

【作者】 王平

【导师】 彭树智;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 世界史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 波斯是世界文明古国之一,早在公元前6世纪就建立了世界历史上第一个地跨欧亚非三洲的大帝国。在上古、中古时期,波斯因其地处东西方文明交往的必经之地,积极参与了世界文明交往活动,对促进世界文明交流作出了重要贡献。自公元七世纪开始,波斯先后经历了阿拉伯人、蒙古人等异族的统治,在世界文明交往活动中逐渐沉寂下来。在地理大发现、世界历史进入前资本主义的重要时期,波斯人重新建立了自己的王朝——萨法维王朝(1502-1736年),并发展成为当时与奥斯曼土耳其帝国、莫卧儿帝国并列的伊斯兰三大帝国之一,翻开了波斯对外交往的新篇章。萨法维王朝时期,波斯的主要竞争对手是奥斯曼土耳其帝国。两国因为政治、经济和宗教等冲突,进行了长达百年的战争,后经双边协定确立了两国间的边界。但是由于实力不济,波斯失去了至为重要的两河流域地区,政治中心从西部、北部逐渐东移。这为现代两伊战争的发生、以及困扰国际社会的库尔德问题埋下了伏笔。同时,萨法维王朝与奥斯曼土耳其的长期战争,有力地支持了当时欧洲诸国反对土耳其的斗争。位居波斯东北部的乌兹别克汗国,曾数次威胁萨法维王朝的呼罗珊地区。萨法维王朝进行了有力回击,在中亚开展均衡外交,保持中亚的政治均势。但是,东西两边的长期战事,以及由此带来的政治社会不稳定,导致传统陆路贸易的衰落,波斯对外交往的通道逐渐转移到海路。对于东边的莫卧儿帝国,萨法维王朝虽然与之有关于坎大哈问题的小规模军事冲突.但是出于两国历史上的友好往来,以及对中亚汗国的共同防御政策,两国之间从总体上看始终保持交好。这一政策,促进了两国之间广泛的经济文化交往。对于入侵南方海域的葡萄牙帝国,以及以商业贸易公司打头阵的荷兰、法国、英国等殖民主义者,萨法维波斯因军事力量的落后尤其是海军的缺乏,故以开放的姿态,利用它们彼此间的矛盾以及力量对比的变化,积极发展同这些国家的政治、军事和贸易往来。尤其是利用生丝贸易这一重要外交手段,寻求军事上的联盟,抵制他国的非分之想。萨法维王朝的这些政策,促进了与西方各国的相互往来,加速了资本主义初期世界市场的形成。同时又遏制了西方国家深入波斯内陆的任何企图,维护了国家的统一和独立。为了统一民众意志,激发爱国热忱,共同抵御外辱,萨法维的统治者从建国之初即宣布什叶派伊斯兰教为国教,并采取各种有力措施予以扶植。什叶派伊斯兰教是萨法维王朝对外交往的一面旗帜,在对外交往中什叶派伊斯兰教在波斯获得了长足发展,并逐渐上升为一种独立的政治力量.这为伊朗后来成为什叶派国家奠定了坚实的基础。萨法维王朝时期,波斯与东、西方国家展开了广泛的经济、文化交往,即使是与遥远的中国,亦有相互的经济文化往来.尽管萨法维王朝坚持什叶派伊斯兰教的国教地位,但对于其他非伊斯兰宗教保持了宽容和开放的态度,对于丰富波斯文明、促进世界文明交往提供了有力条件,同时也为西方教会势力的逐步深入创造了机会。萨法维王朝的对外交往是积极的、主动的、成功的。萨法维王朝时期文明交往呈现出多样性和复杂性特征;不同时期内部交往的状况,影响了萨法维王朝对外交往的水平;军事力量作为先进生产力的表现形式之一,是影响萨法维王朝对外交往活动的一个极为重要的制约因素。萨法维王朝的对外交往顺应了当时世界形势,为世界文明交往做出了新的贡献,同时也为后来伊朗历史的发展奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 As one of the World’s Ancient Civilizations, Persia established the first great empire crossing three continents of Europe, Asia and Africa in the world’s history as early as the 6th century BC. In ancient and medieval times, being the crucial hub of the cultural exchanges between East and West, Persia took an active part in the world’s cultural exchanges and made great contribution to the promotion of world civilization communication. Since the 7th century AD, Persia has successively been under the control of the Arabs, Mongols and other alien races. Gradually, it began to be standstill in the world’s cultural exchanges. While with the coming of the important period when the world history entered into the pre-capitalist times following the Discovery, the Persians reestablished their empire, Safavid Dynasty (1502-1736), which developed into one of the three major Islamic empires together with Ottoman Turkey and Mughal Empire at that time. A new chapter in foreign relations of Persia was opened.During the Safavid Dynasty, Ottoman Turkey is the main rival of Persia. The wars between two countries lasted for as long as a century because of the political, economic and religious conflicts. And the border was finally fixed after the bilateral agreement. Its lack of power, however, led to the lost of the vital region of Mesopotamia, which made its political center move from the west and norm to east gradually, foreshadowing the happening of the modern ban-Iraq war and the Kurdish problem bothering the international community. Meanwhile, the long-term war between the Safavid Dynasty and Ottoman Turkey became a great advantage for the European countries to fight against Ottoman