

Research on the Implement Power of Administrative ACT

【作者】 何君

【导师】 江必新;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 行政行为效力是行政行为的生命,而实行力是对行政行为效力内容之一的执行力的继承与发展。本文将行政行为实行力理论置于服务行政的背景下予以论述,共分为五章。现将主要内容摘要如下:第一章“行政行为实行力的提出——从执行力到实行力”。本章主要对行政行为实行力提出作一个全景式的描述,将公共行政作为思考的背景,由此切入对行政行为实行力概念提出的合理性进行论证。传统的行政行为效力(执行力)理论是由迈耶等人通过对司法判决的模仿而创立的,该理论是与行政行为(Verwaltungsakt)概念相对应的。随着公共行政的发展,行政行为内涵不断得以扩大,必然导致行政行为效力理论无法与之相适应。作为传统行政行为效力内容之一的执行力理论,为了与服务行政及其引起的众多转变相适应,就需要以实行力代替执行力以满足时代变迁的需要。第二章“行政行为实行力的基本范畴”。行政行为实行力作为服务行政下提出的概念,其基本范畴是实行力研究的重要内容。本章通过对行政行为实行力基本范畴的论述,以实现从实行力概念的感性认识上升到实行力理论的理性认识。在具体的论述中,通过对行政行为实行力内涵与特点、内容的梳理,大致的勾勒出实行力理论的基本轮廓;与此同时,通过实行力价值的分析则进一步论证了实行力概念提出的合理性与其意义所在。第三章“行政行为实行力的状态分析”。本章主要是对行政行为实行力状态进行分析,遵循了理论与实践相结合原则,虽立足于实行力状态的学理思考,但并非仅限于理论梳理,也涉及对实行力状态中存在问题的探讨。行政行为实行力状态是指行政行为实行力自生效时始,至作用力消灭时止的存续状态,是行政行为实行力在整个行政过程中所呈现出的样态。行政行为实行力如一切事物的发展过程同时兼具连续性与阶段性一样,其状态也包括三个连续的阶段:产生、维系、消灭。第四章“行政行为实行力的具体呈现”。抽象与具体是进行学术研究不可忽略的主题。对行政行为实行力基础理论认识是立足于抽象进行的研究,而对行政行为实行力在实践中的表现则是从具体的维度进行的阐释。抽象与具体的结合不仅有助于深化对行政行为实行力的整体认识,使其拥有充分的周延性,而且有助于全面地理解和把握行政行为实行力的理论及其法治化的未来走向,使其符合法律运作的目标与要求。基于上述立场,本章对行政行为实行力中的即时实行力、自行履行力、强制执行力在行政实践中的对应物——即时强制、行政契约、行政强制执行进行实证的分析,同时本章也对在实践中不具有实行力的无效行政行为进行了深入地探讨。第五章“行政行为实行力的司法之维”。行政行为实行力是联系行政行为抽象内容与具体权利义务之间的桥梁,是促进抽象内容转化为具体权利义务的作用力。依据行政行为实行力理论的应然式描述,行政主体和行政相对人都应当主动积极的履行其义务,合法行使其权利,然而在实行力发挥效用的过程中会出现许多现实问题,如行政主体的不履行义务带来的相对人权利无法实现的困境,行政主体错误地行使强制执行造成的相对人权利的侵害,行政相对人不履行义务引起的公共目的无法实现,这些问题的解决都离不开司法地救济或保障。也就是说,无论是对私权利的规范或实现,还是对公权力的限制或是公共行政目的实现,都离不开司法作用地发挥。

【Abstract】 The validity of administrative act is the essence of administrative act, and the implement power is the development of the executive power. This thesis is divided into five chapters, which discusses the implement power theory of administrative act based on the background of service administration. The main content is abstracted as follows:The first chapter“The proposed implement power of administrative act——from executive power to implement power”. This chapter is a profile of implement power concept of administrative act, based on the background of public administration, and demonstrated the rationality of the administrative act implement power concept. The traditional administrative act validity theory was founded though the imitation to the judicial decision, which was related to the administrative act. With the development of public administration, the intension the administrative act was enlarged, which caused the administrative act validity theory was not adapted any longer. As a part of traditional administrative act validity, the executive power should be replaced by implement power to make it suitable.The second chapter“The basic area of administrative act implement power”. The implement power is proposed on the background of service administration, and the basic area is the key point. This chapter is about the rational cognition of the implement power concept. Profile the implement power theory by analyzing the content, intension and character. Furthermore, there are demonstration on rationality and significance of implement power concept through the analysis of its value.The third chapter“The status analysis of the administrative act implement power”. This chapter is the analysis of the implement power on the theory and practice. The status of implement power is referred to the period from the beginning of effect to the end of elimination, which exists through the whole administrative act process. The administrative act is divided into three consecutive period: becoming effective, continuance and elimination.The fourth chapter“the concrete demonstration of the administrative act implement power”. The abstract and concrete are the important issue for the research. The basic theory of implement power is abstract study, and the discussion of the practical problem is concrete study. The combination of theory and practice is helpful to the whole understanding of implement power, also makes it complete. So, this chapter discusses not only the promote coercion, administrative contract and administrative enforcement, but also the invalidation administrative act without implement power in the practice.The fifth chapter“The judicial issue of the administrative act implement power”. The implement power is the connection between the abstract administrative act and the concrete right and obligation, which promotes the former transforming to the latter. According to the theory of the administrative act executive power, the right should performed legally and the duty should be performed initiatively. However, there exist a lot of problems in the practice, and the solution depends on the judicial remedy and guarantee. In summary, the judicial act plays an important part in the regulation of private right, the limitation of public power and the achievement of the public administration purpose.

  • 【分类号】D922.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】370

