

Study on Prevention and Control Measures to Bribery Crime

【作者】 慈健

【导师】 张凌;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 刑法学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 贿赂犯罪频发是多方面的原因造成的,包括政治因素、经济因素、文化因素、法制因素、个人因素等多个方面。本文拟就上述原因,探求有效应对的措施,全文共分六部分。第一章贿赂犯罪防控对策概述。本章揭示了贿赂犯罪的概念、本质及危害,简述了《联合国反腐败公约》所倡导的治理腐败的策略以及美国、英国、德国、日本、新加坡和我国香港地区在治理贿赂犯罪方面所采取的措施的成功经验,为研究我国贿赂犯罪的防控对策提供了可资借鉴的材料。第二章贿赂犯罪防控对策制定的现实基础。本章讨论了贿赂犯罪的现状以及贿赂犯罪的原因两个问题。文章首先描述了目前贿赂犯罪的现状,即犯罪案件不断增长、大要案增多、涉案数额巨大、犯罪黑数高、发案领域面愈来愈宽、犯罪行为表现形式多元化、犯罪分子外逃严重等等。然后在此基础上,阐述了贿赂犯罪屡禁不止的主要原因。从社会原因层面分析,包括:权力配置制度不合理,导致权力过于集中并容易造成权力的失控;社会分配制度的弊端,使社会地位较高而工资收入较低的公职人员容易形成权力寻租的心理基础;外来与传统文化中的腐朽观念,使公职人员的人生观、价值观发生了扭曲;贿赂犯罪法网不严,使大量贿赂犯罪行为无法采用刑法规制;贿赂犯罪的法定刑配置存在弊端,无法满足社会预防的需要;侦查机关缺乏特殊的侦查手段,使贿赂犯罪的查处率过低;司法机关对于贿赂犯罪打击不力,降低了贿赂犯罪的成本;社会监督制度不健全或者没有落到实处,使腐败分子有机可乘。从个人原因层面分析,贿赂犯罪分子存在失衡心理、侥幸心理、从众心理、补偿心理与亲缘心理,也是贿赂犯罪屡禁不止的原因。社会原因与个人原因交织在一起,使得防控贿赂犯罪必须采取多元的措施。第三章贿赂犯罪防控的刑事立法对策。本章阐述了刑事实体法对策与刑事程序法对策两个问题。在刑事实体法对策中,文章首先回顾了建国以来我国对于打击贿赂犯罪的刑法立法情况,从中可见我国“从严治吏”的观念一直没有动摇过。在贿赂犯罪罪状的修改上,建议取消受贿罪中的“为他人谋取利益”、行贿罪中的“为谋取不正当利益”的规定,并将贿赂的范围扩大到“非财产性利益”,将游离于现行法律规定之外的贿赂行为纳入刑法的调整范围;在贿赂犯罪法定刑的修改上,建议增设罚金刑、明确规定贿赂犯罪应当附加适用资格刑,以有效的发挥刑罚的功能;建议改变“计赃论罪”的立法模式,使以“非财产性利益”为贿赂内容的行为也可以得到刑法规制。在刑事程序法对策中,指出建议引入污点证人豁免制度,以纠正实践中违法办案的现象;赋予侦查机关秘密侦查的措施,丰富收集证据的手段,提高贿赂案件的查处率。第四章贿赂犯罪防控的刑事司法对策。本章论述了侦查对策、起诉对策、审判对策三个方面的问题。目前在贿赂案件侦查阶段,存在立案的证据标准过高、侦查资源整合不足、侦查人员的业务素质不强等问题。因此,本文提出应当改革考评工作机制、严格依法办理案件,整合侦查资源、提升整体侦查能力,加强业务素质、提高侦查技能等对策。在起诉阶段,目前主要问题是贿赂犯罪不起诉率偏高。造成这一问题的原因主要是对宽严相济刑事政策的内涵理解不当,以及不起诉权缺乏有效的制约。为此,本文提出应当树立从严治吏的执法观念,并加强对于不起诉权的制约。其中应当重点完善人民监督员制度,具体包括拓宽人民监督员的选任范围、保障人民监督员的独立性以及保障人民监督员的信息知悉权。在审判阶段,存在贿赂犯罪缓刑、免除刑罚适用率偏高的现象。造成这一现象的主要原因是法官的自由裁量权过大及将宽严相济的刑事政策等同于刑罚轻缓化思想。为此,本文提出控制法官自由裁量权、准确把握贿赂犯罪刑事政策的内涵,纠正执法观念等对策。第五章贿赂犯罪防控的社会对策。本章分别论述了制约对策、激励对策、自律对策等三个方面的问题。在监督对策中,建议完善举报制度、公务员财产申报制度、建立礼品限制接受制度、加强舆论监督、审计监督、完善行贿犯罪档案查询系统等措施:在激励对策中,提出完善公务员选任制度、实行“以俸养廉”和廉政保证金制度;在自律对策中,建议加强公职人员的思想政治教育,提高公职人员的道德修养,增强公职人员抗腐拒变的能力。第六章贿赂犯罪防控的国际对策。鉴于目前贪官出逃的现象严重,本文认为有必要对贿赂犯罪防控的国际对策单独予以研究。本章建议建立“官员亲属出国备案制度”、完善出入境管理制度与身份证管理制度等预防贪官外逃的对策;建议完善引渡制度、刑事司法协助制度以及资产追回机制等惩治贪官外逃的对策。

