

Corporate Employee Social Responsibility Management Research

【作者】 黄蕾

【导师】 欧阳润平;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 员工是企业最重要的利益相关者之一,也是企业履行社会责任的起点。近年来中国企业遭遇了巨大的社会责任危机,客观上迫切要求企业主动履行对员工的社会责任,积极探索有效的社会责任管理方法。但是,国内学术界对企业社会责任管理的理论研究尚处于初始阶段,尽管学者们对企业员工社会责任及其标准展开了广泛的讨论,但大多停留在理论推演和对责任标准应对之策等方面,从企业角度思考员工社会责任管理的文献较少,为本研究提供了现实依据和可能。本文以正义论和义利共生论为研究依据,期望能够在梳理国内外理论研究和实践经验的基础上,研究和探索符合中国国情的员工社会责任管理思路和具体的实践途径。鉴于中国企业社会责任数据库尚未建立,难以进行数据横向对比,在研究过程中我们在广泛搜索相关文献的基础上,选择了2家有代表性的企业进行实地典型调查,搜集了29份企业社会责任报告,对337名人事从业者进行了问卷调查,采用理论与实证相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合的研究方法完成了研究。西方企业的员工社会责任管理已形成了较为完善的管理体系,不仅拥有丰富的管理内容,构建了多层面的价值引导,还探索出系统的管理实施方法。进一步的分析发现,现代西方企业员工社会责任管理的成功运作,离不开西方国家的人文背景和众多利益相关者的推动与支持,良好的人文背景使得顾客、股东和供销商以市场驱动的方式推动了企业的责任管理,工会、行业协会和人权保护组织等非政府组织以公正、独立的立场成为坚定的推动力量,政府的监管和推动也是促企业成功履责的重要条件之一。探讨这些条件的存在及影响对于推进中国企业员工社会责任管理具有积极的意义。相较于员工社会责任管理理论研究和实践在西方企业的发展,该课题的理论研究在中国还是一个新兴领域,但是中国企业的员工社会责任管理实践却早已有之,以国有企业为代表的一些优秀企业已经积累了较为丰富管理经验,并且在市场化进程中不断发展和锤炼这些经验,具体表现在员工权益保护、民主公开管理、企业文化建设和福利保障等多个方面。近几年来,主动发布企业社会责任报告并承担相应责任已经成为部分社会意识较强企业的共识。同时,我们也必须承认,中国在企业员工社会责任的管理实践中仍然存在诸多问题,表现在责任管理主体缺位错位、责任管理内容较窄、管理水平整体较低、基本权益保护不足等方面。这些问题的出现与中国现行制度、经济和文化方面的种种不足密切相关,这些不足同时也制约着企业员工社会责任管理选择。依据中国学者欧阳润平提出的义利共生论,可以将中国企业员工社会责任管理类型划分为义利对立型、义利共存型、义利共溶型和义利共生型四种,义利对立型源于义利对立的错误观念,而后三种类型则是义利统一的集中体现。中国企业需要结合企业自身实际情况,依循底线正义、实事求是和循序渐进的原则选择员工社会责任管理类型。结合中国社会、经济和文化的现实,不适宜对中国大多数企业提更高的责任要求,依据中国现行劳动法律法规和相关责任标准进行管理即义利共存型是中国企业的主流选择,而且,义利共存型是义利共溶型和义利共生型两种类型的基础,这种选择客观上有利于鼓励中国大部分企业承担相应责任,在持续的履责过程中逐步挖掘和分享履行社会责任对企业和社会发展的积极意义,进而在更广的范围和更深的层次上承担社会责任。义利共存型企业员工社会责任管理对企业管理者和人事从业者提出了新的挑战,要求管理者成为员工社会责任管理的设计者、推行者和调控者,人事从业者成为员工利益与企业利益的平衡者,国家劳动法律的捍卫者与执行者、员工社会责任管理的引导者与推动者。责任管理委员会、工会和人事部门职能的明确为督促企业改进员工社会责任管理提供了良好的组织保证。同时,管理者还需要颁布社会责任管理制度,规范企业内部的正式与非正式制度。管理实施途径从两个方面展开:一是依照法律和责任标准对企业内部管理活动进行循环改进,即分别在计划、执行、审核、处理等阶段加强对企业活动的约束。二是监控和分析外部可能对企业产生影响的公共社会议题,制定管理应对方案以提高管理的预见性和有效性。最后,管理的顺利推行还有赖于企业内部管理体系的支撑,也有赖于外部社会保障体系、社会监督体系、社会评价体系的合力保障,提高全民的公民意识也是管理活动取得成功的关键之一。

