

【作者】 王建军

【导师】 黄津孚;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代以来,信息经济、网络经济和知识经济的作用日益明显,有利于环境稳定的规则与控制等因素正趋于瓦解,企业的经营环境(竞争环境)正从以往相对稳定的静态环境转向复杂多变和充满不确定性的动态环境。在日益动荡复杂的环境下,企业作为一个开放的、动态的、非线性的复杂系统,其成长过程呈现出不确定、非线性的特点。企业如何在动荡的环境中实现持续成长,不仅是企业、政府关注的焦点,也成为理论研究的热点。本文在对既有企业成长理论、企业与环境关系理论和机遇管理理论进行文献研究的基础上,以环境不确定性、企业异质性和决策有限理性为理论前提,从动态复杂环境下机遇管理的视角对企业成长开展研究,把机遇作为联系企业与环境的重要因素,从企业成长的环境分析出发,通过对企业成长与环境、环境与机遇、机遇与企业成长的研究,探索企业非线性成长的根源与过程。本文坚持理论与实践相结合,采用了规范研究、调查问卷和案例对比分析相结合的研究方法。本文认为,环境是企业生存和发展的空间,环境变化影响企业成长,不同环境下企业成长具有不同的模式。低不确定性环境下的企业成长一般表现为渐变式成长;高不确定性环境或动态复杂环境下的企业成长则更多表现为突变式成长。企业在不同环境下所表现出的不同成长模式不是固定不变的,会随着环境要素的变化而变化。根据对环境与机遇关系的研究,本文认为,环境的变动将对机遇的构成要素及其实现机制产生重要影响,从而影响机遇的分布特性,主要表现在环境对机遇出现的概率、机遇的有效区间和机遇价值的变化上。企业成长是企业在一定的环境中不断发展壮大的过程,是企业量(绩效)的增加和质(竞争能力)的提高相结合的过程。竞争优势的获取与持续是企业成长的前提和保证。本文从经济租金的角度对机遇与企业竞争优势的关系进行了研究,认为机遇管理有利于企业获得并保持基于低成本和差异化的张伯伦租金、基于资源和能力的李嘉图租金、基于知识和创新的熊彼特租金。也就是说,对机遇的认知和利用可以推动企业成长。因为不同企业的机遇管理水平存在着差异,本文还对机遇管理的影响因素进行了探讨。本文认为,企业的机遇管理水平的差异主要来源于企业机遇管理能力和应变机制发挥作用的差异。机遇管理能力是企业进行机遇辨识、评价、利用和营造的能力,主要包括企业家能力、学习能力和创新能力;应变机制是企业在机遇管理过程中支持和保证机遇的辨识、评价、利用和营造的机制,主要包括柔性机制和整合机制。根据对环境、机遇、企业成长的理论分析,本文提出了“环境-机遇-成长”的分析框架。本文认为,环境变化产生机遇,而对机遇的有效利用可以推动企业成长。企业成长可以分为两种形式,即渐进式成长方式和突变式成长方式。作为资源和能力结合体的企业在环境的作用下进行演化,当环境的变动程度不大、不确定程度较低时,依靠自身实力推动企业成长,因为实力的长期积累性和相对稳定性,这种成长是连续的、渐进的,可以称之为“渐进式成长”;当环境变动程度较大、不确定性程度较高时,企业面临的机遇增多且价值较高,企业可以利用机遇推动企业成长,由于机遇的耦合性、非平衡性、不平等性、不稳定性等特性的作用,这种成长的结果是不连续的、突变的,可以称之为“突变式成长”。企业在这两种成长机制的交互作用下不断演化,最终实现成长。为验证理论假设的真实性,在理论分析的基础上,本文选择国内企业利用问卷调查方法进行了实证研究,并进行了案例对比分析,为论文理论分析提供了较好的现实佐证。最后,本文根据研究结论与发现,结合国内企业实际,提出了利用环境加快企业成长的机遇管理策略。

