

Study on Legal Systems of Housing Security

【作者】 程益群

【导师】 符启林;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 经济法学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 如何改善低收入人群的居住条件,是世界各国在城市化快速推进过程中共同面对的难题。一方面,自建国以来,我国住房制度不断调整,从大规模福利分房到住房全面市场化,在一定程度上影响了经济持续增长和社会和谐稳定;另一方面,随着我国社会主义市场经济建设逐步推进,我国政府已充分认识到住房保障制度对于经济发展、社会稳定的重要性,研究住房保障法律制度恰逢其时。国际学术界对住房保障制度的研究由来已久,并形成了很多较为完整的住房保障研究成果和相对成熟的研究方法,但鉴于我国自身特有国情,国外已有研究的结论并不能完全适用于我国住房保障制度的构建。为此,本文在国内外已有研究的基础上,以供应方保障与需求方保障为研究进路,对住房保障法律制度进行系统研究,以期为我国住房保障法律制度重构奠定理论基础。由于住房的内在特性以及住房市场的固有缺陷,中低收入阶层难以仅仅依赖市场机制来解决自身住房问题。住房保障通过改善收入和财富分配的公正性,帮助中低收入家庭获得合适的住房和居住环境,可以稳定社会制度、增强社会凝聚力。基于效率和公平的原因,政府适度干预并承担住房保障职责,是完善有效住房市场和凸显社会公平的客观要求。过滤理论和住房支付能力理论是住房保障的逻辑起点和理论基础。住房作为耐用品,不可避免会日渐老化,住房本身市场价值也随之调整,可能向下“过滤”,这说明了住房市场具有结构分层和互动的规律。住房保障的原因是居民住房支付能力与住房市场价格存在差距。住房支付能力不仅是住房本身的问题,还涉及到住房费用以及住户收入。降低住房成本或提高住户收入都能使住房可支付性问题得到解决。研究和构建住房保障法律制度,确保每个居民的基本住房需要得到满足,前提条件是界定居民的住房支付能力,可以通过相对法、主观法、家庭预算法、房价收入比法、余额收入法等指标加以界定。住房保障法律制度主要包括供给方保障和需求方保障两种类型。住房供给方保障制度是政府通过法律手段直接调节住房供给达到住房保障的目标。住房需求方保障制度是政府通过法律手段直接向低收入家庭提供货币补贴以增强低收入家庭的住房支付能力。世界发达国家住房保障实践,也经历了供应方保障到需求方保障的过程。在住房市场初期,美国政府主要采取供给方补贴政策,增加住房供给,以缓解住房供不应求的矛盾;住房问题得到普遍解决后,基本停止了公共住房建设,增加和扩大了住房优惠券的发放,住房政策侧重点由供给方保障向需求方保障转变。英国政府早期干预住房市场主要是由地方政府大规模地直接投资建房;80年代以后,住房政策发生重大转变,逐渐减少政府住房直接补贴,转向需求方住房补贴,推行公共住房私有化,整合住房津贴制度,同时鼓励民间提供住房间接补贴。新加坡实行供给方保障和需求方保障相结合的住房制度,供给方保障以组屋为主,需求方保障以中央公积金和房屋补贴为主。发达国家住房保障制度的演变过程表明:住房保障问题长期存在,且没有一劳永逸的解决办法;住房保障方式是多元的、动态的。具体来说,供应方保障制度包括政府直接供应、开发商补贴、包容性区划、价格控制等形式;需求方保障包括租金补贴、购房补贴、税收减免、公共住房折价出售等形式。住房保障方式如何选择,或者说以何种方式为主,何种方式为次,没有固定不变的模式。一般来说,住房供给不足导致住房市场价格过高时,实施住房供给方保障政策;反之,通过住房补贴增加居民住房支付能力,实施住房需求方保障政策。目前,我国已逐步建立起以经济适用房、廉租房、住房公积金为主体的住房保障基本框架,其中,经济适用房、廉租房中的实物配租属于供应方保障法律制度,廉租房中的租金补贴属于典型的需求方保障法律制度。但是,经济适用房制度存在供应不足、价格偏高、对象偏窄等问题;廉租住房制度存在低覆盖、低标准、欠均衡等问题;住房公积金存在保障不力、覆盖面窄、效率不足等问题。必须重构我国住房保障法律制度,就保障对象而言,坚持救济性保障与援助性保障相结合;就保障标准而言,力求住房支付能力与财政负担能力合理平衡;就保障方式而言,做到多种方式并存并且动态调整;就保障资金而言,确保财政资金为主,多渠道筹集保障资金;就保障职责而言,明确划分地方政府和中央政府两者职责。此外,为解决政府财政负担能力不足问题,一方面要借鉴美国的包容性区划、英国规划的贡献-义务机制,强化保障性住房配建制度;另一方面,汲取美国权益分享、英国产权共享等居民逐步拥有住房产权的经验,健全我国保障性住房所有权共有法律制度。

