

Stematic Research on Crime of the Serviceman’s Violation of Duty

【作者】 李国振

【导师】 曲新久;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 军事法学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 自20世纪80年代初期开始,我国军事法研究工作顺应国家改革开放和军队法制建设的形式孕育萌生。从1981年起,就有学者从军人违反职责罪的处罚问题切入分析,开始了对军事刑法相关问题的研究。从一定意义上说,军人违反职责罪既是军事刑法的核心问题之一,又是整个军事法学研究工作的起点。近三十年来,凭借军内外学者不辞辛劳地共同努力,使法学研究体系中极为晚近且理论基础较为薄弱的军人违反职责罪研究得以不断发展,并在较短的时间内取得了丰硕的理论成果。然而,在为这些成绩雀跃欣喜之余,我们也不应漠视研究中存在的不足,尽管它是瑕不掩玉的,否则,对今后军人违反职责罪研究的深入发展将会极为不利,毕竟瑕疵是确实存在的。在笔者看来,以往军人违反职责罪研究存在的最主要不足就是:因忽视“职责”概念的理论地位和重要功能,导致研究工作缺乏应有的系统性与全面性。有鉴于此,本文围绕“职责”这一军人违反职责罪的核心概念,从静态制度与动态规范两个层面,以静态层面的分析结论为理论前提,探究规范在适用过程中所出现的问题,并得出系统性的完善建议。具体而言,本文分如下五个部分来完成论证过程:首先,本文从“语境”问题切入研究,将规范中的抽象概念置于“军人违反职责罪”这一特定环境内去加以探究,并确立了以“职责”概念为核心,由抽象概念构成的外部体系。随后通过分析规范中的价值衡量活动,发现“实现军人职责的最佳履行”是规范的价值诉求,并确立了以“职责”为精神内核,由法律原则组成的内部体系。综合考量军人违反职责罪的外部体系与内部体系,认为“职责”作为内部体系与外部体系的连接点,是规范的核心概念,而仍旧以其为核心的“违反职责”则是规范的构成基础。其次,本文基于“职责”概念的核心理论地位,通过分析军人违反职责罪的概念,形成了对“职责”实质意涵的理解。进而结合案例分析,发现规范须经解释方能适用,并认为在通过外部体系实现规则之间逻辑一致的基础上,应立足“职责最佳履行”这一价值取向,以解释活动的科学性与客观性来保证解释结论的合理性,并由此确立了“职责”概念的三项理论功能。再次,本文基于在静态层面所形成的前提性结论,开始对动态层面的规范适用进行分析,以实现理论基础与实践运用的承启。鉴于军人违反职责罪既属军事法范畴,又是刑法规范的特质,将“罪刑法定原则”作为解释规范的界限。随后通过分析规范的立法意图,将“实现职责最佳履行”作为解释规范的目标。通过概括分析军人违反职责罪的犯罪构成,形成了对其文本意图的理解。进而对比规范的立法意图与文本意图,结合案例分析,将规范适用中的不足归纳为:“规范竞合”与“规范漏洞”,并以此作为解释的对象。然后,立足“规范竞合作为一种规范对特定事实的评价矛盾,而规范漏洞作为以现有规范整体秩序为标准,是规范违背立法计划的非完整性”这一理论基础,本文将“规范竞合”与“规范漏洞”加以具体区分,使其类型化。进而结合具体案例,发挥“职责”概念的“判准功能”,针对“规范竞合”与“隐藏漏洞”进行具体的解释填补。鉴于“目的漏洞”与“领域漏洞”的填补必然涉及对规范文本的修改,考虑到“罪刑法定原则”的限制作用,特将相关问题归纳出来,以作为立法改良的对象。最后,在立法改良层面,本文以“实现职责最佳履行”为总体目标,结合案例分析,对规范解释所无法解决的遗留问题继续加以探讨。并基于“职责”概念的“目的功能”围绕“隐瞒、谎报军情罪”和“遗弃武器装备罪”这两项目的漏洞对规范文本加以改良。基于“职责”概念的“基点功能”,针对“军人关系”和“军事人道”这两项领域漏洞提出了相应的立法建议。

【Abstract】 From 20th century 80’s, research on military law in China began along with the national position of reform and opening-up and the situation of legal system build of PLA. Since 1981, by concerning on the punishment of crime of the serviceman’s violation of duty, scholars began to study the military penal. In a sense, the crime of the serviceman’s violation of duty both is the core problem of military penal, also is“The Initiator”of research on military law. Apparently, choosing the crime of the serviceman’s violation of duty to study is significant and practically valuable.Though nearly 30 years’study of the crime of the serviceman’s violation of duty has gotten many theoretical results, but the research work appears serious defects, particularly scholars ignore the importance of systematically researching way in the process of the research on crime of the serviceman’s violation of duty, thus leads the academic research to encounter a lot of problems.In view of this status, this article innovatively divides the crime of the serviceman’s violation of duty into”external system”and“internal system”, based on the“duty“words, form the static system and dynamic rules two perspectives, and systematically studies the crime of the serviceman’s violation of duty,and gets some related theoretical conclusions and practical advices. Specifically, beginning with the context of jurisprudent concepts, summarizes the abstract concepts from the rules, after analysis of them, finds that all of these concepts are attributable to the concept: duty, though they are differently abstractive degree. And these concepts from rules construct an external system,“duty”is the core of this system yet. Taking into account of the external system cannot solute the valuable contradictions of crime of the serviceman’s violation of duty rules, this article begins to concern on legal principles, and claims that“best discharge duty“is the value orientation of crime of the serviceman’s violation of duty. And based on this premise, establish an internal system of the rules which is composed by the principles. Then this article finds that“violating duty“is the formed basic of the rules, and“duty”also is the core of this basic and the link point between the external system and the internal system.Based on above analysis, this article begins to research dynamic operation of the rules, and finds that legal interpretation is significant to law application, furthermore“duty”has unique status and significance and exert special role: the function of“criterion”,”purpose”,”basic”. Then by analyzing”statutory crime principle”and the text of rules and the legislator’s intent, the author finds the limits, standard and object of specific legal interpretation. After determining these theoretical premises, this article by using the function of“duty”concept begins to interpret the rules which intents to eliminate the flaws, especially to conflict and potential gaps of rules, accompanied by some targeted cases. Then basing on“duty”concept this article researches on how to improve these rules of crime of the serviceman’s violation of duty, at the legislative level, by filling the obvious gaps and field gaps which as defects of the rules, cannot be eliminated by legal interpretation, and proposes correspondingly improved countermeasures.

【关键词】 军人违反职责罪体系化研究
【Key words】 ServicemanCrime of violation of dutySystematicResearch
  • 【分类号】E266
  • 【下载频次】376