【Abstract】 From 1990s, with the surge and wide spread of globalization and the emergence of new economy such as information economy, internet economy and knowledge economy, the environment of enterprises have changed from a simple and static environment to a complex and dynamic environment. In this situation, as an open, dynamic, nonlinear and complex system, the growth of enterprise has become uncertainty and nonlinear. How to realize lasting growth for enterprise in dynamic and complex environment, which is not only the focal point that enterprises and government have been concentrating on, but also the hot topic that the theorists have been paying close attention to.Based on the research of present literature of the theory on the enterprise growth, the enterprise and the environment relations and the opportunity management, this paper regarded the environment uncertainty, enterprise heterogeneity and bounded-rationality of organization decision-making as the theory research premises. From the angle of opportunity management, this paper took the opportunity as an important factor linking the enterprise and the environment, analyzed the environment of firm growth, researched the correlation of the environment, opportunity and enterprise’s growth, and explored the headspring and procedure of the nonlinear growth of the enterprise.In order to insist combining theories with practices, this paper adopted theoretical analysis method, empirical research and case research.This paper argued that the environment was the space of firm survives and growth and its changing influenced the growth of the firm. There had different enterprise’s growth mechanisms in different environments. The enterprise’s growth always presents a gradual-growth in the low-uncertainty environment; on the contrary, it always presents a mutation-growth in high-uncertainty environment. The paper deemed that enterprise’s growth mechanism was not a stable situation and would transform reciprocally accompanying the change of the environment.According to the research of relations between the environment and the opportunities, this paper argued that the change of the environment would influence greatly to the composing factors and the realization mechanism of the opportunity, and then affected the opportunity’s distributing characteristic, mainly on the changes of the opportunity’s emergent probability, available period and values.This paper thought that the enterprise’s growth was a continuously process of development and grandness in some circumstance and a process of the quantity (performance) and quality (competence) of enterprise. The paper argued that it was the precondition and guarantee for enterprise’s growth to gaining and sustaining competition advantage. According to the research on relations between opportunity management and competition advantage, the paper thought that opportunity management was favorable for gaining and sustaining the Chamberlain rents which based on the total cost advantage and differentiation, the Ricardian rents which based on the resource and competence, the Schumpeterian rents which based on the knowledge and innovation. In another word, the recognizing and using of opportunity would promote the growth of enterprise.Because of the differentiation of opportunities management of different enterprises, the paper also discussed the factors that could influence the enterprises’ opportunities management. This paper thought that the differentiation of opportunities management mainly rooted in the ability to opportunity management and the response mechanism of the enterprises. The ability to opportunity management is an ability that can recognize, evaluate, use and build the opportunities, mainly include entrepreneur ability, learning ability and innovating ability. The response mechanism is a mechanism that can sustain and guarantee the success of the opportunity management process, mainly include flexibility mechanism and integration mechanism.According to the research on the environment, opportunities and enterprise’s growth, this paper put forward an analyzing framework named "environment-opportunity-growth". The paper argued, environment changes bring opportunity, and opportunities promote growth. The growth of enterprise could be differentiated two ways: a gradual-growth and a mutation-growth. The enterprise that regarded as a combo of resource and competence evolved in the changing environment. When the changes of the environment were small and the uncertainty was low, the enterprise grew depending on the strength or core competence. Because of the long-term accumulation and stability of the strength or core competence, the way of growth was continuous and incremental, so it called gradual -growth. On the contrary, when the changes of the environment were great and the uncertainty was high the enterprise grew depending on the opportunity. Because of the coupling, disequilibrium, inequality and instability of the opportunity, the way of growth was discontinuous and radical, so it called mutation-growth. The enterprise evolved continuously under the two ways’ action and realizes growth.In order to validate the hypothesis, besides the theoretical analysis, this paper also researched with the way of questionnaire investigation and case research, the theoretical analysis result of the thesis is testified and sustained. Finally, based on the result of empirical research and theoretical analysis, combining with the fact of China enterprises, this paper put forward some opportunity management suggestions on how to fasten the growth of the enterprise by using the environment changes.

  • 【分类号】F272;F224
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】827
  • 攻读期成果

