

The Study on the Legislation of Civil Procedure Law of Nanjing National Government during 1927-1937

【作者】 刘玉华

【导师】 郭成伟;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 法律史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 中国近代民事诉讼立法是法律近代化过程的重要组成部分。从清末修律开始拟订单独的民事诉讼律草案,到南京国民政府时期颁布实施民事诉讼法典,立法者在借鉴西方民事诉讼立法并使之本土化的问题上,越来越显得成熟和理性。民事诉讼程序作为解决民事争端,维护经济秩序和社会安定的必要手段也越来越被人们所接受。本文力图通过介绍南京国民政府民事诉讼的立法背景、立法思想和原则、立法过程、法律结构、以及民事诉讼关系法规的立法状况,对南京国民政府的民事诉讼立法进行多视角的分析,藉此为当今民事诉讼法制的进一步完善提供历史借鉴。本论文共分为导论、正文六章、结语三大部分。导论部分在对选题立意进行阐释的基础之上,介绍研究现状、研究范围、资料来源、研究方法和研究意义。正文第一章用历史叙事的手法,回顾传统社会解决民事纠纷的制度以及清末民初民事诉讼立法历程。中华法系“重实体、轻程序",程序法没有单独的法典,但现实社会生活中,民事纠纷客观存在,在解决民事纠纷的实践中逐步形成了独具特色的民事诉讼制度。传统诉讼文化对近代民事诉讼立法产生了不容忽视的影响。从清末修订法律馆拟订了我国历史上第一部单行民事诉讼律草案,到民国北京政府时期制定和实施单独的民事诉讼法规,中国近代民事诉讼法从借鉴西方法起步的同时,也在设法使其本土化。正文第二章评述南京国民政府民事诉讼的立法背景。民事诉讼立法并非孤立发展的事物,民事诉讼法的制定与社会政治经济形势的变化密切相关。南京国民政府成立后,着手制定统一的民事诉讼法,以维护统治阶级的利益。民商法的大量颁行也迫切需要作为维护民事权利的重要手段——民事诉讼程序更加完善。而南京国民政府出于维护“党治”的需要,加强了对司法的控制,提出了整顿司法的方案,程序法作为法院运作的依据,也需要与之相适应。正文第三章首先对作为南京国民政府立法指导思想的三民主义进行评析,从而把握其民事诉讼立法的基本主旨。其次通过对立法理由和法典内容的分析,对民事诉讼的立法原则进行了分析论证。正文第四章从立法机关、立法人员、立法程序、立法过程等方面详细介绍南京国民政府的民事诉讼立法活动。正文第五章结合清末民初民事诉讼立法成果,对南京国民政府民事诉讼法典的体例和内容进行详细分析,通过实例来分析当时民事诉讼的立法技术。正文第六章介绍民事诉讼关系法规的立法情况。作为“六法”体系中重要组成部分,民事诉讼法不仅包括民事诉讼法典,还包括民事诉讼的相关法规,因此有必要对这些法规的立法状况进行评析,以便对南京国民政府的民事诉讼立法成果进行全面的衡量。结语部分在总结正文内容的基础上,立足于法律近代化的大背景,对南京国民政府民事诉讼立法成果进行整体评价,分析民事诉讼立法过程中移植外来法与继承本土法的成功和失败之处,总结南京国民政府民事诉讼立法的经验和教训,指出南京国民政府民事诉讼立法的现实意义以及借鉴作用,将理论探讨与现实制度建设结合起来。

【Abstract】 The coding of the civil procedure law is an important part of the China LEGISLATION modernization.From late Qing Dynasty to early Nanjiang National Government,till it was eventually finalized and effective in the whole country,the civil procedure law has played an irreplaceable tool in solving social conflicts,maintaining order of the economy and stabilizing the society,and has gradually been accepted by the society.Based on the success of legislation work done in late Qing dynasty,Nanjing National Government rationally localized the foreign law impacts and established the vivid "Code of Civil Laws of Republic of China".This study tries to analyze the then situation of the society,coding principles,proceed,law structures as well as coding status of civil laws from a modern scholar’s point of view.After in-depth evaluating the legislation principles,system and technology reflected in the coding procedure,the study endeavors to provide some valuable historical and technological reference for amelioration of today’s civil law legislation system.There are three parts of this dissertation:introduction,body and conclusion.The introduction briefs the dissertation’s thesis,and paints the backdrop of the research status on the topic(China Civil Law legislation), explains the reason to select the topic and gives information about research techniques and reference sources;The body part includes six chapters:The first chapter the dissertation retrospects old legislation systems and procedures adopted by the pre-modern rulers.China Civil Laws favored practices and neglected enforcing procedures.However,lawsuits have existed for long time and have developed into unique Chinese Civil laws legislation procedures.Though old system reflects very limited on the modern Civil law legislation,its impact on modern system deserves attention.Late Qing ruler compiled the first separate China Civil Laws draft,followed by Bejing Government of the Repubic of China who coded and enforced the first separate Civil Laws.Actually,this development of China Civil Law Legislation mirrors the change in then political arenaSecond,introduces readers to the historical background of the legislation of civil laws.Coding of civil laws reflected the change in political arena.After the establishment of Nanjin Citizen Government,the then ruler needed to specify and unionize civil laws legislation procedures in order to protect and expand rich capitalists’ interests.The enforcement of Five ministries and found of legislative bureau shaped and encouraged the Coding procedure of Civil Laws to come into live.Meanwhile,the Nanjin government strengthened its control on legalization and proposed legalization clearing action plans in order to consolidate its regime.In the third chapter of the body,the author analyzes the Three People Principles(Of the people,By the People,For the people) held by the Nanjin Government,then probes deeper into the contents of the Civil Laws and reasons to code those laws.The fourth chapter specifies the code of civil law enforcement procedures,and details coding activities,organizations and achievement made by the Nanjin Government.In the fifth chapter,the author gives some cement examples of the Nanjin Govemment enforcing the Civil Law Procedures,and assesses the technological standard of the procedures as well.The last chapter of the body records the status of the Civil Law legislation.As an important part of "Six Laws",Civil Laws do not exist by themselves.They are interacted with other related laws or orders. Hence,it is necessary to evaluate and analyze those related counter parties in order to completely assess the achievement made by the Nanjin Government.In conclusion,the study analyzes the localization of foreign Civil Laws and evaluates the achievement and shortfall made by the Nanjin Government.It points out lessons and references that current lawmakers can take from the Nanjin Government.

  • 【分类号】D925.1;D929
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】245

