

【作者】 赵勇

【导师】 刘世锦; 白永秀;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 政治经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国“十一五”规划将城市群作为推进城镇化的主体形态,主张形成以城市群为主体的城镇化空间格局以来,各级政府纷纷规划建设城市群。但是在实践中,更多的通过城市范围的扩张或城市数量式的组合来规划城市群,而不是在经济联系的基础上发展城市群,认识误区产生的政策偏差可能带来极大的效率损失。所以,需要进一步探究处于转型和发展双重阶段的城市群形成机理和演化过程,重新认识地方政府与市场微观主体在城市群形成发展过程中的作用。本文从区域一体化的视角,以城市群形成机理为研究对象,特别是对处于转型和发展双重阶段的发展中大国城市群形成机理和一体化过程进行研究。在重新界定城市群内在规定性及特征的基础上,提出了城市群形成机理的企业区位选择假说、产业演化假说以及基于地方政府竞争的制度变迁假说,以新经济地理学中心——外围模型与地方政府竞争模型为基础,分别从企业区位选择、产业演化与制度变迁三个层面对城市群形成机理进行了理论分析,最后以长江三角洲城市群为例对上述理论假说进行了验证。通过上述研究,论文得出的基本结论是:第一,城市群的本质是区域一体化在城市空间形态的表现。城市群不仅具有同城化的城市基础设施体系,而且具有功能一体化的专业化分工协作网络,还具有完善的协调机制和区域治理结构。城市群的本质特征可以概括为:基础设施同城化、市场一体化、功能一体化和利益协同化。第二,城市群形成是企业区位选择、产业演化与制度变迁共同作用的过程。城市群形成的企业区位选择机理表现为,生产组织的演变及网络化导致企业部门在空间上分离以及企业区位再选择,企业总部与制造部门的集聚扩散形成城市群生产网络,与此同时城市功能发生转化,出现了城市功能分工的格局。城市群形成的产业演化机理表现为,企业区位选择基础上的集聚扩散进一步促使不同产业区位分布发生变化,从而改变着城市的专业化和多样化程度,实现城市群功能一体化,其在空间结构上的反映则表现为中心——外围结构的形成。FDI促进了城市群产业区位和产业结构的演进速度,使城市群生产网络日益融入全球生产网络体系,并促使城市群中心——外围空间结构向圈层结构转化。城市群形成的制度变迁机理表现为,基于政府竞争的制度变迁提供良好的制度环境,不仅能够促进城市群市场一体化以及城市群利益协调化,而且能够促进城市群基础设施同城化、城乡协调发展。本论文的创新之处:一是从区域一体化的视角,基于区域主体行为的一体化分析框架,通过企业区位选择、产业演化以及制度变迁三个层面对同时处于转型和发展阶段的城市群形成机理进行了系统地研究。二是基于功能分工角度来衡量城市群的一体化程度,改变以往研究中从城市间产业分工衡量城市群一体化中的偏差以及对产业同构现象的认识误区,更准确地反映城市群一体化的程度,并从生产组织的角度系统地分析了城市群从产业分工向功能分工的转化过程,主张从城市群功能分工的层面促进城市群形成与一体化进程。

【Abstract】 The 11th 5-Year Plan of china regards Urban Agglomeration as the main pattern of Urbanization, More and more local governments plan to construct Urban Agglomeration. But in practice, they pay attention to expanding the range of city or adding the number of city. The cognition pitfalls misguide the policy making, and yield great lost of efficiencies. In fact, we need to explore the basic law of form and development process of Urban Agglomeration under the transform and development stage, and re-understand the role of government and market in the form and development process.The paper interprets the form and development law of Urban Agglomeration under the transform and development stage from the view of the regional integration. First, On the basis of literature review, the paper redefines the immanence essence and characteristics of Urban Agglomeration, and put forward the hypothesis that the formation of Urban Agglomeration is not only the process of agglomeration and dispersal based on the region choice by firm and household, but also the process of industry evolution by vertical linkage, Besides, Institutional Change by local government plays an important role in the process. The formation of Urban Agglomeration is not only Self-organization process, but also Hetero-Organization process. Second, the paper analyzes the process from three different aspects of firm relocation, industry evolution and Institutional Change, based on the core-model and local government competition and space self-organization model. At last, the case of Yangtze River delta is presented to verify the hypothesis.The main conclusions of the paper are: first, the immanence essence of Urban Agglomeration is the reflection of regional integration in space shape. It not only has the perfect city network system, but also functionally integral collaborative network and perfect coordination mechanism and Regional governance structure. Second, its formation is not only the process of agglomeration and dispersal based on the region choice by firm and household, but also the process of industry evolution by vertical linkage; Besides, Institutional Change by local government plays an important role in the process. Second, the firm relocation mechanism of urban agglomeration formation is that as the evolution of production organization and network of business sector as well as business re-location options, corporate headquarters and production department separation in space resulted in the agglomeration and dispersal, which further promote the formation of production networks of urban agglomeration. And so the function of urban has been transferred and forms the pattern of functional division of urban, which means corporate headquarters concentrated in core cities gradually, and enterprises manufacturing sector increasingly concentrated in the periphery city. The industry evolution mechanism of urban agglomeration formation is that the proliferation of the agglomeration and dispersal on the basis of firm relocation further promote the distribution of changes, thus changing the city’s degree of specialization and diversification. the distribute changes in different industry location bring about functions of the division of labor of urban agglomeration , producer services concentrated in the central city, while the manufacturing industry concentrated in the periphery cities, which leads to the functional integration of urban agglomeration . The space structure of Functional division of urban agglomeration is reflected as the core - periphery structure. FDI not only promote the evolution of urban agglomeration industry location and structure, but also connect the production networks of urban agglomeration and the global production networks of production networks, and further promote the transformation from core-periphery structure to layer structure of urban agglomeration. The Institutional Change mechanism of urban agglomeration formation is that Institutional Change by local government competition provides a favorable environment, not only to promote the market integration of urban agglomeration, as well as the interest coordination of urban agglomeration, but also to promote the urban agglomeration of city infrastructure, coordinated urban and rural development and sustainable development.To sum up, the paper’s innovation include two sides. First, based on the analysis framework of the regional actors, the paper studies the formation mechanism of urban agglomeration simultaneously in the phase of reform and development from the perspective of regional integration. It explains the self-organization and Hetero-Organization process from three different aspects of firm relocation, industry evolution and Institutional Change. the other is that it measure the degree of regional integration based on functional Division of labor, which can correct these measurement deviations of regional integration occurred in previous studies by the industrial division of labor between cities, and change the cognition pitfalls of industry structure. the paper systematically interpret the transformation process of Urban Agglomeration from the industrial division of labor to the functional division of labor, and propose to promote the formation of urban agglomeration and integration from the perspective of functional division of labor.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期
  • 【分类号】F061.5;F290;F224
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】3227
  • 攻读期成果