【Abstract】 Employee is one of the most important stakeholders and starting point that enterprises fulfill their social responsibility. In recent years Chinese enterprises encounter a great social responsibility crisis, it requires the corporate to implement corporate social responsibility voluntarily and urgently objectively, explore effective corporate social responsibility management method. But domestic academic research on corporate social responsibility is still at the initial stage, they discuss the corporate social responsibility and its standards widely, but staying at theory of deducing and the response plan to responsibility standard. There are few articles that relate to employee social responsibility management, which provide real basement and possibility for my research. This paper bases on the justice theory and Co-generation of righteousness and benefit theory, aims to explore corporate social responsibility management thinking and the practice of specific ways on the basis of carding theoretical study and practical experience home and abroad. In view of Chinese’s corporate social responsibility database has not been established yet, it is the difficult to compare the data horizontally, we select two representative companies and made typical survey on the basis of studying a wide range of relevant literature search, and collect 29 corporate social responsibility reports, conduct a survey to 337 personnel practitioners, and complet the research by combining theoretical and empirical, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis research methods.Western practice of corporate social responsibility has formatted a system, it is of not only rich content, a multi-level value guide, but also explore system options for the management. Further analysis finds that the successful operation of modern western employee management of social responsibility can not be separated from the humanities background and many stakeholders’promotion and support. Good humanities background makes customers, shareholders and supplier promote the company’s responsibility management in a market-driven approach. Trade unions, trade associations and human rights protection organizations and other non-governmental organizations become the strong driving force at an impartial and independent position. The government supervision and promotion also is one of the successful conditions. Discussing existence and impact of these conditions has a positive meaning to promote the Chinese enterprises social responsibility management.In contrast to the development of the employee social responsibility management theory research and practice in west the enterprises, CSR management research is still a new field in China, the practice of CSR management has existed for a long time; some excellent enterprises have accumulated much experience, and keep developing these experiences continuously in the market. At present, publish corporate social responsibility report has become consensus of corporate with strong social responsibility sense. At the same time, we must recognize that there are many problems in specific CSR practice; these problems have great relationship closely with various deficiencies of Chinese current system, economic and cultural fields.According to Co-generation of righteousness of Chinese scholars Ouyang runping, Chinese enterprises social responsibility management can be divided into the following four types: the management of righteousness and benefit confrontation type, the management of righteousness and benefit co-existence type, the management of righteousness and benefit confusion type, the management of righteousness and benefit co-generation type. The first type comes from the wrong idea of righteousness and benefit, and the other three types are concentrated reflection of unity righteousness and benefit. Chinese enterprises need to combine their own actual situation, follow the bottom line of justice, seeking truth from facts and fulfilling the responsibility gradually, and then choose the type of social responsibility management. Considering social, economic and cultural realities of China, it is not proper to mention a higher responsibility demands to the majority of our business enterprise. It is better to run the business according to our country’s current labor laws and regulations and relevant standards, which means the management of righteousness and benefit co-existence type is main choice of Chinese enterprises. Moreover, this choice is good for encouraging most enterprises conduct responsibility, assumed responsibility in the ongoing process of gradually mining and sharing positive significance that fulfill their social responsibilities to enterprises and social development, conduct the responsibility in a broader context and deeper level.The management of righteousness and benefit co-existence type demands a new challenge to the enterprise managers and personnel practitioners, it demands the manager become the designer, promoter and controller, and also requires personnel practitioners to make a balance between employee and company benefit, defend and implement the country’s labor law, guide and promote the management. The existence of responsibility management Committee and trade unions provide a good organizational guarantee to urge the enterprises to improve the social responsibility of the management. At the same time, managers also need to promulgate the social responsibility management, standardize enterprise regulations include the formal and informal system. The implementation of management is from two aspects: Firstly, it needs to make the cycle improvement to internal management activities to strengthen constraints of the business activities the in accordance with the law and standards of corporate responsibility; it is planning, implementation, examination, treatment stage. Secondly, it needs to monitor and analysis public social issues that are likely to have an impact on the enterprise, make management program to improve management predictability and efficiency. Finally, management also depends on the smooth implementation of internal management system of support, and external social security system, social system of supervision and evaluation system of social protection efforts, moreover, improve the people’s civic awareness and management activities is one of the key to the success.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

