

On the Chinese Folk Transformation of Indian Buddhism in Tang and Song Dynasties

【作者】 宇恒伟

【导师】 李利安;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 世界史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 印度佛教向中国的传播是人类历史上延续上千年并产生深远影响的一次文明交往进程。而印度佛教向中国的传播如果从受众的角度来看,主要是由精英和民间两个领域构成的,与此相应,印度佛教的中国化也是由精英领域的中国化和民间领域的中国化两种相互联系但多有不同的历史进程交织而成的。两种不同的入华史和两种不同的中国化进程相互呼应,密切联系,共同完成了印度佛教向中国的传播这件伟大的人类文明交往历史进程。长期以来,由于受治学门径、传统观念和思维习惯等因素的影响,在印度佛教入华史和印度佛教中国化的研究方面,学术界主要从精英领域展开探讨,关注点基本在高僧大德和文人学士以及帝王将相方面,多从经典翻译与阐释、宗派理论的建构与演变、佛教学说的流传及其对中国哲学、文学、艺术等领域的影响等角度展开研究,对于印度佛教向民间领域的传播以及由此所发生的中国民间化的进程、特征、类型以及所涉及的诸多关系和深远影响等问题,却一直很少研究。本文以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,坚持逻辑与历史相统一的原则,综合运用历史学、宗教学、民俗学等研究方法,并借鉴彭树智的文明交往理论,考察唐宋时期印度佛教进入中国民间的路径、印度佛教中国民间化过程中所形成的佛教形态及其基本特征,探讨印度佛教传入中国民间后同儒教、道教、摩尼教、民俗信仰之间的互动关系,并分析它们在印度佛教入华史和中国化进程中的作用和意义,以便为佛教史的研究提供新的启示。本文分为导言、主体、结论三个部分。导言部分对本文所涉及的核心概念进行界定,主要是印度佛教、印度佛教中国民间化、中国佛教民间化、精英佛教、民间佛教,其次从理论和现实两个方面阐述本文研究的意义,再次对国内外学术界研究现状进行评析,最后介绍了本文研究的主要思路。主体部分是第二章到第五章,核心内容是唐宋时期印度佛教中国民间化的路径、类型、特征等三个问题。其中第二章对唐代以前印度佛教的中国民间化进行了回顾和总结,按其不同特点分为东汉三国和两晋南北朝两个时期,分别从纵向历史和横向特征两个方面对唐代以前印度佛教的中国民间化进行探讨,同时也阐述了印度佛教进入中国民间的路径以及印度佛教对中国民间的影响等几个问题。第三章到第五章则是从路径、类型、特征等三个方面对唐宋时期印度佛教的中国民间化进行分析。其中,第三章论述了印度佛教如何从内部和外部两个方面渗入中国民间,主要内容包括印度佛教调整传播方式与教化方式,以加强对社会生活的渗透,具体涵盖转读、俗讲、疑伪经、民俗、神通等内容。第四章通过分析印度佛教和儒教、道教、摩尼教、民俗信仰等交往的过程,揭示了在异质文明和本土文明交往中所形成的民间佛教形态,并从经典、组织、信仰、活动等方面对这三种不同类型的佛教形态进行具体分析,归纳和总结了它们与精英佛教、正统佛教的关系。第五章则是在前文论述的基础上,依次从信仰、文明交往、世俗化、基本体系四个方面具体阐述了唐宋时期印度佛教中国民间化的基本特征。结论是对本研究进行的提升和总结,具体从四个方面进行分析。一是阐释唐宋时期印度佛教中国民间化和印度佛教中国化的关系,重点探讨印度佛教传入中国民间和中国主流社会两种不同社会领域后所发生的不同中国化进程、表现形式以及不同影响。二是总结印度佛教中国民间化在印中文明交往中的地位和作用,认为唐宋时期印度佛教的中国民间化展现了文明交往的开放性、互动性、多样性、主体性、民众性、世俗性、背离性等七个特征。三是从中印佛教交往的历史趋势,尤其是从中国佛教发展的宏观走向角度,探讨唐宋时期印度佛教中国民间化与中国佛教历史转折的关系,论述了佛教民间化的表现以及与此相关的世俗化和民俗化、民众化的区别与联系。四是从宏观上阐述印度佛教的中国民间化与中国民间佛教的关系。

