

NGOs and Afghan Reconstruction

【作者】 蒲瑶

【导师】 彭树智;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 世界史, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 本论文是在阿富汗战后重建进程中,以公民社会理论为宏观理论指导,沿着非政府组织发展的共性,重视阿富汗公民社会生成机理的个性研究思路展开的。通过理论综述、文献分析、实证分析和理论总结的技术路线,具体分析了阿富汗公民社会的组织结构,各个组织在阿富汗重建过程中的角色、功能以及与政府及捐助机构之间的关系。在研究方法上,采用宏观与微观、历史与现实、理论探讨与实证分析相结合。在论文的层次分析视角上主要集中在三个层次:在理论与分析上赞同公民社会理论观点,即认为公民社会是实现民主的活动舞台,而民主化又是和平建设的重要因素,故公民社会已成为近年来“和平建设”的重要组成部分;在阿富汗公民社会的组织结构的分析上,本文主张对公民社会的理解并不仅仅局限于西方语境下的概念界定上,而是视之为一个纯粹的概念,重点研究其在特定环境中的具体形式,特点及其功能;在阿富汗战后重建的行为体的选择上,将阿富汗国家纳入国际关系范畴,联合国,各国政府、政府组织等国际关系行为主体在阿富汗重建之中扮演着主要角色,同时又有大量的国际非政府组织,阿富汗国内包括非政府组织在内的公民社会诸组织在阿富汗重建进程中承担着大量的人道主义救助、改善民众生存条件、提高教育识字水平、增强妇女权益等具体工作,其角色日益突显,作用日渐提升;在文章结构上,以尽可能多地考察不同行为体在阿富汗重建进行中的作用及其对彼此间的互动关系进行分析,并为后续的进一步研究预留空间。论文的第一部分以阿富汗战后重建(包括政治重建、经济重建和社会重建)为切入点,重点论述了国际关系行为主体(联合国,各国政府以及国际组织)在阿富汗重建进程中的作用及存在的问题,由此得出阿富汗重建需要“历史的合力”。离开大量非政府组织的广泛参与,有效应对阿富汗重建过程中所面临的种种困难是无法实现的。在此基础上,又从理论综述的方法阐述了非政府组织的产生、发展状况和组织理论基础,并通过对非政府组织的类型剖析阐明其在降低冲突,消除贫困,维护人类和平与安全中的作用。第二部分,从宏观角度综合考察阿富汗公民社会的生成机理和组织结构,展现了乡村组织(传统舒拉)、支尔格、宗教组织机构、现代乡村发展组织(新舒拉)、非政府组织、妇女非政府组织以及媒介组织,并以比较和归纳、历史与现实相结合的方式探究公民社会各个组织行为体在参与阿富汗重建事务中的得失。第三部分,从微观角度分析了支尔格大会、宗教公民社会、妇女非政府组织在阿富汗重建进程中的角色和功能。其中第五章采用历史分析法考查了支尔格的起源,在阿富汗民族国家形成与发展中的作用,重点考察了在2002年后的紧急支尔格大会,制宪支尔格大会在阿富汗政治重建中的作用;第六章则首先从理论上突破西方公民社会理论的预设框架,从阿富汗的经济发展状况和宗教、部落文化入手,具体考察了宗教公民社会中的乌理玛、毛拉、清真寺等角色和功能及其与政府关系的互动;第七章是从非政府组织的一个重要类型——妇女非政府组织(包括国际妇女非政府组织和阿富汗国内妇女非政府组织)在阿富汗重建中增进女性权益,提高女性教育,改善女性健康等方面的作用及其面临的挑战作一具体分析。基于上述研究,本论文得出如下结论:阿富汗公民社会是一个包含传统与现代因素的有机统一体;阿富汗问题的产生是由内、外部诸多因素相互交织而成的,阿富汗战后重建也需国内和国际社会多种力量组成的“合力”;在考察非政府组织与政府组织及其代理机构的关系上,通过多维度、多层次分析,展现出彼此分离中有联系、竞争中有合作、自主中有依赖、对抗中有促进的纷繁复杂的动态关系;同任何事物一样,阿富汗非政府组织也有其不足和面临困难的一面,因此,如何解决非政府组织自身在发展中所面临的问题直接影响到阿富汗非政府组织能否在战后重建中持久有效地发挥作用。

