

The Transformation of Foreign Trade Legalsystem during the Late Qing

【作者】 刘育梅

【导师】 张中秋;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 法律史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 鸦片战争之后,是中国社会发生巨变的时期。晚清对外贸易法律制度的演变,从宏观上看,制度框架由条约体系下形成的对外贸易法律制度替代了传统的朝贡贸易制度。从微观上看,海关制度、贸易金融制度、运输保险制度、买办制度,以及纠纷解决机制的变化构成了晚清对外贸易法律制度演变的基础。本文运用宏观与微观相结合,史料与理论相呼应,多学科知识相交融的方法,对晚清对外贸易制度的演变进行系统的考察并加以透视,以此加深对中国近代法律转型的认识。本文包括绪论、正文五章、余论三部分。绪论主要说明研究对象与范围、选题宗旨与意义、学术史综述以及研究方法。正文第一章重点阐述晚清中国对外贸易制度由朝贡贸易制度到盛世之中的公行制度再到丧失主权下的条约体系,揭示晚清对外贸易法律制度中强者法律占先,弱者屈从强者的演变过程。正文第二章阐述作为对外贸易法律制度中的重要组成部分——海关制度。近代海关制度形成于旧有的制度之上,常关、洋关的长期并存说明了这一点,在社会变迁中优势、进步的力量战胜弱势、落后的制度。这既反映了双方博弈的结果,同时,体现中国内在文化的择优选择取向。正文第三章阐述对外贸易的其他方面法律制度,包括贸易金融的法律制度、运输保险法律制度以及买办制度的变迁。这些具体法律制度的从无到有,从不成熟到逐步成熟,从拿来主义到移植本土的成长过程,促使了新的经济观念和法律规章日趋成熟,为后来的商法制定打下了基础。正文第四章阐述在对外贸易纠纷解决机制的演变中政府与民间的解决模式、以及各利益主体的博弈与妥协。从官方角度看条约体系所形成的纠纷解决模式是表面的平等而实质的不平等;从民间具体运作上看,仲裁制度的运用起到了对抗外来经济入侵的自救作用。在这过程中,中国近代司法制度受到了西方制度的冲击。正文第五章从结构间(法律、政治、经济的关系)与结构内(对外贸易法律制度同中国经济法律传统的关系)透视在中西方不同的法律文化背景下,晚清对外贸易制度的特点与实质,以及折射出的中华文明的内核。余论部分总结晚清对外贸易法律制度演变的原则及其对现今的借鉴作用,在全球化的今天中国如何提高自身实力来实现平等贸易,使得贸易法律制度趋向贸易双方的共赢,最终在本土的基础上良性地移植外来规则。

【Abstract】 After the Opium War,Chinese society has undergone profound changes.Seen from a macro perspective,the foreign trade legal rules during the late Qing period transformed itself from the traditional tribute-presenting system to a treaty-based legal framework.On the micro level,the custom system,trade and finance system,transportation insurance system,comprador system and the dispute settling system formed the basis of foreign trade legal system during the late Qing period. This paper combined the macro and micro perspectives,using both historical materials and theories,adopting multi-discipline knowledge, trying to make a systematic study on transformation of foreign trade legal system during the late Qing,so as to deepen understanding of the legal transformation during modern China.This paper includes three parts:introduction,the main body of five chapters,and conclusion.The part of introduction is about the subject and topics,the aim of choosing the topic and its significance,an academic review of relevant topics and study method.The first chapter mainly talks about the transformative process of China’s foreign trade legal system during the late Qing,from the tribute-presenting system characterized by independent sovereignty,to the "Gong Hang" system during the prosperous times,and then to the treaty system under the circumstance of losing sovereignty,revealing a transformative pattem of "the weak surrendering to the strong" in the foreign trade legal system during the late Qing.The second chapter talks about the custom system,the most important part in foreign trade legal system.The modem custom system originated from the old system,which can be indicated by the long-term co-existence of standing custom and foreign custom.The advantageous system replaced the less advantageous and outdated system,reflecting the result of interactions between both systems and the final orientation of the Chinese interior culture.The third chapter talks about other legal systems of foreign trade, including transformation of trade and finance system,transportation insurance system and the comprador system.These systems were new to China,undergoing a process from immaturity to maturity,from total importing to the localization of transplantation,promoting the growth of new economic conceptions and legal rules and regulations,setting up a foundation for the drafting of commercial law.The fourth chapter talks about the dispute settlement at governmental level and at the local level during the transformation of foreign trade dispute management mechanism,including also the game playing and compromise between various parties.From an official perspective,the dispute settlement mechanism represented by the treaty system was superficially equal but unequal in essence.At the local level,the arbitrary system functioned as an anti-aggression mechanism in the foreign trade field.During this process,the Chinese modern judicial system suffered impact from the western judicial system.The fifth chapter tries to summarize the characteristics and essence of foreign trade system during the late Qing,against a background of different legal cultures between China and its western counterparts,on the one hand discussing relationship between law,politics and economy,and on the other hand discussing the relationship between foreign trade legal system and Chinese economic and legal traditions,reflecting the core of Chinese civilization.The part of conclusion elaborates on the lessons we can learn from the foreign trade legal system during the late Qing.In an age of globalization,how can China increase its own economic powers to realize fair trade,creating a win-win situation by way of trade legal system,and realizing healthy transplantation of foreign legal rules on the basis of local situation.

  • 【分类号】D929;D922.295
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】274

