

【作者】 赵翠阳

【导师】 麦耘;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 慧琳《一切经音义》(后文简称《慧琳音义》)是《切韵》音到韵图音的中间阶段,在中古汉语语音史上占有非常重要的地位。黄淬伯先生、谢美龄先生、金雪莱博士以及其他一些中日学者对其语音进行了研究,取得了很多成果,但是在方法和语音史的探讨上仍有进一步的研究空间。本文的创新之处主要在于:1.材料的处理上,建立数据库,对语料进行标注加工。该数据库中,单字共注音34994次,其中反切法注音28256次,直音法注音6738次。2.运用系统参照法和概率统计法对《慧琳音义》的韵类系统进行分析。3.利用《慧琳音义》的材料探讨语音史上的一些问题,如庚三韵与清韵、尤韵与幽韵、轻唇音以及韵图体制形成等问题。本文的结论主要有:1.《慧琳音义》的韵类系统大大简化,根据本文的分析探讨,共有42个韵类。2.《慧琳音义》中寒桓、真谆、歌戈等韵仍未分化,在这些韵中,唇音字不分开合口。3.《慧琳音义》中,重纽两类的区别仍然存在,重纽A类与纯四等韵相混,重纽B类与普通三等韵相混。反切上字和反切下字都是区分重纽两类的重要依据, 99.6%的重纽两类可以按区分原则进行区分。4.《慧琳音义》中,舌齿音跟重纽两类仍有着密切的关系,通常是庄组、云母与B类同,精组、以母与A类同。知组、来母总体上来说是属于B类,但有时也与A类接近。章日组总体上来讲属于A类,但有少数字已经演变为B类。5.慧琳时期的语音条件还不能完全满足《韵镜》形制的产生。但是最重要的语音条件——重纽韵A类与纯四等韵合流已经产生,纯四等韵产生了[i]介音。6.语音演变主要是以词汇扩散的方式在进行,如章日组的变化、庄组的升格等,但是佳韵的演变以及鱼、虞韵的区分很可能是受南音金陵音的影响。

【Abstract】 Yiqiejingyinyi by Huilin which is called Huilin Yinyi for short at the following passages is in the period from Qieyun to Yuntu, so it is one of the most valuable materials for us to study the phonetic situation of the Middle Ancient Chinese. Many scholars such as Mr. Huang Cuibo and Xie meiling have made some researches on it. But we can still make progress in the methods and make further study in the field of the Phonetic History.This dissertation has the following characteristics.First, creating a database to deal with the phonetic data. At last, we collect 28256 Fanqie and 6738 Zhiyin. Second, taking GuangYun as a reference system and using the probability statistics method to judge and analyze the system of Yunmu, This method can eliminate the random error and can provide a precise criterion to judge whether the Yunmu should be merged or not. Third, using the material of Huilin Yinyi to deal with some problems in the phonetic history.In the dissertation, we get such conclusions as following.1. The system of Yunmu in Huilin Yinyi is much simple than in Qieyun.There are 42 kinds of Yun in time of Huilin.2. Han and Huan, Zhen and Zhun, Ge and Ge still belong to the same Yun respectively.3. There is Chongniu in Huilin Yinyi. But it has new characters compared with the one in the period of Qieyun.Chongniu A has mixed with the fourth-grade Yun. Chongniu B has mixed with the common third-grad Yun. Fanqie Shangzi and Fanqie Xiazi could be used together to distinguish Chongniu A and Chongniu B.4. In Huilin Yinyi, the linguals and the dentals have close relatives with Chongniu A and Chongniu B.5. Although Chongniu A has merged into the fourth-grade Yun in Huilin Yinyi ,which is the most important condition for the appearance of Yunjing, the other two conditions has not been found. So we conclude that the prototype of Yunjing did not appear at that time of Huilin.6. Many phonetic changes have appeared in the way of Lexical-Diffusion. Such as the changes of Zhang and Ri, the upgrade of Zhuang, and so on.

  • 【分类号】H11
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】448

