

The Law of Evidence during the Qing Dynasty

【作者】 吴萃

【导师】 沈德咏;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 诉讼法学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 自清末修律以来,中国从西方国家移植了新的法律体系,并在借鉴大陆法系和英美法系模式和经验的基础,正在逐步构建中国的证据法学制度体系。按照西方国家模式引进的证据制度正面临着本土资源对其异质“基因”的排斥而引发的深刻危机。学界在反思清末修律以来法学发展之“得与失”的同时,也在试图从传统的法律文化中寻找解决危机的“改革方案”。但是“在中国传统的诉讼文化中,证据文化尤为薄弱且受到极大的扭曲和戕害,缺乏系统的证据规则”的背景下,探讨中国传统文化下的证据制度就显得步履艰难却意义非凡。本文研究清代的证据制度,主要以诉讼为视角,从清代律例典章、各司法衙门的诉讼档案、官吏和幕友们的判牍、官箴、笔记、随笔中去探寻诉讼中的各类证据,试图阐述各类证据的表现形式、特点以及如何被收集、固定、审查判断和运用于具体的案件之中。文章首先介绍了清代主要的司法衙门、不同群体的诉讼参与人及刑事诉讼程序,其意在为证据制度的研究提供一个背景知识。因为清代没有独立的司法审判机构,其司法审判权分别由不同的衙门执掌,在中央一级主要由刑部、都察院、大理寺组成的“三法司”负责,而地方则分别归省(直隶)、府(直隶州、直隶厅)、县(州、厅)三级衙门执掌。虽然中央和地方的许多衙门都享有司法审判权,而县以上各级衙门依照权限主要负责徒罪以上案件的覆审程序。至于诉讼参与人群体的划分,纯粹是依群体的社会身份而定。因律例明确规定一些特殊身份的诉讼群体在诉讼中享有司法特权,其身份的存在可以影响到其提供供词的效力、甚至是罪名的成立和具体适用的罪名。为此,第二章专门介绍了官员、生监、旗人、雇工人、奴婢和妇女等特殊群体的构成及诉讼中的地位等内容。第三章则分别介绍刑事案件的初审程序和审转程序、民事案件的审理程序。在文章的中间部分,通过史料的分析和整理,将清代证据划分成原告之供、被告之供、干证及牌甲首领等人之供、勘丈记录、书证、物证、检验报告等类型,并试图勾画出每一类型证据的表现形式、分类和特点。在文章的最后部分,通过清代各司法衙门诉讼档案的解读,探讨各类供词、物证、勘查记录、检验报告的收集程序与方法。随后,总结了清代司法过程中司法长官认定案情应当遵循的几个主要原则,如遵循伦理原则、据供定案原则、兼顾情理原则、疑罪惟轻原则。进而运用具体的诉讼案例说明各类证据是如何运用事实认定之中的。总结前文,作者在结论中分析与评价清代证据制度的得与失,并试图从传统法律制度中汲取改革之动力支持。

【Abstract】 Since the law reform in the late of Qing dynasty, new legal system has been transplanted into China from western countries. At the same time, Chinese evidence law system has been gradually constructed basing on the pattern and experience of Continent law legal system and Common law legal system. It has been faced seriously crises coming from the motherland resources repelling its different“gene”. Many scholars are reviewing the“gets and loses”of legal science evolution and development, and trying to finding“reform plan”to solve the crises from the traditional legal culture.“Chinese traditional lawsuit culture, especially the evidence law culture is more weakly and more likely absent of systematic rule of evidence.”Under this background, it is very difficult but extraordinary instructive to making efforts to searching and combing the evidence law system from the Chinese traditional law culture.In terms of reach, this article, while studying sorts of historical files from the Penal Code and regulations of Qing dynasty、lawsuits files to the statement of decisions(or Statement of considerations)﹑admonishments for officers﹑notes﹑informal essays of many local magistrates﹑clerks and private secretaries, makes great efforts to elaborating all categories of evidence form﹑characteristic, and then explains how evidence can be collected﹑perseverated﹑reviewed and utilized into all sorts of cases.At the beginning of this article, to elaborate all levels of main judicial office﹑different kinds of participant in lawsuit and criminal proceedings in order to making an introduce of background of evidence law. Absent of independent judicial system, judicial jurisprudence was divided by kinds of departments. On the centre-level system, it belongs to“Three High Courts”, including the Board of Punishment﹑Censor-ate﹑Court of Revision. On the local-level system, it belongs to Province(independent) ,Prefectures(independent departments , independent sub-prefecture) ,District(departments﹑ sub-prefecture) , three levels office. Though the centre-level system and the local-level system have judicial jurisprudence, all levels of office above the district-level mainly retry and pass on such cases which may be sentenced to a punishment of no less than penal servitude. We divide people into different kinds with their different social status as criteria, because the Penal Code of Qing dynasty definitely stipulated that people who have special status enjoyed judicial privileges, also their social status affected the their statements or testimony potency,the articles shall be applied to ,the verdict of guilty or innocent. Therefore, Charter Two introduce Special groups’constitution and social status of the official-gentry﹑scholar-gentry﹑banner-men﹑hired worker﹑slaver or servants﹑women and so on. In Chart Three, we analysis the first instance procedure, retry and pass on procedure of criminal cases, and also simply explain the civil procedure.In the middle of this article, by analyzing and combing the historical lawsuits files of Qing dynasty, evidence was classified into plaintiff statement,defendant statement,witness or chiefs of security unites testimony, records of making on-the-spot investigation and measurement﹑real evidence,documentary evidence,records of coroners inspection and so on. Therefore, we make efforts to outlining each category of evidence form, classification and characteristic.In the end, we try to elaborate how can the local magistrates collect﹑perseverate,review and determinate categories of statement or testimony ,real evidence and so on. Then, we hold that verdict of guilty shall abide by such main principles: follow moral principle﹑Properly pay attention to humanity and reason principle﹑verdict of guilty according to statements principle﹑suspect Leniently punishment principle. Therefore, we make some examples to illustrate how the local magistrates review and determinate all evidence comprehensively in judging whether a defend guilty or not.In conclusion, after reviewing the evidence law system of Qing dynasty, we try to searching the support of the traditional motive for the evidence law system reform.

  • 【分类号】D929
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】463

