

【作者】 晋利珍

【导师】 文魁;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 劳动经济学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文研究的灵感来源于对现实经验的一种理性思考。新古典经济学中关于劳动力市场完全竞争的假设以及劳动力同质性假设必须逐渐放松,才有利于我们找回真实的世界。因此,本文以劳动力市场非完全竞争性与劳动力异质性为假设前提,引入市场细化的思想,研究现实中的劳动力市场与工资决定,具有重要的理论与现实意义。本文主要采取规范分析与实证分析相结合、综合与对比分析相结合以及制度分析的研究方法,综合运用马克思主义经济理论、劳动力市场分割理论、新古典经济理论与新制度经济学理论,较为系统地研究了中国现实的劳动力市场双重二元分割对工资决定的影响机理以及由此派生的工资决定中效率与公平的辨证关系。本文在充分吸收借鉴国内外学者对劳动力市场分割与工资决定理论研究成果的基础上,主要进行了以下研究工作:(1)结合产权理论、价值分配理论以及人力资源价值计量,专门研究了异质劳动假设下的工资决定问题,即人力资本定价问题。(2)紧密结合中国经济体制改革的历程与劳动力市场所有制结构的变迁,分三个阶段研究了中国劳动力市场分割的制度变迁过程与工资决定机制的变革。(3)对改革开放以来近30年的行业工资差距进行了历史的纵向实证考察,验证了行业工资差距中的垄断效应与人力资本效应,在此基础之上,通过建立多元回归计量模型,验证了劳动力市场的行业分割。并借鉴其他学者关于主要市场与次要市场的二元制分割成果,提出了劳动力市场双重二元分割的概念。(4)运用劳动力市场双重二元分割的分析框架,比较系统地研究了这种分割对劳动力市场的供求、不同就业群体的就业机会与工资差异的重要影响,在此基础之上研究了不同市场区间的工资决定机制的差异。(5)紧密结合十七大报告中的新精神,对工资决定中效率与公平的关系进行了比较系统的探讨,研究指出工资决定市场化具备初次分配实现效率与公平相统一的内在客观机制,而工资决定非市场化才是造成工资决定中效率与公平双重缺失的主要原因。这为新时期深化对效率与公平关系的辩证认识做出了理论上的尝试。(6)依据研究结论,为进一步完善劳动力市场与工资决定机制提出了三个方面有针对性的对策建议:即,深化垄断行业改革与治理,维护公平竞争的市场环境;尊重人力资本产权,建立市场化的人力资本定价制度;在公平正义的价值观指导下,推进社会保障制度与户籍制度改革。最后,指出本文的研究贡献以及需要继续探讨的问题。

【Abstract】 The inspiration of this paper comes from a rational observation on realistic experience. The hypothesis on the complete competition of the labor market and the labor homogeneity in the neoclassical economics must be loosen for us to be convenient to find the real world. So, using the non-competing of the labor market and the labor non-homogeneity as the hypothesis, we import the idea of market subdivision to do research on the labor market running and wage determination mechanism. In this paper we adopt the combination of normative analysis and positive analysis, the combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, the combination of synthesize and contrast analysis and the research method of system analysis, applying the theory of the labor market segmentation, the neoclassical economics and the neoinstitution economics, probe into the influence mechanism of the dual binary segmentation of the labor market in China on the wage determination and the realization path.On the foundation of absorbing and referring the research result of a lot of scholars on the theory of labor market segmentation and the wage determination, the main work of this paper includes:(1) studying the wage determination problem, i.e., the human capital pricing problem under the hypothesis of labor heterogeneity combined with the theory of property right, value distribution and human resource value measurement.(2) researching on the process of transition of the system of Chinese labor market segmentation and the reformation of the wage determination mechanism in three steps combined closely with the process of Chinese economical system reformation and the transition of the ownership structure of the labor market.(3) making a historical substantial evidence investigation on the industry wage gap for nearly 30 years from the reform and open, and verifying the monopoly effect and human capital effect in the industry wage gap. By founding a multi-variation regression measurement model on this base, we verify the industry segmentation of the labor market. Referring others’ result on the dual segmentation of the main market and the minor market, this paper proposes the concept of the dual binary labor market segmentation.(4) applying the analysis structure of the dual binary labor market segmentation to make relatively systematic study on not only the segmentation for the different effect for the dual sides of supply and demand labor but also the difference of employment chance and wage. Furthermore, this paper analyses the difference of the wage determination mechanism of different market sector.(5) making a relatively systematic investigation about the relation between the efficiency and fairness in the wage determination combining closely with the new spirit of the 17th CPC National Congress report. This paper point out that marketization of wage determination is the interior objective mechanism to realize the union of efficiency and fairness. However, non-marketization of wage determination is the main reason that causes the dual lack of efficiency and fairness in wage determination. This is a theoretical test for deepening the recognition of the relation of efficiency and fairness in the New Stage.(6) according to the research conclusion, proposing Countermeasures on three sides for making the labor market and the wage determination mechanism to be perfect: deepening the reform and governance of monopoly industry to maintain the fair and competitive market environment; respecting the property right of human capital and founding the marketization system of human capital pricing; impulse the reform of the system of social security and household register under the direction of the value viewpoint of fairness and justice.At last, point out the contribution of this paper and the problem that needs further discussion.

  • 【分类号】F249.2;F224
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1186
  • 攻读期成果

