

An EOR Research on Polymer Flooding of Jurassic Reservoir in Longdong Area

【作者】 高静乐

【导师】 孙卫;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 油气田地质与开发, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文以陇东地区马岭油田南一区、华池油田华201区两个侏罗系油藏为研究对象,在对其油藏地质特征和开发现状进行分析、研究的基础上,针对其开发中存在的主要矛盾,论证了在研究区进行聚合物驱油的可行性;通过室内试验从溶解性能、增粘性能和滤过性能等方面对不同聚合物的性能进行了评价,筛选出研究区适用的聚合物类型:用数值模拟方法确定注入方式和注入参数等,设计了研究区聚合物驱方案,并对地面配套流程进行了优化设计;最后通过研究区的矿场先导性实验对聚合物驱的效果进行了评价。主要取得以下几点认识:(1)随着Na+含量的增加,聚合物中羧基离子的电斥力受到抑制,分子线团卷曲,溶液的粘度降低;随着Ca2+含量的增加,粘度急剧下降,Ca2+含量越高,粘度损失越严重,一般情况下,Ca2+浓度最好控制在100mg/L以下;加入Fe3+后聚合物溶液出现了明显的絮凝和沉淀,且Fe3+含量越高,沉淀越多,在配制聚合物溶液时应严格控制Fe3+离子的含量。(2)聚合物驱岩心驱油实验表明,相同注入孔隙体积倍数条件下,注入聚合物浓度越大,采收率提高程度越高,且采收率提高值随浓度增大而增大的速度趋于变缓:相同聚合物浓度条件下,随注入孔隙体积倍数增加,采收率提高。(3)应用ECLIPSE软件聚合物驱模块,对影响研究区聚合物驱效果的因素进行了分析,边底水较大、水驱控制程度较高、剩余可动油饱和度低、油藏温度较高等是制约研究区聚合物驱效果的主要原因。(4)根据室内实验和数值模拟研究结果,现场试验注聚方式选用微凝胶驱+聚合物驱的组合模式;聚合物浓度范围为1000~1500mg/L,其对应的体系粘度范围在15.2636.55mPa·s;从技术和经济上综合考虑,确定聚合物用量;考虑油层注入能力、供液能力、开发周期、区块整体经济效益及原油生产任务计划和提高聚合物驱油效果等因素,综合确定合理的聚合物溶液注入速度。(5)研究区的注聚实验表明,聚合物驱降水稳水效果显著,水驱状况变好,可采储量上升;吸水剖面和产液剖面得到改善,扩大了波及体积,改善了油层动用状况:油井受效方向越多,效果越好。

【Abstract】 In this paper,the study objects are two Jurassic reservoir:southern number one district of Maling field and hua201 district in Huachi field.In the basis of the research on geologic reservoir features and current status of exploitation,in view of principal contradiction which exists in its development,proved the posibility of polymer flooding.Through the in-house experiment on salt endurance、viscosity、salty sensitive、viscosity-temperature characteristics、heat resistance、injectivity、sheafing strength and etc.Evaluating different polymer’s performance,choosing the applied polymer according to the region of interest,numerical model,confirming the injection method and injection parameters,designing the scheme polymer flooding,and the design of ground supporting circuit is optimized.At last,evaluating the effect of polymer flooding through the minesites life of pilot in region of interest.Getting the main points as follows:(1) With the increase of Na+,the electric repulsion of carboxylic contention is repressed in polymer,the molecular line group is rolled,the viscosity of liquor is declined.With the increase of the Ca2+ content,the viscosity is declined sharply,when the concentration of Ca2+ is more than 150 mg/L,the decline tendency is flattened,the more Ca2+ concentration,the more serious viscosity losses,the existence of Ca2+ is bad for the polymer viscosity,under normal circumstances,concentration of Ca2+ is best controlled less than100mg/L;After adding Fe3+,flocculation and precipitation appeared obviously in the polymer solution,the more content of Fe3+ the more precipitation,so,in the preparation of polymer solution,it should be to strictly control the content of Fe3+ ion.(2) The polymer coreflooding experiments showed that injected the same pore volume under the same conditions,the greater the polymer concentration,the higher the degree of recovery to improve,the speed of the value of recovery increases with the concentration tends to slow down;Under the same conditions of polymer concentration,with the increase of injected polymer coreflooding,the recovery ratio also increases.The speed of the value of recovery increases with the injection rate tends to slow down. (3) Using the software of ECLIPSE polymer flooding module,analysed the effect of polymer flooding’factors.Large edge aquifer、high degree control of water drive、low saturation of residual active oil、high temperature reservoir and so on.These are the main factors to restrict the effect of polymer flooding in region of interest.(4) According to the result of in-house experiment and numerical modeling,field experiment polymer choose micro gel driving and polymer flooding.The range of polymer concentration is 1000~1500mg/L,their counterparts in the system of concentration range is 15.26~36.55mPa·s;From a technical and economic consideration,determine the amount of polymer;Considering the capacity of reservoir、fluid production force、development cycle、blocks of the overall economic benefits、oil production plans、improve the effect of polymer flooding and etc.,integrated to determine a reasonable speed of polymer solution injection.(5) The polymer experiments showed that the effect of the polymer flooding to decline water and fix water was outstanding,the situation of waterflooding changed for better,the recoverable reserves increased;Entry profile and liquid producing profile have been improved, expanded the swept volume,improved the situation of producing reservoir;The more orientations of oil well responses,the better effect.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

