

Cultural Communication between Ottoman Empire and Europe during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century

【作者】 田瑾

【导师】 王铁铮;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 世界史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以马克思主义唯物史观为指导,坚持既重史实又重分析的原则,对十八、十九奥斯曼帝国与欧洲的文化关系进行研究。在写作方法上注重用发展和变化的眼光看问题,既分析了特定历史条件下的具体事件,又将其置于错综复杂的时代背景之下进行剖析。论文通过对十八世纪以后欧洲国家与奥斯曼帝国内部各种因素及各自文化特点的分析等来探究奥斯曼帝国文化与欧洲文化交往的特点。作为一个地跨亚、非、欧三大洲,并且与西欧国家接壤的帝国,奥斯曼帝国在其存续的五百多年时间里与欧洲国家之间有着形式多样的文化交往。十八世纪以来,包括交通工具及通讯手段在内的科学技术在欧洲得到突飞猛进的发展,欧州国家迅速强大;它们开始向世界其它地区扩展,客观上加强了同各地的文化交往,奥斯曼帝国作为欧洲国家向东方发展的第一个邻国,首当其冲地与欧洲文化相遇。自1683年围攻维也纳失败后,奥斯曼帝国对于欧洲转变为以守为主的形势:1798年拿破仑登陆埃及,标志着资本主义欧洲对奥斯曼帝国全面入侵的开始,它引发了近代史上的“东方问题”,开启了奥斯曼帝国文化与欧洲文化深入交往的历史,因此本文旨在对十八世纪末到十九世纪末期间双方的文化交往进行分析与探讨。本文分作绪论、正文六章、结论等共八部分。绪论主要阐释了本文的研究目的和意义、国内外研究现状、写作的指导思想和方法、论文的主要内容和特色。指出本文是针对十八、十九世纪作为交往两大主体的奥斯曼帝国文化和欧洲文化之间的交往进行研究的,对于两者之间的文化交往研究有着历史的现实的意义。第一章主要针对作为交往主体之一的奥斯曼帝国传统文化的构成、特征和成就进行了探讨。分析构成奥斯曼帝国文化中的伊斯兰因素、突厥因素和其他因素:奥斯曼文化的独特性、宽容性和开放性特征以及奥斯曼文化在建筑、文学和其他方面所取得的成就。第二章分析了交往的另一主体——欧洲文化的构成、特征和成就。分析欧洲文化中的希腊罗马因素、基督教因素和其他因素;欧洲文化中的基督教影响、重商主义传统和扩张主义的特征以及欧洲文化在思想领域、科技领域和其他领域所取得的成就。第三章则分析了两种文化交往的时代特征。即双方的交往处于欧洲的迅速发展和上升及帝国的衰落时期。这一时代特征决定了在双方的交往中奥斯曼帝国文化更多地受到欧洲文化的挑战以及由此而来的影响。第四章重点论述了奥斯曼帝国后期的改革对双方文化交往的影响。帝国的改革本身是与欧洲文化交往的结果。帝国后期的穆罕默德·阿里改革为帝国本土的改革提供了参考;谢里姆三世和麦哈迈德二世改革为帝国后期更大的改革——坦齐马特改革奠定了基础;坦齐马特改革在很多方面借鉴和吸纳了欧洲文化的成就,是帝国后期较为成功的一次改革;哈米德二世时期在一定程度上延续着前面的改革。第五章则探讨欧洲文化对帝国文化的影响。分析欧洲文化对帝国文化产生影响的方式和主要表现;并分别阐述了英国、法国和德国对帝国文化的影响。第六章探讨了在与欧洲文化交往的作用下帝国现代性的生成。奥斯曼帝国后期与欧洲文化的交往为帝国现代性的生成产生了重要影响。帝国后期的现代性在物质文明和精神文明领域都显示出来。另外,伊斯坦布尔作为帝国后期与欧洲文化交往比较集中的一座城市,它的现代化变化充分显示了双方文化交往的成果。本文关于奥斯曼帝国与欧洲文化交往的研究结论如下:1.十八、十九世纪奥斯曼帝国文化与欧洲文化之间是一种“挑战-应战”的逻辑关系与交往结构,但二者之间明显存在差异。2.双方文化交往的矛盾与不对等更多地表现为欧洲文化对帝国文化的影响以及社会形态发展的错位。3.欧洲文化与奥斯曼帝国文化交往结构为多样性主体(英、法、德等)影响单一性客体(奥斯曼帝国)的关系。4.奥斯曼帝国与欧洲文化交往的历史成为现代土耳其继承和革新的资源。5.考察双方文化交往在学术视角与方法论上应摒弃欧洲中心论的思想。

