

Research on Hegel’s and Marx’s Solutions to the Problems of Civil Society by Comparison

【作者】 王代月

【导师】 赵甲明;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 马克思主义理论, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文通过分析黑格尔和马克思的市民社会问题解决路径,来探讨黑格尔和马克思人类解放观的关系。在英国古典经济学的影响下,黑格尔从逻辑上将市民社会规定为特殊性、普遍性和教化相统一的体系,是精神自我实现的一个必要环节。但对现实的观察,又使他意识到市民社会的普遍性演变为了实证性,对物欲追逐的坏无限使市民社会失去了教化力量,最终导致贫富悬殊以及贱民产生,市民社会失去了自我扬弃的内部机制。他认为由承认危机所导致的占有性个人主义是市民社会问题的产生原因。因此,他试图通过理性国家来教化个体,使个体养成伦理性人格,自觉遏制对物欲的追求,挽救市民社会的存在,实现精神的解放和人类的解放。马克思对市民社会问题的把握经历了一个从生动的直观到思维抽象,再到思维具体的过程。第一阶段,他将市民社会的问题归结为物对人的支配,以及由此导致的人性异化。第二阶段,他认识到物是生产关系和交换关系异化的产物。第三阶段,他在辩证总体观的指导下,深入到资本家生产方式之中,破解了资本(它以商品和货币这两种形式表现出来)支配人的根本原因是资本主义私有制下资本与劳动的对立。资本作为总体攫取了社会力量。人类解放只能通过自由人联合体扬弃资本家市民社会才能实现。而且,马克思还破解了所谓人类解放理论的悖论。他认为在革命的实践活动中人和环境的改变是辩证统一的,并不存在施蒂纳所说的旧人改造旧的社会关系的悖论。通过改造资本家生产方式,人类社会得到解放,而在此过程中,人类自身被改造,这体现在无产阶级“彻底需要”的产生上。黑格尔和马克思两种解放观的差异体现在:(1)究竟是以理性国家来维持市民社会的存在还是以自由人联合体扬弃资本家市民社会;(2)是通过个体的思想改变来实现人类解放,还是通过社会的改变与人的改变的统一来实现解放;(3)是通过精神解放来实现人类解放,还是通过无产阶级现实的实践活动来实现人类解放。差异产生的现实原因是黑格尔马克思两人所处时代背景的不同,这导致他们理论立场的分歧;理论原因则是两人哲学观的不同。

【Abstract】 The dissertation aims to compare Hegel’s human emancipation theory with Marx’s by discussing their solutions to the problems of civil society.According to the classical political economy, Hegel assumed that civil society has three determinations: universality, particularity and education. Logically, civil society is the necessary element of the development of Spirit. However, Hegel recognized that the reality of civil society has many problems, namely universality turned into positivity, bad infinite of pursuing material pleasures exhausted the educational function of civil society, which resulted in the gap of the rich and the poor. As a result, civil society cannot sustain its being. So Hegel posited rational state to educate individual, and attempted to save civil society by changing individual thought, which would lead to Spirit emancipation and human emancipation as well.Marx grasped the problems of civil society after three stages of exploration. To begin with, he regarded fetishism as the problem of civil society. In the second stage, Marx changed his view on civil society and pointed that the alienation of human relationship is the true problem of civil society. Finally, Marx searched into the capitalistic mode of production and found that the reason for human controlled by human powers and relations is the antimony of labor and capital. So human can emancipate themselves only by association. Furthermore, Marx solved the puzzle of human emancipation, for he discovered the coincidence of the changing of circumstances and of human activity or self-changing. That is, when human emancipate themselves by changing the capitalistic mode of production, they change themselves, proletariat’s“radical needs”is a case in point.What distinguishes between Marx’s and Hegel’s human emancipation theory is as follows: (1) the essence of their true community; (2) their approach to human emancipation; (3) the result of their appeal for human emancipation.

【关键词】 马克思人类解放自由人联合体
【Key words】 Marxhuman emancipationfreemen association
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

