

【作者】 张伟东

【导师】 杨河清;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 劳动经济学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 在军事领域,未来高技术战争的高知识含量和高科技需求决定了人才建设是质量建设和科技强军的关键,人力资本投资是各种国防资源投资中对国防效益贡献最大的投资,军事人力资本在军队和国防建设中的战斗力效用日益凸显。人力资本理论作为一种有力的理论分析工具,不仅开辟了人们分析经济现象的新视域,而且也带来了新的发展理念。研究军事人力资本、军事人力资本投资和军事人力资本投资的激励问题,必将对军事人力资本的投资实践产生积极的理论指导,并且有利于推动军队人才建设和质量建设,实现我军现代化建设的跨越式发展。本文从经济学的角度出发,审视我国军事人力资本投资激励中存在的问题、原因,并试图提出一些有针对性的对策,具有一定的理论与实践价值。本文主要运用经济计量与制度分析相结合、定量研究与定性研究相结合、实证分析与规范分析相结合的方法,同时运用了成本—收益法和比较分析法,集中阐述了我国军事人力资本投资的激励问题。论文的第一部分、第二部分为引言和基础理论部分,主要内容包括国内外理论研究综述、基本概念的界定、军事人力资本投资的基本原理、军事人力资本投资现状与成因分析等,从而在理论进行了全面的铺垫。第三、四、五、六章分别从投资体制、投资收益、投资风险、投资结构等四个军事人力资本投资的主要激励变量(或者说是主要因素)展开论述,其中的投资体制为投资激励的制度因素,投资收益和投资风险为直接因素,投资结构可视为补充因素。第七部分为论文的结论,并且针对下一步研究的努力方面进行了展望。本文得出的结论主要有:研究军事人力资本、军事人力资本投资和军事人力资本投资的激励问题,是适应时代发展要求、加强军队人才队伍建设和质量强军、科技强军的必然要求;军事人力资本除具有一般人力资本的特点外,还具有投资主体的多重性、使用的强制性、效益的难以评估性等特点,与此相对应,军事人力资本投资也具有投资的强计划性、投资主体的国家性、投资产出的公共性、投资目的的军事性、投资收益获取的间断性等特点;在社会主义市场经济条件下,引入市场化和或准市场化的投资体制,是适当时代发展要求、加强军事人力资本投资激励的必然选择;强化军人个体的人力资本投资收益是加强军事人力资本投资激励的重要环节,而军事人力资本参与收入分配则是提高军事人力资本投资收益的重要方面;无论是从军队组织层面和个人层面来看,都面临着人力资本投资的风险,而且组织层面面临的风险更大,因此有必要采取重视军事人力资本投资风险的防范问题;由专用性和通用性军事人力资本决定的军事人力资本投资结构问题也是影响军事人力资本投资激励的因素之一,不可避免地涉及到专用性与通用性军事人力资本投资的差异化激励问题,要在强化军人职业的功能、弱化通用性军事人力资本投资、加强专用性军事人力资本投资的前提下,对通用性军事人力资本投资引入投资成本的分担机制和灵活的契约安排制度;而对专用性较强的军事人力资本来说,可以通过加快军人职业化进程和完善军队内部劳动力市场来实现。

【Abstract】 Considering high technologies and knowledge are becoming major factors for winning future wars in the military field, talent building is the key to PLA’s quality building, and human capital investment is contributing more and more to the defense strength building and battle effectiveness enhancement. Human capital theory has not only opened up a new horizon for people to analyze economic phenomena, but also brought about new development conceptions. The research into military human capital, military human capital investment as well as military human capital investment incentive will surely produce positive theoretical indications, and will be condusive to the PLA’s human resource and talent management and quality building as well as the leapfrog development of PLA’s modernization. This paper is based on an ecomic perspective, and tries to probe into the problems and causes of China’s military human capital investment incentive, and put forward some suggestive countermeasures from both theoretical and practical perspectives.For clearly expounding the topic of military human capital investment incentive, this paper mainly uses the following research methodologies: combination of ecometrics and institutional analysis, combination of positive and normative analysis, cost-benefit as well as comparison analysis etc. The paper is mainly composed of eight parts: part 1 is the preface and part 2 is the basic theoretical background, and these two parts mainly introduce the literature review, definitions of basic and key terms, fundamental principles of military human capital investment, actuality and causes of PLA’s human capital investment and its incentive. Part 3 , 4, 5 and 6 detailedly elaborate the subject matter from the perspectives of investment mechanism, investment benefits, investment risks and investment structure, which are the main four factors affecting military human capital investment incentive. Among them, investment mechanism is considered as the institutional factor, investment benefits and investment risks the direct factors, and investment structure the supplementary factor. Part 7 is the final part of the paper, which summarizes the main research conclusions and offers an explanation of major points to be further researched.The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: Firstly, the research into military human capital, military human capital investment as well as military human capital investment incentive is the requirement of the times and is of great theoretical and practical value to the PLA’s talent management and quality building as well as the pace of building a strong army through science and technology; Military human capital not only shares the characteristics of general human capital, but also possesses some unique features, such as the multiplicity of investors, cooerciveness of usage, difficulty of benefit evaluation etc. Correspondingly, the military human capital investment boasts of the characteristics such as strong planning nature of investment decision-making, nation’s key role during the investment process, publicness of investment output, military utilization of investment intention, and discontinuity of investment income gaining etc.; During the process of developing the market econmy with socialist characteristics, introducing a marketized or quasi- marketized investment mechanism during the course of military human capital investment is the inevitable choice for being more adaptive to the era’s development requirements and strengthening military human capital investment ; improving serviceman’s personal investment income is one of the key links for military human capital investment incentive, and military human capital participating in the income distribution is an important aspect of improving serviceman’s personal investment income; Both the army and individual serviceman will probably face the risks incurred by human capital investment, and the risks against the army are often more obvious. Thus it is necessary to pay enough attention to the precaution of military human capital investment risks; the military huamn investment structure decided by general-purpose and specific-purpose military huamn capital is one important factor, and it will inevitablly involves the problem of differentiated incentive methods between general-purpose and specific-purpose military huamn capital. On the premise of strengthening servicemen’s professional function, reducing the investment of general-purpose military huamn capital and increasing the investment of specific-purpose military huamn capital, investment cost sharing and flexible labor contract arrangement are introduced for the investment of general-purpose military huamn capital, and professionalization of servicemen and the army’s internal labor market building are recommended for the investment of specific-purpose military huamn capital.