【Abstract】 The dissertation is guided by Marxist historical materialism; it pertains to the principle of valuing the history itself as well as analysis of it. The analysis is primarily concerned about the relationship between Ottoman culture and the Eropearn culture in its late years. Regarding the approach of its composition, the dissertation pays great attention to the analysis with respect to the vision of development and changes; it not only analyzes the specific events under specific historical circumstance, but also puts it under the complex historical background for probing. The dissertation analyzes the characteristics of communication between the two cultures through the analysis of the characteristics of the Ottoman Empire and the European countries of their internal problems and cultures respectively.As an empire that covers the three continents of Asia, Africa and Europe and also being the close neighbor of the European countries, the empire had had various ways of cultural communication with the European countries during it’s about six hundred years of history. During the late years of the empire, the scientific development of Europe was enormous; Europe became powerful very fast owing to the invention of things including transportation vehicles, and communication approaches, and so on. As a matter of fact, they began to expand to other areas of the world, and this involved cultural communication with the covered regions. As the nearest country to its east, it turned out that Ottoman Empire encountered the European culture first and foremost. Since the failure of besieging Vienna in 1683, the Ottomans began to be in the lower hand in its confrontation with the Europeans; the Napoleonic landing on Egypt in 1798 marked the overall intrusion of Europe to the Ottoman Empire, and the "Eastern Issue" came about as the aftermath, the channels of communication between the two cultures began to have an all around communication thereafter. So the dissertation mainly focuses on the analysis of the cultural communication of them of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The dissertation consists of 8 parts of introduction, six chapters of the body, and conclusion.In introduction, it points out the goal, the significance, the current situation of the research about the theme, the guiding principles and methodology, the main content and characteristics of the dissertation. The dissertation is focused on the study of cultural communication between Ottoman Empire and Europe during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. There is great significance of studying the cultural communication between the two cultures.Chapter 1 focuses on the analysis of the composition, characteristic and achievements of Ottoman culture. It points out that Ottoman culture is composed of Islamic culture, Turkish culture and other elements; the uniqueness, tolerance and openness characteristics of the culture, and the achivements of the culture in the field of architecture, literature, and so on.Chapter 2 analyzes the other part of communication, European culture of its composition, characteristics and achievements. The culture is composed of Greek culture, Roman Culture, Christian culture and other elements; the culture has the characteristics of influence by Christianity, commerciality and expansion, the culture achieved a lot in many fields including ideology, science and others.Chapter 3 deals with the background of the cultural communiction. It was carried out in a time when Ottoman Empire was declining and Europe was developing very fast. It leads to the communiction between the two with the characteristics of Ottoman culture meeting challenges from European culture and there are impacts caused following it.Chapter 4 discusses about the influence of reformation in the empire to the cultural communication between the two. The reformation itself is a result of the communication. Mohammed·Ali Reform served as example to the reform in the hinterland of the empire; Selim III Reform and Mahmud II Reform led to strongerand more powerful reform------Tanzimat Reform; Tanzimat Reform adopted andabsorbed many aspects of European culture, its one of the most successful reforms of the empire; during the reign of Abdulhamit II, the reform was still underway.Chapter 5 discusses about the impact of European culture to Ottoman culture. It deals with the approaches and manifestations of European culture to Ottoman culture; the impact of French culture, British culture and German culture to the empire are illustrated respectively.Chapter 6 probes the issue of the modernization emergence in the empire with the impact of the cultural communication. There is great influence of the European culture to Ottoman culture in terms of the emergence of its modernization. The modernized characteristics were revealed in both the spiritual realm and the material realm. As the capital of the empire, and with concentrated cultural communication, the modernization of Istanbul represents the full fledged achievements of the cultural communication.In the conclusion part, the conclusion of the dissertation is concluded as the follows: 1. During the eighteenth and nineteenth century cultural communication between Ottoman Empire and the European countries, the relationship is as ’challenge-response’, as a matter of fact, there was great difference between Ottoman culture and European culture. 2. The difference between the two culutures leads to the result that European culture affects Ottoman culture than vice versa, and the offset of social patterns. 3. The cultural communicational structure between Ottoman Empire and Europe happened as the multibodies of Britain, France and Germany exerting impact on the monobody of Ottoman Empire. 4. The legacy of the cultural communication between the two cultures became the sources for the heritage and innovation of modern Turkey. 5. In respect of the scholasitic perspective and methodology of the study about the cultural communiction between the two, European centered approach should be discarded.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