【Abstract】 How to improve the housing conditions of people with low income is a common problem all around the world.The housing system in China has been reformed from free allocation to market directed,which affected sustained economic growth and social stability.The Chinese government has realized the importance of housing security system.It is in great need for the legal planners to set up legal system of housing security.There is a long history of international research of housing security, resulting in many mature research methods and effective research results. Due to the unique condition in our country,existing foreign research results can not be applied completely in China.Therefore,this paper follows the way of supply-side security and demand-side security to do systemic research,based on existing research results,in order to re-construct theoretic basis for the legal system of housing security in China.Due to the inherent limitation of housing and housing market,it is difficult for the people with low income to obtain housing for themselves. Through improving the fairness of wealth allocation,housing security system helps the families with low income to get proper housing and living environment,which would make the society more stable and united.For efficiency and fairness,it is essential for the government to intervene in the market in proper way and to burden the function of housing security.Filtering theory and Housing Affordability theory are the logic starting point and the theoretical basis of housing security.As durable goods, houses will become older and the housing market will be adjusted inevitably,forming Down-Filtering,which explains the rule of structural layers and mutual effects of housing markets.The necessity of housing security is the gap between housing affordability and market price.Housing affordability is not only related with houses themselves but with housing expenses and residents’ earnings.Lowering the costs and raising the earnings can both solve the problem.To ensure that the housing need of every resident can be satisfied,we have to judge his housing affordability firstly,with relative measure,subjective approach,family budget standards approach and ratio approach.Housing security legal system includes supply-side security and demand-side security.Supply-side security requires the government to adjust housing supplies with legal measures.Demand-side security requires the government to offer subsidies to families with low income to increase their housing affordability.The practice in developed countries experienced the change from supply-side security to demand-side security.During the initial stage of housing market,the US government took measures of supply-side security.The same is with UK.After the housing problem had been solved generally,the housing policy changed to demand-side security, including promoting public house going private,encouraging private subsidy.Singapore takes both models at the same time.The example of supply-side security is public housing such as Condominiums.Home Ownership for the People Scheme and Central Provident Fund are measures of demand-side security.The experience of developed countries shows that the problem of housing security will exist for long.There is no way to solve is completely. The security method will change according to different times.Specifically, supply-side demand includes massive subsidies to build social housing, subsidies to the private sector,inclusionary zone,price control,etc. Demand-side security includes rent supplement,housing subsidies,tax deduction,right-to-buy sales,etc.There is no stable model.Generally speaking,when the high price results from supply deficiency,it is proper to take supply-side security,and demand-side security is preferred on the contrary. At present,the housing security system in China has been framed with affordable housing,low-rent housing,and housing provident fund. Affordable housing and low-rent housing are types of supply-side security. Rent supplement is typical of demand-side security.There are problems of supply deficiency,high price,few beneficiaries with affordable housing, few-covered,low standard,lack of balance with low-rent housing,and lack of safeguards,few-covered,low efficiency with housing provident fund.It is critical to reconstruct the housing security legal system in China.As to the objects,relief security should be combined with assistance security.As to the standard,housing affordability should be balanced with financial affordability.As to the security methods,many methods should be used and adjusted according to circumstances.As to the responsibility,local government and central government should make it clear.In addition,in order to solve the problem of financial affordability,it is useful to learn the model of Inclusionary Zone of the US,Gain and Obligations Mechanism of the UK,to improve the system of building affordable houses.And meanwhile,the experience of shared ownership in the US and the UK is also meaningful for us.

  • 【分类号】D922.182.1;F293.3
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1527

