

【作者】 岳芃

【导师】 任保平;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 西方经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在中国经济改革的广阔背景下,中国大众传媒产业经历了转型式的发展:从注重单一社会功能逐渐改变为社会效益和经济效益并重。传媒政策和传媒规制也出现了转变,传媒产业不仅承载着构建和谐社会的责任,而且在许多经济活动中日益成为财富的重要来源。随着对外开放的进一步扩大,中国传媒产业已经开始步入国际间的竞争。在激烈的市场竞争中,生存与发展成为中国大众传媒产业面临的首要问题。提高中国大众传媒产业绩效就成为中国大众传媒产业生存和发展的关键。现代产业组织理论认为,产业的市场结构、企业行为和市场绩效存在着内在的逻辑关系。一个产业的发展可以通过优化市场结构,激励合理的市场行为,以实现最佳的市场绩效。因而,运用现代产业组织理论的分析范式深入分析中国大众传媒产业绩效是非常必要的,只有这样才能揭示中国目前传媒产业绩效不高的深层原因,进而探索解决这一问题的根本路径。本文运用制度分析法和比较分析法,以“结构—行为—绩效”的现代产业经济学的分析范式为核心,建立了中国大众传媒产业绩效分析的基本框架。运用这一分析框架首先通过建立中国大众传媒产业绩效评价的主要指标,对中国大众传媒产业的绩效水平进行了评价;其次,分析了中国大众传媒产业的市场结构特征并对各个子产业的市场结构特征进行了比较分析,揭示了中国大众传媒产业具有明显的行政性垄断的市场结构特征;再次,分析了在行政性垄断的市场结构下中国大众传媒的市场行为及其对社会福利和产业绩效水平的影响;最后,通过对国外发达国家传媒产业的组织结构和产业监管政策的分析,构建了中国大众传媒产业的产业组织和监管的基本思路,在此基础上提出了提高中国大众传媒产业绩效的对策和政策建议。本文的主要结论是:中国大众传媒产业和市场的一个显著的市场结构特点是行政性垄断;目前在中国大众传媒市场上破除行政性垄断所面临的最大障碍在于破除行政性垄断与确保大众传媒承担政治和社会功能之间的矛盾:对中国的大众传媒的政策和监管模式进行变革是解决这一矛盾的关键;当前对中国传媒政策和监管体制改革的重点应该是重新定位传媒政策和监管体制的政策重点和监管模式;对大众传媒进行分类管理和监管、推动大众传媒之间通过市场以资本为纽带进行合理的兼并和重组,开展有效竞争,促进电讯网、广播电视网和计算机通讯网“三网合一”实现产业大融合。本文的创新表现在:运用制度变迁理论在“结构—行为—绩效”的分析框架下阐明了中国大众传媒产业现行传媒体制的演化及其对中国大众传媒产业的市场结构特征、产业主体的市场行为以及产业绩效的重要影响;认为行政性垄断是影响产业绩效的主要原因,提出了破除行政性垄断与确保中国大众传媒政治和社会功能发挥并不矛盾的观点,并指出解决这一矛盾的关键是变革现行的传媒管理体制和传媒监管模式;重新定位了中国大众传媒的传媒政策和监管体制的政策重点和监管方式。

【Abstract】 In the process of China’s economic reform, great change was seen in China’s mass media industry, such as changes from a focus on propaganda to that on both propaganda and economic performance. Accordingly, the target of regulation policy also shifted to the economic performance of China’s mass media industry. At the international media market, China’s media industry is less developed. Improving the economic performance of China’s mass media industry is vital to compete with competitors from other countries.The modern industry organization theory considered that there is intrinsically logical relationship among industry market structure, business behavior and market performance. Optimizing the market structure and inciting the market behavior can effectively improve economic performance of mass media industry. Therefore, it is necessary to use the above method to analysis the economic performance of China’s mass media industry.The framework of analyzing economic performance of China’s mass media industry is based on model of structure, conduct and performance (SCP). Under this framework, the economic performance of China’s mass media industry is accessed, and then the market structure and the market behavior of China’s mass media industry are considered, finally the suggestion on policy making is given according to media industrial regulation from western countries.The main conclusion is as follows. The administration intervention on China’s mass media industry contributes to the low economic performance of the industry. Removing the administration intervention on China’s mass media industry is the fundamental measure. The measures of re-targeting of regulation of China’s mass media industry should been taken.The contribution of the paper can be seen in three aspects. Fist of all, under the framework of SCP, institutional analysis is been used to characterize the market structure of China’s mass media industry and the media behavior under this market structure, and then accesses the economic performance of the industry. Secondly, author argues that the low economic performance of China’s mass media industry resulted from the administration intervention on the industry. Thirdly, removing the administration intervention on the industry can be done by restructuring the regulation of China’s mass media industry, so as to improving the economic performance of China’s mass media industry.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