【Abstract】 There are many causes of high frequency of bribery crime,including political causes,economic causes,cultural causes,legal causes,personal causes etc.This dissertation aims to find out effectual measures according to these causes.It is divided into six chapters.Chapter one relates to an introduction to prevention and control measures to bribery crime,which reveals the conception,the nature and the hazards of bribery crime,describes briefly the strategies to curb corruption in UN Convention against Corruption,the experiences of America, England,Germany,Singapore and Hong Kong etc on the governance of bribery crime.Chapter two relates to the foundation of prevention and control measures to bribery crime,which discusses the current situation and causes of bribery crime.This chapter argues that nowadays the the number of cases of bribery crime is growing,major and serious criminal cases are increasing,the criminal amount is increasing more and more,the dark figure of crime is big,the field of bribery crime is widen,the subject of bribery crime is enlarged,Criminal Tricks concealment and anti-seize ability is becoming more and more serious,criminals’ flight is very serious, and so on.Based on current situation,this chapter analyses the following main causes of failure to control bribery crime:the detriment of the systems on power distribution leads to too much concentration of power, which is easily out of control,the existing disadvantages of the distributive system leads to the psychological basis of officials who have high social status and low salaries to seek rent of public power,the dregs of capitalistic culture and rotten concept in our traditional culture leads to the distortion of officials’ outlook on life and values,the insufficient of legal control of bribery crime leads to the out of legal control of many bribery behaviors, the lack of special investigative measures leads to the low seize ratio of bribery crime,the ineffective control of big judicial discretion leads to the too light punishment of some criminals,which reduces crime cost,the defection or non-implement of social supervisory system leads to the out of control of the use of power,which is an easy target for criminals,fluke mentality and herd mentality of criminals,etc.Chapter three relates to the criminal legislation of prevention and control measures to bribery crime,which discusses the criminal law and criminal procedure law of bribery crime.As to the criminal law of bribery crime,this chapter first reviews the main measures to control bribery crime in China since the foundation of the state and then argues that the rule of "enlisting benefits for others" in the crime of accepting bribe,and the rule of "figuring for malfeasant benefits" in the crime of offering bribe should be cancelled,the object of bribe should be enlarged to "benefit" to tighten the toil of law,to bring some bribery behaviors which is now out of control into the criminal law,fine punishment should to included,and qualification punishment should be attached to bribery criminals,the legislation model of "convicting according to booty" should be changed.As to criminal procedure law,the rule of exemption of blot witness should be introduced to correct the illegal judge in practice,the investigation organs should be empowered to do secret investigation to enrich their measures to collect evidence,improve the seize ratio,and control bribery crime efficiently.Chapter four relates to the judicial measures of prevention and control measures to bribery crime,which is divided into investigative measures, prosecuting measures and judging measures.As to the investigation,the main problems nowadays are as follows:the criteria of evidence for filing cases is too high,the resources of investigation is not integrated effectively, the professional qualities of investigators are not strong enough,etc. Therefore,this chapter argues that the check up system should be improved, the investigation should be done according to law strictly,the resources of investigation should be integrated,the ability of investigation,professional qualities and operation skills should be improved,etc.As to prosecution, the main problem is the rate of non-prosecution is far too high.The reason is the misunderstanding of Criminal Policies at the Extremes and the lack of restricting the non-prosecution power.Therefore this article argues that we should estabilish an idea of restrictly managing officials and controlling the power of non-prosecution,include that the nominating scope of supervisors should be enlarged,their independence should be protected, and their rights to know should be secured,etc.As to the judge,the ratio of use of probation and exemption of bribery criminals is too high nowadays, the reason of which is that the judges’ discretion of is too big,and there is a misunderstanding to the idea of mitigation and the criminal policy of combining punishment with leniency.So this chapter argues that the judges’ discretion should be controlled,the criminal policy of bribery crime should be perceived correctly,and the wrong ideas about law enforcement should be corrected.Chapter five relates to the social measures of prevention and control measures to bribery crime,which divided into constrainable measures, incentive measures and self disciplined measures.As to supervision measures,this chapter argues the reporting system and the officials’ property report system should be improved,the system of restricting the acceptance of presents should be established,the supervision by public opinion and audit supervision should be reinforced,bribery files referral system should be improved to make the operation of power restricted by reasonable supervision and control,eradicate the root and condition of corruption,and make the officials cannot corrupt.As to incentive measures, this chapter argues that civil servant election system should be strengthened, the system of "secure clean by salary" and earnest money for honest and clean govemment should be established.As to self disciplined measures, this chapter argues that the ideological political education of officials should be strengthened and the moral cultivation of officials should be improved to amplify officials’ ability to resist corruption,and make officials do not want to corrupt.Chapter six relates to the international measures of prevention and control measures to bribery crime,which argues that according to the serious phenomenon of bribery criminals’ flight,the systems which can prevent bribery criminals’ flight,such as the system of "keeping on record of officials’ relative going aboard",the system of administration on entering or leaving a country and the system of ID management etc.should be established and improved,the systems which can punish bribery criminals’ flight,such as the system of extradition,the criminal justice assistant and asset recovery etc.should be perfected.

  • 【分类号】D924.392;D917.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】868