【Abstract】 The propagation of Indian Buddhism in China covers more than two thousand years, which exerts a great influence on the world history of civilization intercourse. From the perspective of receivers, Chinese believers of Buddhism consist of the folk people and elites; accordingly, the chinesization of Indian Buddhism is the interweaving processes made respectively by Chinese masses and elites, with different historical course but being closely related. Two different courses of introduction of Indian Buddhism to China lead to different processes of chinesization, while together, they successfully accomplish the great task of chinesization of Indian Buddhism.Under the influence of academic approaches, thinking habits and so on, most academic researches on the propagation of Indian Buddhism in China have focused on Chinese elites, such as eminent monks, men of letters, emperors and dignitaries, etc., with discussions on sutra translation and interpretation, construction and development of sectarian theory, the spread of Buddhist teaching, and Chinese philosophy, literature as well as arts under the impact of Buddhism. On the contrary, the researches on the process, features, types, as well as the far-reaching significance and influence of indigenization of Indian Buddhism in Chinese masses strata have been neglectedWith the guidance of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, unifying the logic and history, integrating the research methods of history, religion and folklore, taking a reference to the civilization intercourse theory of Peng Shuzhi, this dissertation reveals the entrance route of the Indian Buddhism into Chinese folk world during Tang and Song Dynasties, and the basic morphology and features developed during the process of indigenization in Chinese folk. What’s more, the interactions of Indian Buddhism with Confucianism, Taoism, Manicheism and folk beliefs are studied to show the great influence of those co-existing religions exerted on Buddhism. All in all, this research provides a new field as well as some insight for the study of Buddhism history.This dissertation falls into three parts: introduction, body and conclusion.In the first part, the definition of and explanation on Indian Buddhism, the folk transformation of Indian Buddhism in China, elite Buddhism, folk Buddhism and other concepts involved in this thesis are given. Then, both the theoretical and practical significances of this research are shown. A literature review on domestic and overseas researches is made, also with a brief introduction to the major theme of my thesis. The body of the thesis covers from chapter two to chapter five, with the foci on routes, types, and characteristics of folk transformation of Indian Buddhism during Tang and Song Dynasties. In chapter two, a brief historical retrospect of the folk transformation of Indian Buddhism before Tang Dynasty is made. This period is further divided into two periods: one is the Eastern Han and three Kingdoms Period; the other is Wei-Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties Period. Then the history, features, and routes of the folk transformation of Indian Buddhism are revealed, as well as a discussion on the influences exerted by Indian Buddhism on Chinese folk culture. Chapters three to five deal with the folk transformation of Indian Buddhism in Tang and Song Dynasties, with foci on its routes, types and features. In chapter three, an analysis of the inside and outside route of penetration of Indian Buddhism into Chinese folk society is made, which includes the strategies of transmission and preachment employed by Indian Buddhism when adjusted itself to Chinese social life. The study is carried out mainly in the fields such as reading sutra in Chinese, preaching, thanks-giving rituals, Chinese Buddhist Apocrypha, folk customs, and theurgy, etc. In Chapter four, from the perspective of civilization intercourse, through a discussion on modality of Chinese folk Buddhism, the initiative interaction of Indian Buddhism with Confucianism, Taoism, Manicheism as well as folk faiths is revealed in details. Based on scriptures or sutras, organization, faiths, activities and so on, a comparison is also made among folk Buddhism, elite Buddhism and orthodoxy Buddhism. Chapter five demonstrates the basic features of the folk transformation of Indian Buddhism in Tang and Song Dynasties in the light of faiths, civilization intercourse, secularization and basic system in sequence.The last part, conclusion, summarizes and highlights the present research in the following four aspects: first, the relationship between Chinese folk transformation and the chinesization of Indian Buddhism in Tang and Song Dynasties, mainly revealing the differences in the process, manifestation as well as the influence of indigenization of Indian Buddhism in Chinese masses and mainstream society; second, the role and position of Buddhism in a Sino-Indian civilization intercourse in Tang and Song Dynasties, showing features of the openness, interactiveness, diversity, subjectivity, populace, secularity, and deviation; third, from the overall historical tendency of Sino-India intercourse, especially the macro-trend of Chinese Buddhism development, discussing the relationship between the chinesization of Indian Buddhism in folk society and the historical transition of Chinese Buddhism, analyzing the manifestation of folk Buddhism and differentiating several basic concepts involved in the chinesization of Indian Buddhism in folk society; fourth, revealing the relationship between the chinesization of Indian Buddhism in folk society and Chinese folk Buddhism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

