

Research of China’s Comparative Advantage as the Perspective of Factor-gathering and International Division of Labor

【作者】 范云芳

【导师】 叶祥松; 赵景峰;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 世界经济, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要采用规范研究与实证研究相结合、比较分析法等方法,研究生产要素的国际间集聚对一国比较优势和国际分工地位的影响。要素集聚是产品、劳动力、资本、知识、技术、制度、管理理念与方法等一系列经济要素在一个国家或一个地区经济社会发展中相互联系、相互作用的过程,是生产要素组合在一起产生效力的过程。要素集聚具有动态性、非均衡性、结构偏向性、方式多样性等特点。货币资本要素集聚通过金融机构和金融市场,人力资本要素通过移民,商品与技术要素则主要透过对外贸易集聚于国内。要素集聚既可表现为境内聚集(如资本流入、商品进口、劳务输入),也可以是境外集聚,如通过业务外包、跨国公司吸收境外要素。要素集聚的基本动因是成本最小化和收益最大化。决定一个国家或地区要素集聚的最主要因素是制度、市场和技术。对中国而言,制度创新是要素集聚的第一推动因素,市场化改革则是持续推动因素。要素集聚推动了国际分工体系的建立,推动了国际分工形式的多样化,促进了国际分工边界从产业向产品发展,同时也加剧了世界经济的不平衡和金融危机的国际传递。一国要素禀赋是静态比较优势形成的基础,而内外部要素的交融组合则促进了比较优势的动态化,进而形成一国竞争优势。要素集聚决定一国的比较优势,比较优势决定国际分工地位。要素集聚、国际分工、比较优势三者的相互作用,使荷兰成就小国大业,使英国成为“日不落帝国”,使美国成为当今世界霸主。生产要素的集聚是一国由弱变强的主要力量,但当要素集聚环境不再具备生产要素逐渐散去时,则导致这个国家逐渐衰落。中国对外开放30年来,通过开放市场、放松管制、提供税收优惠等举措,聚集了大量国外资本、技术和管理经验等外部要素,与中国劳动力资源优势相结合,产生了巨大的要素集聚优势,国际分工地位大幅提升。劳动力低成本优势为我国参与国际分工、吸引大量国外直接投资、充当国外公司加工制造基地提供了坚实基础。同时,中国在国际分工中的地位被定位在劳动密集型制造产业和大多数资本、技术密集型产业的加工、组装以及部分非核心零部件的生产环节,处于国际价值链增值环节的低端。把中国国际分工地位从价值链低端逐步提升到中高端,必须首先利用自身要素禀赋优势,同时要完善制度,集成并创新技术,进一步推进市场化改革,“请进来”同时积极“走出去”聚集外部要素,积极利用经济全球化提供的要素集聚机遇,正确定位企业在要素集聚中的主导作用和政府的帮手作用,最大化的发挥内外部要素集聚的效用,努力变静态优势为动态优势,变比较优势为竞争优势。中国只要能制定出充分利用国内资源(包括低成本劳动力资源)、又能积极聚集国际要素的政策,就能一步步从发展中大国壮大成世界强国。本文的创新之处在于:系统分析了要素集聚的基本特征、实现方式、影响因素和经济效应,阐述了要素集聚与国际分工、比较优势之间的关系;提出了要素集聚可以改善先天性要素禀赋优势,从而获得更大比较优势,最终提升一国国际分工地位的集聚优势循环的观点;提出全球化是新的要素集聚机制的观点。

【Abstract】 The effects of international factor-gathering to the comparative advantage and status of international division of labor studied in one country by the means of combined methods of normative and empirical and comparison analysis.Factor convergence is the processing of interaction and inter-linkages of product, labor, capital, knowledge, technology, system, concepts of management of a series of economic factors in a economy with the developments of society and economy, and also a process of producing effects of all factors together. Factor-gathering is characterized with dynamic, disparity, biased structure and with the channel of diversity. Factors of capital gathered through financial institutions and financial markets, human capital through immigration, goods and technology mainly concentrated by foreign trade in the domestic market. Factor-gathering can be done not only by the way of introducing fator into the territory of one country (for example, capital inflows, imports of goods and services), but also gathered abroad locally, such as outsourcing and investments by multinational companies in foreign countries. The basic motivation for factor-gathering is to minimize costs and maximize revenue. For one country or region, factor-gathering mainly affected by the mechanisms of system, market and technology. The capacity of gathering factors has become the core of competitiveness for one country. For China, the system innovation is the first push power and market-oriented reforms second in the process of factor gathering.Factor-gathering, has promoted the foundation of international division of labor system and stimulated the development of international division of labor into various forms, from the frontiers of industries to products, and also aggravated the disparity between different regions and countries, and spurred the spreading of financial crisis in the world. Factor endowments of a country are the basis of a static form of comparative advantage. And the portfolio of internal and external factors promotes the comparative advantage dynamically, and developed to a competitive advantage. The comparative advantage influenced by the factor-gathering in a country, which decides one country’s status of the international division of labor in the world market. Factor- gathering, international division of labor and comparative advantage influenced each other, the interaction of them promoted the achievements of great cause as a small country of Netherlands, placed the UK as the "Empire does not set", making the United States hegemony in the world today. Factors concentration of is the main force of a country from weak to strong, otherwise this country will decline when the factors of production dispersed gradually.Many factors have gathered in China since opening to the outside of the world 30 years ago, by the means of opening market, deregulation, tax incentives and other initiatives provided to introduce a great deal of foreign capital, technology, management experience and other external factors, combining with the labor resources in China, which have produced a huge factor-gathering advantage, increasing the status of China in the international division of labor. A solid foundation provided on the basis of lower cost labor resources for China’s participation in the international division of labor, attracting a large number of foreign direct investments and acting as a role of manufacturing base for foreign companies. At the same time, China’s position in the international division of labor is locked in the labor-intensive manufacturing industries and processing, assembly of most capital and technology-intensive industries, as well as some processes of non-core parts of the production, locating in the low-end of international value chain. To promote the status of China in the international division of labor from low-end to high-end, the first step is to take use of our own factor endowments, and then, take the action of both "Please come in" to introduce the foreign factors and actively "go out " to gather factors abroad, through improving the system, combining technical integration with innovation, and deepening the market-oriented reforms. Positively take use of the opportunity provided by globalization. Government and enterprisis should play different roles in the process of factor-gathering. To change the static comparative advantage to dynamic advantages, and to competitive advantage, the effectiveness of internal and external factors should be fully taken used. As long as a positive policy be made to make full use of domestic resources (including low-cost labor resources), and actively to gather international production factor, China will be able to grow a world power step-by-step from a developing country.In this paper, the innovative points lies in: the concept of factor-gathering have re-defined; a firstly comprehensive and systematic study have been made on the elements of factor-gathering, the effects of factor-gathering and the interaction relations between factor-gathering and the international division of labor and the comparative advantage; the points of factor gathering can improve the original factor endowment advantage, make the comparative advantage greater, and ultimately enhance the status of the international division of labor have proposed; the point of globalization is a new mechanism for factor gathering has proposed as well.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

