

Study on Taichi Organizational Culture

【作者】 贲恩正

【导师】 郑海航;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 企业管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文通过对中国本土的组织文化进行较为全面系统的研究,充分借鉴西方组织文化理论的研究成果,提出太极组织文化的概念,初步建立太极组织文化模型,探索一条适合当代中国企业文化建设的新途径。20世纪80年代以来,西方现代管理思想随着改革开放的大潮涌入中国。由于文化传统和价值观的差异,照搬西方的管理理论和方法往往并不适合中国企业的发展需要,片面追求效率不仅会使组织内部人际关系紧张,而且会造成组织与外部环境的矛盾和冲突。目前,中国社会出现的诚信缺失、道德沦丧、环境严重污染等现象都充分说明重建中国组织文化的必要性和紧迫性。中国传统的太极组织文化具有追求和谐、关注群体利益、重视人际关系、强调相互义务等特征,它以人为出发点,善于利用心理因素和制约机制来调整组织出现的不平衡和无序状态,善于启发人的道德自觉,对于上下、左右关系强调相互承担义务,从而达到和谐与稳定。本文在全面回顾太极组织文化形成和衍变历程的基础上,借鉴西方组织文化的研究方法和最新成果,归纳和总结了太极组织文化的主要内容,从基本认识、价值观和外在表现形式等三个层次分析了太极组织文化的构成,提出太极组织文化的基本认识主要包括5个方面,即“天人合一”的世界观、伦理化的认识论、“性本善”的人性观、积极入世的人生观、家族主义的人际关系。此外,本文还从集体主义与个人主义、道德取向与利益取向、理性原则与感情欲望三个方面论述了太极组织文化的二元调和价值观,从礼仪、面子、人情、风水等四个方面论述太极组织文化的外在表现形式,构成了比较完整的太极组织文化体系。本文从权威转移和财产分配两个维度把太极组织文化分为紧密、共和、专制和松散四个类型,并指出太极组织文化一方面强调权威在维护组织统一中的重要性,另一方面也主张要适当满足组织成员的个体利益需求,因而有助于营造和维持和谐统一的局面。其功能主要表现在三个方面:促进集体利益与个人利益相统一:运用道德规范约束组织内部冲突;提高组织与外部环境和谐相处的合作变通能力。本文对“阴阳”、“五行”、“八卦”等中国古代传统文化概念重新进行了解释,在此基础上,借鉴国内外比较流行的文化评估工具,提出以“八卦图”为核心的太极组织文化评估体系,归纳出太极组织文化测评的5个步骤。本文还对太极组织文化管理和提升提出了可行的操作方法和流程,即通过核心价值观的提炼和传播,使组织全体成员统一思想、凝聚人心,形成共享的价值观。最后,本文分析太极组织文化变革的原因,并提出文化变革和创新的方式和步骤,力求对处于转型时期的中国企业如何建设组织文化具有一定的指导意义。本文在研究中主要采用了文献研究法、定性与定量研究、比较研究、交叉研究、个案分析等研究方法,从管理学、经济学、文化学、社会学、心理学等多学科的角度对太极组织文化进行分析,寻找中国传统文化对组织成员的意识和行为施加影响的方法和途径,从中发现组织文化建设的规律,补充和完善当代中国的组织文化理论体系。本文对太极组织文化理论进行了实证分析,并建立了诊断与评估模型,使其更具有时代性和可操作性,对提高企业文化建设的质量和效率,避免流于形式化和空泛化,具有一定的现实意义。本文力求有助于人们在企业经营管理中充分发挥太极组织文化的优势,使企业更加和谐,更具有凝聚力和竞争力。

【Abstract】 With systematically and completely studying on Chinese native organizational culture and using research of Western Organizational Culture theory for reference, this dissertation puts forward the concept of "Taichi Organizational Culture" and establish the "Model of Taichi Organization Culture" to explore a new way that would be suitable for establishing present Chinese enterprise culture.Along with Chinese Opening Policy, western modern management theories have wave to China since 1980s. Because of differences between China and Western countries in both culture and value, directly using western management theories could not suit the development of Chinese enterprises. Purely pursuing efficiency would not only cause organization internal conflict, but also would cause disagreement and confliction between organizations and environment. At the present time, many phenomena such as shortage of trust, moral bankruptcy, seriously environment pollutions are showing the necessity and anxiety of rebuilding Chinese organizational culture.Chinese traditional Taichi organizational culture has features of pursuing harmony, concerning group benefit, caring interpersonal relationship and emphasizing one another responsibilities. Starting from human-oriented, Taichi culture is good at using psychology factors and restricting mechanism to adjust the imbalance and disorder state, and illumining human’ s moral consciousness to take responsibilities among all around relationships, then to reach relative harmony and stabilization.On bases of entirely reviewing the form and developing course of Taichi organizational culture and by consulting study and lately achievement of western organizational culture, this dissertation has induced and summarized the main content of Taichi organizational culture, and has analyzed composing of Taichi organizational culture in three layers, which are basic assumption, value and outside form. The basic assumption includes five aspects, which include world view of "respecting for mutual harmony existed between the Nature and human beings" , ethically epistemology, humanity view of "Men are naturally good" , view of life philosophy of "perfect himself and save the world" , and human relationship of "keep personal distance and sequence" . Moreover, the dissertation discusses on duality view of Taichi organizational culture from three aspects of "collective or private" , "justice or benefit" and "truth or desire" . Through aspects of amenity, face, human relationship, geomantic omen and etc, it dissertates outside form of Taichi organizational culture and forms a relatively complete system of Taichi organizational culture.This dissertation divides Taichi organizational culture into four types including tight, republic, autarchy and relax types by two dimensionalities of authority transferring and property distributing, and shows that on the one hand Taichi organizational culture emphasizes the importance of authority in maintaining unify of organization, on the other hand it protests properly meeting individual benefits of organization members, and then to help establishing and keep harmonious phases. The functions of Taichi organizational culture include three aspects, which are promoting unification of collective and private benefit, using moral criterion to restrict organization internal conflict, and improving cooperating capability between organization and outside environment.Re-explaining Chinese ancient culture notions of "Yinyang" , "Wuxing" , "eight-diagram" and learning from world popular culture evaluating tools, this dissertation advances Taichi organizational culture evaluating system with the core of "eight-diagram chart" , and concludes five approaches of Taichi organizational culture evaluation. It also puts forward feasible operation measures and procedures which mean using abstraction and spreading of core value to unify thoughts of whole organization members, then increase coherence and form shared value.Finally, this dissertation analyzes reform reasons of Taichi organizational culture, and brings forward culture reform and innovation ways and processes, in order to have some instruct significance in helping Chinese enterprises to build organizationalculture during the transition period.In this dissertation, the author uses many different research ways and methods, such as literature research, qualitative and quantitative analysis, cross research analysis and case analysis to analyze Taichi organizational culture in many points of views, such as Management, Economy, Culture, Sociology and Psychology, in order to search methods and approaches that Chinese traditional culture influencing member’ s conscious and behavior, then look for rules of establishing organizational culture, trying to supply and perfect present Chinese organizational culture theory system. By using demonstration to analyze Taichi organizational culture, this dissertation establishes diagnosis and evaluating model. All these efforts are trying to have more time features and more maneuverability and have more realism meaning in improving quality and efficiency of enterprise culture establishment. This dissertation tries to help people exerting the advantages of Taichi organizational culture and then harmonizing enterprises and increasing coherence and ability to compete.


