

Research on the Mechanisms, Models and Systems of Knowledge Management in Modern Manufacturing Enterprises

【作者】 苏用专

【导师】 李必强;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 知识经济时代,现代制造企业中的管理形式和内容都发生了重大的变化,需要采用不同于传统制造业的管理理念与方式方法。现代制造企业知识管理的机制、模式与体系构建研究的目的在于拓展知识管理理论和促进知识管理应用。本文的研究对象定位于现代制造企业,对现代制造企业中知识管理的形成机制、运作机制、知识管理相关模式、知识管理体系进行详细的分析论证和深度案例研究。本文研究共分9章。第1-3章是研究的基础,包括了对知识管理的理论基础的综述,制造现代制造企业知识、知识管理内涵分析。第4-7章详细分析了现代制造企业知识管理的机制、模式、体系。在知识管理机制的分析基础上,进一步对知识管理模式进行探讨,最后再对知识管理体系进行系统性的研究。从现代制造企业知识管理的成因入手,探讨了知识管理的形成机制;从现代制造企业知识运作过程、现代制造企业知识投入产出、现代制造企业知识资本运作机制等方面阐述了现代制造企业知识管理的知识运作机制;以编码化和人本化模式分类,讨论了现代制造企业知识管理的模式;对现代制造企业知识管理的构建方法和规划,作了深入分析。第8章以A起重机制造现代制造企业为例对其知识管理实施过程进行了研究,分析了其知识管理实施过程,总结了关键成功因素,并对结果进行了评价。第9章对全文进行了总结和展望。本文研究的结论总结为两个方面。首先,拓展了知识管理的内涵,并深化了知识管理的相关概念。在知识管理的动力机制中,从新角度将科学管理看作是知识管理的先驱,从而将知识管理的内涵拓展。从知识管理角度,探讨了准时化生产、全面质量管理、业务流程重组、核心竞争力培育等创新管理方式,并将它们纳入到知识管理范畴进行研究,说明在这些管理创新中知识管理的作用和影响。通过对知识管理的知识运作机制的研究,探讨了在现代制造企业中的知识投入产出机制、资本运作机制、知识转化机制等问题,并提出了相关看法和观点,使知识管理的理念得到深化。其次,拓展了知识管理的应用,提出了应用的方式。探讨了编码化模式和人本化模式的知识管理的内涵。全面系统介绍了现代制造企业知识管理的构建步骤。通过案例展示了一个成功的现代制造企业知识管理的实施过程。对于现代制造企业知识管理具有借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Great changes have taken place in the management styles and contents of modern manufacturing enterprises with the evolving of the knowledge economic era. An urgent need for new methodologies and ideas,rather than those used in traditional manufacturing enterprises has come up to the scholars and practitioners. The paper research on the mechanism,model and system of knowledge management in modern manufacturing enterprises is aimed to broaden the knowledge management theory and promote the implementation of knowledge management in modern manufacturing enterprises.Taking modern manufacturing enterprises as our research object,the research investigates the evolving/operation mechanisms,models and systems of the knowledge management with careful theoretical analysis and intensive case study. Nine chapters are included in this dissertation.The first 3 chapters are combined as section 1,they present the research bases.In the first section,the author gives the definition of such concepts as the knowledge of manufacturing enterprises, knowledge management.And the dissertation also gives a comprehensive review on the theoretical bases of knowledge management in the first section.In section 2,that is the chapter 4 to chapter 7 presents a comprehensive analysis on the mechanisms, models and systems on the knowledge management of modern manufacturing enterprises.Based on the discussion of the mechanisms of knowledge management, the dissertation investigates the knowledge management models and systems.Based on a careful discussion on the initiation of knowledge management of modern manufacturing enterprises,the dissertation investigates the formulation mechanism of knowledge management.The dissertation also discusses the operational mechanisms with an investigation on the knowledge process,input and output of knowledge and the knowledge capital.The dissertation discussed the knowledge management models by arranging the models into coding method and human-centric method catogories.With a single case intensive research,chapter 8 investates the knowledge management implementation process in A crane manufacturing enterprise.Theoretical and practical implementations are presented in the end part of the case study.Conclusions and discussions are presented in chapter 9 Two conclusions are remarkable in this dissertation.First,the dissertation broads the connotation and deepens the knowledge management related concepts by taking modern manufacturing as its research objects.With a careful investigation on the knowledge management history,the paper argues that the scientific management is the originator of knowledge management.This argumentation broads the connotation of knowledge management.The paper investigates such creative management styles as Just-in-Time,Total Quality Management,Business Process Reengineering and Core competitive from the knowledge management perspective and included these styles in knowledge management research.The author investigates the roles of knowledge management in these management styles.The paper discuses the input/output mechanism,knowledge capital mechanism and knowledge transformation mechanism by an investigation on the knowledge management operation process.Second,the dissertation advances the implementation of knowledge management. The dissertation discusses the construction and plan of knowledge management in modernm manufacturing enterprises.Advice from the case study is valuable to the practitioners in the knowledge management field.

  • 【分类号】F406;F224
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1817
  • 攻读期成果