【Abstract】 The paper is written in the course of Afghan post-war reconstruction according to the macrocosmic instruction of the theory of civil society, which is along with the commonness of the development of NGOs, and the special study of emphasizing the generation of Afghan civil society. Through the technical route of the theory the literature analysis, the empirical analysis and the theoretical summary, it concretely studies the Afghanistan organizational structure of civil society, the roles, and the functions of each organization that plays in the course of Afghan reconstruction as well as the relationship among the organizations, the government and the contributed agencies. In the research, the paper unifies the macrocosm and microcosm, the history and the reality, the theoretical discussion and the empirical analysis. It mainly focuses on three levels on the analytic view of it. The first one is the viewpoint of approving the civil society theory in the theory and the analysis in which the civil society is thought to be the active stage of realizing the democracy, thus civil society has become the important component of "peace construction" in recent years. The second one is that in the analysis of civil society’s organizational structure in Afghan, this article advocates that the understanding of civil society is not limited to the concept in the linguistic environment in west, but is regarded as a pure concept which studies with emphasis its concrete forms, the features and the functions in the specific surroundings. The last one is about the choice of the groups in Afghan post-war reconstruction, integrating the Afghan into the international relation category would make it that the groups of the international relationship, such as the United Nations, various country’s governments, and the other international relation, etc. play the principal roles in Afghanistan reconstruction; at the same time, in the course of Afghan reconstruction, considerable international NGOs, civil society with every organization including NGOs in Afghan will play a more important role day by day in undertaking some concrete works such as, offer the massive humanistic rescue, improving the populace’s survival requirement, enhancing the education of literacy, strengthening the rights and interests of women and so on. In the structure of the article, it inspects the interactive relations among them and the functions of the different groups ?as many as possible in the Afghan reconstruction for the sake of allowing a leeway for the following further research.The first part of the paper takes the Afghan post-war reconstruction (including political reconstruction, economic reconstruction and social reconstruction) as a point, disserts with emphasis the functions and the problems of the groups of the international relationships (like, the United Nations, various governments as well as international organizations) in the process of Afghan reconstruction, and thus draws a conclusion that "the historical joint effort" is needed in the Afghan reconstruction. It is unable to deal with all sorts of difficulties effectively faced during the course without the massive NGOs’ widespread participation. Based on these through the theoretical summary it elaborates the generation, the condition of development and the foundation on organizational theory of NGOs, and simultaneously disserts, through the analyzing of the NGOs’ type, the roles which played in reducing the conflict, eliminating poverty, maintaining the peace and the security of human.In the second part, it comprehensively surveys the generation and organizational structure of the society from a macrocosmic perspective, and develops some organizations, like the country organization (traditional Shura), Loya Jirga, the religious organizational structure, the modern country organization of development (new Shura), the NGOs, and the women NGO as well as the medium organization, and makes a thorough inquiry of gain and loss of every group of organization in civil society in participating in the business of Afghan reconstruction through the combination of comparing and summarizing, the history and the reality.In the third part, the paper analyzes the roles and the effects of the big Loya Jirga conference, the religious civil society, the women NGOs from a microcosmic angle in the course of the reconstruction. Besides, the fifth chapter in the paper uses the historical analytic method to examine the origin of Loya Jirga and its function in the formation and the development in Afghanistan state, and inspects the urgent Loya Jirga congress with emphasis after 2002 and the role which a constitutional Loya Jirga congress has played in Afghan politics reconstruction. And, the sixth chapter firstly breaks through the preinstall frame of the western theory of civil society, and then concretely inspects religious roles and the functions and the interactions which relate to the government specially that exist in the religious civil society, such as Ulama、Mullah, and mosque and so on from Afghan’s economic condition of development and the tribal culture. The seventh chapter makes the special analysis from the function and the challenge of one important type of NGOs—the women NGOs (including international women NGOsandthe domestic women NGOs in Afghanistan) in promoting the female rights and interests, enhancing the female education, improving the female health in Afghan reconstruction.Based on the above research, the paper draws the following conclusions: Afghan civil society is one organic unity containing the traditional and the modern factors; the appearance of the Afghan problems is interwove with the internal and external various factors, so that the Afghan post-war reconstruction also needs "the joint effort" which is composed of many kinds of strengths of domestic and international society; while, inspecting the relations among the NGOs, the official organization and the relations of agencies, through the multi-dimensions and the multi- level analyses it can demonstrate the complex dynamic relations between each that separation includes relation, that competition includes cooperation, that self-independence includes dependence, that resistance includes promotion; the same as any thing in the course, Afghan NGO also has its insufficient and difficult side which should be faced with. Thus, the fact that how to solve the problems which occur in the self-development of NGOs directly influence whether the Afghan NGOs can lastingly and effectively give full play in the post-war reconstruction.

【关键词】 阿富汗重建非政府组织公民社会
【Key words】 AfghanistanRenconstructionNGOCS
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

