influence of Buddhism and Daoism, especially in some root problems such as the idea of life and death. All of these changes had impact on the creation of literature.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

