

Juvenile Justice-The Best Sample to Diversification of Criminal Justice

【作者】 唐大宇

【导师】 王牧;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 刑法学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 近代以来法学与司法的多元发展是不可忽视的重要趋势,因为社会分工日益精密、科学技术不断创新,各种社会活动与人类的生活型态也随之变化,无论是解决民商纷争的民商司法,或是处理犯罪问题的刑事司法,都必须随着社会与人类生活的变化而进步。无论从应然面或实然面观察,刑事司法的多元化是必然的趋势,因为人类文明持续进步,愈发注重理性思考与科学发展,正逐步改变以刑罚作为回应犯罪的主要方式,而将犯罪问题作为一个社会问题来通盘考虑,以缜密且多元整合的刑事政策来抗制犯罪,以包含各种刑罚与非刑罚化措施的司法处遇来对待犯罪人。在刑事司法多元化的实践上,少年司法是其中拥有最完整体系的一种制度,少年司法从立法宗旨、执法理念、收案范围、审理方式、司法处遇到前科涂销等等,与一般刑事司法有极大的差异,可以说少年司法具体而微的呈现了刑事司法多元化的风貌,堪为刑事司法多元的最佳示范,所攻占的滩头堡也成为刑事司法多元化的重要契机。本文共分五章节,第一章探讨刑事司法多元化的潮流与趋势,包括研究动机与目的、研究方法与研究范围、论文之架构,并就刑事司法多元化、处遇、个别化处遇、观护等专有名词进行概念定义,俾利本文后续的进行。第二章刑事司法多元发展视野下的少年司法。省思刑事法的古典报应一元化理论,近代刑法惯以刑罚作为回应犯罪的主要方式,并非出于理性,更多是因为社会的法律情绪与意识形态的心理依赖,并就少年司法与普通刑法在本质上加以区别。事实上,少年司法制度的发展与犯罪学理论研究有密切的关系,都是以效率作为核心价值,在刑事司法多元化的观点下,形成一些具体的制度以及多元化的程序与处遇。第三章各国少年司法的实践与演进比较。当代主要国家的少年司法制度,除了延续福利模式之外,并融入了社会防卫思想,美国近年的严罚政策引人注目,然而惩罚模式并不能解决少年犯罪的问题,只有采取个别化处遇才能有效降低少年再犯,并使少年顺利复归社会。但是惩罚性质薄弱的处遇措施,突显了少年司法的福利性,降低了少年司法的司法性质,少年司法也必须满足一些主客观条件,才能顺利实施。第四章台湾地区少年司法实践之探讨。有效率的执行少年司法制度,必须凭借完整的制度、专业的工作人员以及个别化的处遇措施。台湾实施少年司法新制十余年来,少年犯罪案件量降低一半,再犯率也显著减少,本章特别对于少年法院之组织与人员进行介绍与检讨,并对少年司法处遇的内容作一概述与分析。第五章以少年司法的挑战与变革代结论,总结本文之理念,并对少年司法面临的一些问题,例如少年犯罪恶质化的社会观感、实施少年司法的客观条件、少年司法如何整合社会资源与家庭责任等,提出建设性意见作为结束。

【Abstract】 The judicial developments of pluralism are the important trends which could not to be ignored in modern times. With the social division of labor is increasingly sophisticated, scientific and technological innovation, and various social and human life has changed. All administrations of justice should follow the social progress and change their ways which deal with the disputes involve civil and criminal. The diversification of criminal justice is inevitable trend, since with constant developing of the civilization, people pay more attention to rational thinking and scientific development which, correspondingly, leads to the alteration that penalty no longer act as a main respond to crimes. We should regard crime as a social problem to an overall consideration and establish a careful and entire criminal policy consists of various penalties and depenalization measures to treat criminal. Among practices of the diversification of criminal justice, juvenile justice act as the best one which has the most integrated systems. There are huge differences between juvenile justice and general justice in legislative objects, law enforcement philosophy, range of accepting cases, method of trail, judicial treatment and criminal record eliminations; we can say that juvenile justice. We can say that juvenile justice unholds a concrete view of the diversification of criminal justice and it is the best model for the whole criminal justice system. Meanwhile, the "beachhead" it has occupied is becoming the big break of the diversification of criminal justice.This dissertation includes five sections.Section I involve the trend of diversification of criminal justice, including the motivation and purpose, methodology and scope of research, structure of dissertation, and the definition of special terms for criminal justice pluralism, treatment, individual treatment, probation so that dissertation carried out follow-up smoothly.Section II discusses the juvenile justice in the vision of diversification of criminal justice. It should be reconsidered that penalty always act as a main respond to crimes in the classic theory of criminal law, a unitary theory of retribution, is not rational but on the bases of the social emotion of law and psychological dependence of ideology. In fact, the developments of juvenile justice and criminology theories have close relations with efficiency as the core value which establish some specific systems and variety of procedures and treatment in the view of criminal justice diversified.Section III discusses the comparison among different countries with respect to the practices and progressions of juvenile justice. Except succeeding the welfare mode, the current juvenile justice system of main countries almost mixed with social defense ideology. Although American’s punishment policy was very eye-catching recently, punishment mode is not the best way to deal with juvenile crimes. Only by using individual treatments can effectively reduce the juvenile recidivism, and helps juveniles coming back to society eventually. However, the treatments, which weak in punishment, highlight the welfare character whereas decrease the judicial character of the juvenile justice. Therefore, the juvenile justice shall be well implemented when fulfills certain subjective and objective conditionSection IV analyzes the situation of practicing juvenile justice in Taiwan. Efficient implementation of the juvenile justice must be complete by virtue of the integral system, professional staff, as well as individual treatment. For the past ten years, the implementation of new juvenile justice in Taiwan has a great accomplishment that reducing almost half amount of juvenile crimes and the rate of recidivism was significantly reduced. It introduces and analyses the organization and personnel of the juvenile court, and discusses the judicial treatment of juvenile justice.Section V talk about challenge to juvenile justice and change in lieu of conclusions. To sum up, juvenile justice facing some problems such as the negative impression of juvenile crime bring perception to the society, the objective conditions to implementation of juvenile justice, juvenile justice how to integrate social resources and promote family responsibilities and submit constructive ideas as the end.

  • 【分类号】D914;D915.3
  • 【下载频次】268

