

Studies on the Design Ideology of William Morris

【作者】 滕晓铂

【导师】 张夫也;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 设计艺术学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 威廉·莫里斯(William Morris,1834.3.24-1896.10.3)是英国19世纪后半期杰出的艺术家、设计师、浪漫主义诗人和小说家,同时又是英国社会主义运动的先驱者之一。莫里斯在现代设计史上占有重要地位,他之所以被称为“现代设计之父”,更多地是因为其设计思想的现代性而不是其具体设计实践所体现的内容。威廉·莫里斯的设计思想可概括为四个方面:艺术为大众服务、艺术与技术的结合、劳动的愉悦、实用与美的结合。虽然莫里斯的设计实践与其设计思想之间不能完全对应,甚至有时是相反的,但不能否认的是其设计思想的现代性:“艺术为大众服务”强调了民主,这是现代设计最重要的原则之一;“艺术与技术的结合”强调了艺术与技术的结合,这个思想奠定了现代设计发展模式的基础,莫里斯公司的工作室制度在后来的包豪斯体系甚至当下的设计教育中仍被沿用;“劳动的愉悦”强调了工作者的劳动状态,这是对人性的关怀,对现在的设计发展仍具有警示意义;“实用与美的结合”是莫里斯在实践领域的行动力体现,在实践中,莫里斯十分强调“实用”与“美”的结合,这对于后来的现代设计注重实用、经济和美观的功能主义审美思想,具有重要的启迪作用。威廉·莫里斯时刻关心生活和文化之间的关系,同时,他的设计理论与设计实践紧密相连,他是现代设计史上为数不多的既能够从事大量系统的设计实践,又能够在理论上建树颇深的人,他可谓是设计师里面的思想家。本论文希望通过对威廉·莫里斯设计思想的个案研究,讨论设计与社会、文化、经济发展等等之间的关系,并且在现代设计史研究内容和研究方法的探讨上,做一些积极的探索。威廉·莫里斯对于现代设计的发展影响深远,对于设计艺术历史与理论研究领域来说,他也是一个很好的个案研究对象。同样,对于国内设计史研究领域来讲,还有众多的与威廉·莫里斯齐名的重要人物值得我们去继续深入研究。

【Abstract】 William Morris (1834.3.24-1896.10.3) is a distinguished artist, designer, romantic poet and novelist of the 19th century, and he is also one of the pioneers of the socialist movement in England. His importance as both a designer and propagandist for the arts cannot be easily be overestimated, and his influence has continued to be felt throught the 20th century. He was a committed Socialist whose aim was that, as in the Middle ages, art should be for the people and by the people, a view expressed in several of his writings.William Morris occupies an important position in the history of modern design. The aim of this paper is to study his design ideology. The research methods of this paper advocated that William Morris’s life should not be separated to different parts as the poet, the designer, the businessman, the Socialist, the protector of ancient buildings and the printer; he was all of these, his life was a coherent whole, and his eventual aim was to create a society that would value art and that would be totally infused with art. This paper is going to explain why William Morris has been called‘the father of modern design’, his design ideology but not his design practice made this.William Morris always concerned about the relationship of life and culture, at the same time, there is a very profound relationship between his design ideology and his design practice. He is the one of few designers in modern design history who had a huge number of works as well as design ideology, he is a thinker of the designers.William Morris had made significant achievements in the history of modern design. In this case study, the author will discuss the relationship of politics, economy, culture, society and design. At the same time, to do something positive on the study of the History of Modern Design in the content and methods of research exploration.

【关键词】 19世纪英国威廉·莫里斯设计思想
【Key words】 19th CenturyEnglandWilliam MorrisDesign Ideology
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期