Turkey. As for Uzbek Khanate, northeast of Persia, threatening the Khorasan region of Safavi dynasty time and again, Safavi dynasty struck a forceful counterattack. It pursued equipoise in diplomacy, maintaining the balance of politics in Middle Asia. The traditional trade by roadway fell into decay because of the long-term wars in east and west and the instability in politics and economics as the sequelae of the war. Persia transferred their ways of foreign affairs into seaway. As for the Mughal Empire to the east, in spite of small-scale military conflicts between them because of control of Kandahar, Safavi dynasty and Mughal Empire led a friendly relationship in general, owing to their friendship in history and the mutual-defence policy among Middle Asian countries. This policy promoted the extensive economic and cultural exchanges. For the Portugal Empire invading the southern waters, and the colonists from Netherlands, France and Britain who made their commercial trading companies spearhead the way, Persia, with an opening attitude, took the advantage of their conflicts and the shift in the balance of power to develop political, military and commercial intercourses. Particularly, they took the trades of raw silk as an important diplomacy to seek military alliances, resisting the inordinate ambitions of other countries. All the policies of Safavid Dynasty promoted the exchanges among western countries, accelerated the establishment of the world market at the initial stage of capitalism, restricted the attempt of the western countries to invade into the inland of Persia and maintained the national unity and independence. In order to unify and inspire people’s patriotism and make joint effort to resist the outside insult, the rulers of Safavid announced that Shia Islam was the state religion and take forceful steps to support it from the very beginning of the establishment of the empire. Shia Islam is a diplomatic banner of Safavid Dynasty, which got significant development in the process of foreign affairs, gradually developed into an independent political power, laying a solid foundation for Iran to be a Shia state in the later time. During the period of Safavid Dynasty, Persia carried out extensive economic and cultural exchanges with both eastern and western countries including distant China. Even though Safavid Dynasty insisted on the status of Shia Islam as the state religion, it also maintained a permissive and open attitude to other non- Islamic religions, which enriched the civilization of Persia, promoted the exchanges of world civilization and created opportunities for the growth of the Western church forces.The diplomacy of Safavid Dynasty was positive, active and successful. The internal exchanges of different periods had impact on the level of external exchanges. As one of the manifestation of advanced productive forces, military force was a crucial constraint influencing Safavid Dynasty’s diplomatic activities. The diplomacy of Safavid Dynasty conformed to the world situation at that time, made new contribution to the exchanges of world civilization and later laid the foundation for the development of Iranian history.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

