

Cross-Strait Business Relations under the Structure of the World Trade Organization

【作者】 梁伟胜

【导师】 蔡拓;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 政治学理论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 大陆和台湾五千年来皆源出一脉,同文同种更不在话下,但由于政治上的因素使台湾和大陆自1949年国民党政府撤退到台湾,共产党政府接管大陆政权后,在政治上两地已分开六十年。自蒋经国在晚年时开放大陆探亲,邓小平于1978年实施改革开放政策后,大陆和台湾人民已开始接触往来,本文最主要目的是希望透过分析两岸民间经贸往来情况及国际经贸组织之架构下两岸政治上的关系发展,促进双方解决政治分歧渐向统一。大陆自经济改革后已成为全球主要投资地区之一,台湾因和大陆在地缘上民俗传统及语言上更贴近而导致和大陆投资交流较其它国家地区更多、更好。近年两岸经贸依赖情况更有不可分割之势。从台湾与大陆之间的贸易依存度可清楚看出两岸经贸发展互相依赖的情形从早期之单纯贸易采购行为演变至今,已扩展至各个层面包括政治、经济、文化、社会及教育等方面。两岸互动有其历史的特殊性,不可避免的在经贸互动中往往渗杂夹带些政治因素,双方常想从中获得政治利益,但由于经济等各项交流活动始终是被框架在政治范围内,交流常受政治影响忽冷忽热,且在李登辉后期及陈水扁领导台湾之八年间双方更因政治原因进展趋于缓慢,所以要突破政治瓶颈,必须能引导双方在政治上的观念能有所修改。此一现象十分微妙,两岸经贸等各种交流被框架在政治上作出各种不同互动,但经贸交流却能拉近双方政治观念之差距。本文利用WTO此世界经济之最大组织体系来分析两岸情况,在两岸为WTO会员的同时,能透过此组织为两岸进展找出一条新路。本文以两岸经贸互动与发展为面,以WTO为主轴采取历史研究及WTO之制度及特色作研究途径,辅以文献与访谈调查方法以整合理论观点进行理论左证。由于大陆和台湾先后加入WTO,意味着两岸必须面对经济全球化、区域化、集团化,并依循于此国际经济规管,未来两岸经济进一步整合可能性将更升高。检视两岸关系之发展,我们从整合理论中可检视出两岸间由民间自发之差异性、功能主义和新功能主义之逻辑,建构两岸经贸政策及解释两岸关系发展之途径。本文指出,由于两岸同时加入WTO,而WTO组织所产生之国际经济氛围将是两岸深化整合之架构,所以两岸可善用WTO机制作对话平台,认知经济整合之利并化解两岸意识形上之差异,带领两岸朝整合方向前进,经济达到统合。

【Abstract】 Mainland and Taiwan are separated by the Taiwan Straits and by political factors since the end of the civil war in 1949.However traditional customs,the written characters and language have been inherited by both sides.Politically,in the period of Chiang Jin Kuo,chairman of the KMT and a leading ruler of Taiwan,policy was adjusted to allow Taiwanese people to go.to Mainland if they had relatives living there.Later,Deng Xiao Ping,adopted an open-door economic reform policy that was very different from the past,and which was a first step in opening up direct people-to-people communication.This thesis analyzes the development of economic and trade exchange between Mainland and Taiwan in order to predict the development of political relations in the future.Since its economic reforms,Mainland,has become one of the major investment areas of the world,and due to the advantages of geographic location and language,Taiwan has developed trade and economic exchange with Mainland more than with any other countries or regions.It can be said that they have not only developed interdependency,but are at a point where they cannot be separated.The areas covered by Cross-Strait economic and trade development have shifted from the pure trade of the early stages to such aspects as politics,culture,society,etc..Considering the historical background of Cross-Strait interaction,it is inevitable that bilateral economic and trade interaction will be mixed with the political,and that political goals will be achieved by means of the economic. People-to-people interaction and economic and trade exchanges have been limited by the political framework,with interaction and exchange affected by policy changes that run hot and cold.Especially in the final four years of Li Deng Hui,who ruled Taiwan over 12 years,and continuing with the rule of Chen Shui Bian,Cross-Strait relations cooled,with little development and even some falling back.In order to surmount this stagnant situation,measures of trade and economic exchange,as well as cultural and academic interaction,were used to lead both sides to adjust their political concepts.This situation was a very delicate and confusing one,and although any interaction,including Cross-Strait economic and trade exchange,were ruled and limited by the political,these could gradually draw both sides to wards the idea of political amendments to their policies,expanding the framework of policy,and,even leading to breaking away from the political frame work into wholesale interaction.This thesis attempts to set up a link between integration theory and the WTO to examine the development of Cross-Strait economic relations with institutional and historical approaches,supplemented by literature analysis and interviews.With both sides members of the WTO,it is hoped that a break through can achieve a new way of developing relations as Mainland and Taiwan,by acceding to the WTO,have thereby indicated they are both willing to subject themselves to an international economic regime characterized,by regionalization,and the merging of economies. Integration theory can show that Cross-Strait interaction is largely led by spontaneous civilian sectors,and from the view perspective of both functionalism and neo-functionalism Cross-Strait relations policy can be explained.This thesis concludes that as the Cross’Strait economic entities are members of the WTO at same time,in these circumstances,the WTO can give many occasions to help them work together closely,with both sides using the WTO as a forum for dialogue.Cross-Strait integration will be promising only if politically sensitive issues are addressed through authorized civilian channels,where the benefits of economic integration are appreciated and ideological contradictions resolved,with political integration as the final target.

  • 【分类号】F727
  • 【下载频次】224

