

Research on Business Evolution and Its Risk

【作者】 阎铭

【导师】 谢科范;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文综合运用管理学、经济学、生物学、统计学等理论与方法,对企业进化及其风险进行了系统的研究。在研究企业进化的内涵与特征、企业进化的过程与机理、企业进化中的生存竞争、企业进化风险的同时,通过问卷调查,对若干企业及企业种群的进化问题展开了实证研究。具体研究内容及研究成果包括:第一部分为导论。阐述了企业进化及其风险研究的目的和意义,系统归纳、总结了企业进化及其风险的国内外研究现状,给出了本文研究的内容、方法与技术路线;第二部分为企业进化及企业生态系统的内涵。从企业基因层、企业个体层、企业种群层和企业群落层等四个层面上进行了企业与生物的对比分析,改进了企业DNA双链模型,提出了企业生态链概念及其模型,在此基础上总结出了企业的生物特性。从企业进化的概念、属性、形式以及企业进化与生物进化的差异等方面进行了分析总结,界定了企业进化的内涵。探讨了企业生态系统的概念及其构成,阐述了企业生态系统进化各阶段的不同特点。第三部分为企业进化的过程和机理。通过对企业外部环境的概念的界定、企业生态位理论的探索,揭示了企业外部环境对企业进化的影响,探析了企业对其外部环境的适应性问题。总结了企业进化过程中的成长模式及特点,发现了企业进化过程的作用机制,厘清了企业进化过程的特点。从自然选择和突变理论出发,探讨了企业进化的机理。第四部分为企业生存竞争与企业种群进化博弈分析。探讨了生存曲线、耐受性定律、贝格曼法则、r对策及k对策等企业生存理论,并解释了其企业生态学含义。从生态位重叠与竞争、生态位维度与生态位分离、基于生态位理论的企业竞争策略、生态位分离与错位经营等四个方面阐述了企业生存竞争理论。运用进化博弈论从种群内部和种群之间两个层面探讨了企业种群进化的机制与策略。第五部分为企业进化的风险。首先从外部环境和内部环境两个方面对企业进化的影响出发,阐述了企业进化的风险发生机制。然后从企业进化风险扩散的特性、扩散类型、扩散路径、扩散的关键要素、扩散过程、进化风险传递预测等6个方面入手探讨了企业进化风险的扩散机理。在此基础上,分析了企业种群与群落进化风险。进而,研究了企业进化风险预警评价模型及企业进化风险控制的基本理论和方法。第六部分为企业进化的实证分析。利用突变理论模型,建立了高科技企业基因突变预警模型并阐述了突变预警的基本方法和思路。运用灰色模型,揭示了企业基因与高科技企业成长之间的关联性以清晰识别影响高科技企业成长的关键基因。运用多准则模糊综合评价模型探讨了影响高科技在孵企业进化适应性的因素,并通过案例分析进行了验证。同时,利用结构方程模型,分析并验证了企业生态环境因子对目标企业进化适应性的影响。

【Abstract】 In this dissertation,a systematic research has been conducted on the business evolution and its risk,employing the knowledge and methodology of the management science,economics,biology and statistic comprehensively.Some important theories and concepts,such as the connotation and properties,the process and mechanism of the business evolution,as well the competition for survival,the risk of business evolution,have been studied thoroughly.Moreover,some empirical studies on the evolution of some specific businesses and populations have been implemented by questionnaire.The first part refers to introduction.The goal and significance of the research have been presented at first.Then the relative literatures has been reviewed and summarized systematically in this domain.The main contents,methodology and research framework have offered as well.The second part touches the research on the connotation of business evolution and business ecosystem.A comparison has been given between the creatures and firms on the view of business gene(meme),business organism,business population and communities.The opinion on the double chain structure of business DNA has been modified,as well the concept and model of business ecological chain has been advanced,based on which the biological properties of business has been concluded. The connotation of business evolution has been presented,after the analysis and summarization on the concept,features and format of business evolution as well the evolutionary difference between creature and business.This dissertation has also scrutinized the concept and structure of business ecosystem,expatiated the characteristics of the evolution of business ecosystem in each period.The third section has detected the process and mechanism of business evolution. Based on the work of defining business surroundings and exploring business niche theory,the dissertation has disclosed the influence of business surroundings on business evolution,summarized the pattern and properties of business growth in the process of its evolution,clarified the properties of business evolution,as well discovered the mechanism of business evolution.In the fourth part,the dissertation has analyzed the problems of competition for survival of business and evolutionary game referred to business population.It has told that the contents of the theory of business survival involving the laws of survival curve,tolerance,Bergrnann’s law and r-police & k-policy respectively, as well explained their business ecological meaning.From the viewpoints of the overlapping of business niche,the separation of the niche and the dimension of niche,the competition strategy based on the theory of niche,and the relationship between the separation of niche and operation staggering,the theory of competition for survival has been expounded.Finally,it has been discussed about the mechanism and strategy of the evolution of business population employing evolutionary game theory.It has been discussed about the problem of the risk in business evolution in the fifth parts.The dissertation has studied the mechanism of risk occurring in the process of business evolution after the discussion on the impact of business external and internal environments on business evolution.Then it has set forth the mechanism of risk diffusion in the process of business evolution based on the analyzes on the properties,species,path,critical factors,process of risk diffusion and prediction of the transmitting of the risk of evolution,finally,the dissertation has established an early-warning model on the risk of business evolution,as well studied the theory and measure of controlling the risk in business evolution.The sixth part has referred to the empirical study of business evolution, establishing a early-warning model referred to business gene catastrophe and telling the framework of the early-warning of catastrophe.Afterwards,employing the gray model and multi-criteria fuzzy appraisal model,the dissertation has disclosed the relationship between the IT business’s meme and its growth in order to identify the key memes dearly which affect its growth most,scrutinized the factors affecting the fitness of hi-tech incubating business,and testified the results with some real cases. Finally but not the least,employing SEM,the dissertation has analyzed and testified the influence of the ecological factors on the evolution of target business.


